今天看一篇文章,提到当年美国对苏联实行“遏制”,用的 container 一词。心中忽然一动。
这不是 js 中的 容器么一词么?
都出现在哪些相关的 js 中呢?
1, css 框架:bootstrap
2, 在 js 中,对象即是容器,里面装了0 至 N 个属性
对象是属性的容器,其中每个属性都拥有名字和值。属性的名字可以是包括空字符串在内的任意字符串。属性的值可以是除 undefined 值之外的任何值。
(摘自js精粹中文版 p34)
3. 上面是js中对对象的描述。
回想自己,初次接触到对象一词,是在 powershell实战一书中,立马又找了出来,看看里面是怎么描述的:
An object is a unit that contains both data (properties)and the information on how to use that data (methods).
Let’s look at a simple example. In this example, you’re going to model a lightbulb as an object. This object would contain data describing its state—whether it’s off or on.
(来看个简单的例子,在这个例子中,你将把一个灯光来模拟成一个对象。这个对象将 拥有(contain)描述它状态的数据-灯泡是亮着的还是关着的。)
It would also contain the mechanisms or methods needed to change the on/off state. Non-object-oriented approaches to programming typically put the data in one place,
(它还应该 包含(contain)一种机制或者说方法来改变开/关状态。非面向对象的编程方法通常会把数据放在单独的一个地方)
perhaps a table of numbers where 0 is off and 1 is on, and then provide a separate library of routines to change this state. To change its state, the programmer would have
to tell these routines where the value representing a particular light bulb was. This process could be complicated and is certainly error prone. With objects, because both the
data and the methods are packaged as a whole, the user can work with objects in a more direct and therefore simpler manner, allowing many errors to be avoided.
(摘自 windows powershell实战(第2版) p11)