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  • C#实验——Glossary

    Whatoday_To-Do Part


    Version 1.0

    Revision History






    WinPhone8.1 APP

    The initial idea of the project, first   developing phone app

    王善宇 刘畅   刘敬成


    Win8.1 APP

    Transform the phone app to the Windows   Store 8.1 platform




    Start the last platform, WPF, changing   the functions


    Table of Contents

    1.      Introduction  4

    2.      Details about the To-Do list part in WinPhone 8..1  4

    2.1       Start Page  4

    2.2       Add Page  5

    2.3       View Page  5

    2.4       Search Page  6

    Whatoday To-Do Part

    1.            Introduction

    This application provides 3 different ways to record your daily life. To-Do list, allows users to manage their events and set alarms or reminders. Daily cost, the part where users could store their daily spend, also a method to record life. Last part, 3-word-a-day, requests users to write down 3 words to conclude every day. It will give toasts at 20:00 to ask you to do the conclusion.

    2.            Details about the To-Do list part in WinPhone 8.1

    2.1          Start Page

    Buttons: to navigate to different kinds of pages (add, view, search). Down below there’s a table showing the events whose deadline is to system date, or which are in progress during the system date.


    2.2          Add Page

    Ask for details for the new event the user is adding. (title,  content, deadline, priority, long_term_choice). Also will check whether the content is completed when click finish button.


    2.3          View Page

    Show all the events according a given date. Up right the date picker can change the given date, by press button search the page will change. Also can click See Details to alter proper events.


    2.4          Search Page

    Two ways to search, by key words or by deadline date. User can check at the square box before Deadline, then choose a date. Key word can just be typed into the key word input box. (Note that the word is case-sensitive)


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