<select id="findDealerInfo" parameterType="com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.api.beans.DealerInfoBean" resultType="com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.api.beans.DealerInfoBean"> SELECT dea.uid uid, dea.enabled_flag enabledFlag, dea.delete_flag deleteFlag, dea.tenement_id tenementId, dea.parent_id parentId, pd.name parentName, dea.name name, dea.type type, dea.bar_code barCode, dea.outer_code outerCode, dea.outer_id outerId, dea.mne_code mneCode, dea.address address, dea.address_xy addressXy, dea.business_area businessArea, dea.business_area_xy businessAreaXy, con.uid cantactUid, con.name contactName, con.mobile mobile, dpo.uid depotUid, dpo.name depotName, dpo.address depotAddress, dpo.depot_code depotCode, dpo.ship_scope shipScope FROM dealer AS dea LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.* FROM contact AS a where tenement_id = #{tenementId} and main_contact = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.domain.Contact@IS_MAIN} AND a.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} AND a.enabled_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@ENABLED_FLAG_EN}) con ON dea.uid = con.dealer_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT b.* FROM depot AS b where b.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} AND b.enabled_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@ENABLED_FLAG_EN}) dpo on dpo.dealer_id = dea.uid LEFT JOIN dealer pd on pd.uid = dea.parent_id WHERE dea.tenement_id = #{tenementId} AND dea.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} <if test="name != null and name != '' "> AND dea.name LIKE '%' #{name} '%' </if> <if test="type != null and type != '' "> AND dea.type = #{type} </if> <if test="outerCode != null and outerCode != '' "> AND dea.outer_code = #{outerCode} </if> <if test="mneCode != null and mneCode != '' "> AND dea.mne_code = #{mneCode} </if> <if test="address != null and address != '' "> AND dea.address LIKE '%' #{address} '%' </if> <if test="businessArea != null and businessArea != '' "> AND dea.business_area LIKE '%' #{businessArea} '%' </if> <if test="parentName != null and parentName != '' "> AND pd.name LIKE '%' #{parentName} '%' </if> <if test="contactName != null and contactName != '' "> AND con.name LIKE '%' #{contactName} '%' </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile != '' "> AND con.mobile = #{mobile} </if> order by dea.parent_id ,dea.create_date </select>
integer类型的查询条件在判断是否为null的时候,只需要判断 !=null即可,否则本判断条件会出现问题,正确的写法如下:
<select id="findDealerInfo" parameterType="com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.api.beans.DealerInfoBean" resultType="com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.api.beans.DealerInfoBean"> SELECT dea.uid uid, dea.enabled_flag enabledFlag, dea.delete_flag deleteFlag, dea.tenement_id tenementId, dea.parent_id parentId, pd.name parentName, dea.name name, dea.type type, dea.bar_code barCode, dea.outer_code outerCode, dea.outer_id outerId, dea.mne_code mneCode, dea.address address, dea.address_xy addressXy, dea.business_area businessArea, dea.business_area_xy businessAreaXy, con.uid cantactUid, con.name contactName, con.mobile mobile, dpo.uid depotUid, dpo.name depotName, dpo.address depotAddress, dpo.depot_code depotCode, dpo.ship_scope shipScope FROM dealer AS dea LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.* FROM contact AS a where tenement_id = #{tenementId} and main_contact = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.domain.Contact@IS_MAIN} AND a.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} AND a.enabled_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@ENABLED_FLAG_EN}) con ON dea.uid = con.dealer_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT b.* FROM depot AS b where b.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} AND b.enabled_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@ENABLED_FLAG_EN}) dpo on dpo.dealer_id = dea.uid LEFT JOIN dealer pd on pd.uid = dea.parent_id WHERE dea.tenement_id = #{tenementId} AND dea.delete_flag = ${@com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.dealer.base.common.BaseDomain@DELETE_FLAG_NO} <if test="name != null and name != '' "> AND dea.name LIKE '%' #{name} '%' </if> <if test="type != null "> AND dea.type = #{type} </if> <if test="outerCode != null and outerCode != '' "> AND dea.outer_code = #{outerCode} </if> <if test="mneCode != null and mneCode != '' "> AND dea.mne_code = #{mneCode} </if> <if test="address != null and address != '' "> AND dea.address LIKE '%' #{address} '%' </if> <if test="businessArea != null and businessArea != '' "> AND dea.business_area LIKE '%' #{businessArea} '%' </if> <if test="parentName != null and parentName != '' "> AND pd.name LIKE '%' #{parentName} '%' </if> <if test="contactName != null and contactName != '' "> AND con.name LIKE '%' #{contactName} '%' </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile != '' "> AND con.mobile = #{mobile} </if> order by dea.parent_id ,dea.create_date </select>