#1. #A:使用关键字with后,会在不需要访问文件后将其关闭 #B:open(),默认以"r"的形式打开文件,close()分别用于关闭文件 #C:读取文件的方法:read()默认读取整个文件,可以指定读取字节。readline()读取一行,readlines()按行读取后存入列表,当传入读取字节数目后,则读取的内容可能是行的一部分 #D:python3将文件当做一个可迭代的类型,此方法比较好 #E:seek()设置开始读的位置, tell()得到当前开始读取位置 #Test.txt内容是12 22 32 with open("Test.txt") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = '12 22 32' with open("Test.txt", "rb") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = b'12 22 32' with open("Test.txt", "rb") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read(4) #buffFile = b'12 pFile = open("Test.txt") buffFile = pFile.readline() #buffFile = '12 ' pFile.close() buffFile = "" with open("Test.txt") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.readlines()#buffFile = ['12 ', '22 ', '32 '] pFile = open("Test.txt") buffFile = '' for line in pFile: #python3将文件当做一个可迭代的类型 buffFile += line #buffFile = '12 22 32' pFile.close() pFile = open("Test.txt") pFile.seek(1) value = pFile.tell() #value = 1 buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = '2 22 32' pFile.close() #2. #A:open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True) #B:在Python3,可以通过open函数的newline参数来控制Universal new line mode:读取时候,不指定newline,则默认开启Universal new line mode,所有 , , or 被默认转换为 # 写入时,不指定newline,则换行符为各系统默认的换行符( , , or ),指定为newline=' ',则都替换为 (相当于Universal new line mode); # 不论读或者写时,newline=''都表示不转换。 #Test.dat内容:'1', 0x0d, '2', 0x0d, 0x0a, '3', 0x0a, '4' with open("Test.dat") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = '1 2 3 4' with open("Test.dat", "rb") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = b'1 2 3 4' with open("Test.dat", "r", newline = "") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = '1 2 3 4' #TestWithNull.dat内容:'1', 0x0d, '2', 0x0d, 0x0a, '3', 0x0a, '4', 0, 0 with open("TestWithNull.dat", "rb") as pFile: buffFile = pFile.read() #buffFile = b'1 2 3 4x00x00' #3. #A:write()用于写入文件 #B:writelines()用于写入多行 with open("Write.txt", "wb") as pFile: pFile.write(b'1 2 3 4x00x00') #文件中内容:0x31 0x0d 0x32 0x0d 0x0a 0x33 0x0a 0x34 0x00 0x00 with open("Write.txt", "w") as pFile: pFile.write('1 2 3 4x00x00') #文件内容:0x31 0x0d 0x32 0x0d 0x0d 0x0a 0x33 0x0d 0x0a 0x34 0x00 0x00 with open("Write.txt", "w", newline = '') as pFile: pFile.write('1 2 3 4x00x00') #文件内容:0x31 0x0d 0x32 0x0d 0x0a 0x33 0x0a 0x34 0x00 0x00 with open("Write.txt", "w") as pFile: # pFile.write(b'1 2 3 4x00x00') #运行时候报错:must be str, not bytes pass value = ["123", '456'] with open("Write.txt", "w") as pFile: # pFile.write(value) #运行时候报错:must be str, not list pass value = ["123", '456'] with open("Write.txt", "w") as pFile: pFile.writelines(value) #文件内容:123456 #4. #A:python使用异常来管理程序执行期间发生的错误。每当发送错误的时候,都会创建一个异常对象,若编写了处理该异常的代码,则程序会继续运行,否则会报错 #B:split()根据字符串创建一个单词列表 #C:pass语句充当占位符,表示当前不做任何事 #value = 1 / 0 #此处会出现异常 try: value = 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: print("Error") #Error else: print('Not Error') try: value = 1 / 1 except ZeroDivisionError: print("Error") else: print('Not Error') #Not error try: pFile = open("NotExitFile.dat") except FileNotFoundError: print('File Not Find') #File Not Find else: pFile.close() value = 'hello world bad world' result0 = value.split() #result0 = ['hello', 'world', 'bad', 'world'] result1 = set(result0) #result1 = {'world', 'bad', 'hello'} #5. #A:loads()将字符串解析为json格式, dumps将json格式解析为字符串 #B:load()从文件中读取内容并解析为json格式,dump()将json解析成的字符串写入文件 import json value = '{"people" : [{"A" : 90}, {"B" : 80}, {"C" : 70}],"data" : 10}' jsonValue = json.loads(value) #jsonValue = {"people" : [{"A" : 90}, {"B" : 80}, {"C" : 70}],"data" : 10} data = jsonValue['people'] #data = [{'A': 90}, {'B': 80}, {'C': 70}] data = jsonValue['data'] #data = 10 jsonValue['Test'] = 'szn'; #jsonValue = {"people" : [{"A" : 90}, {"B" : 80}, {"C" : 70}],"data" : 10, "Test": "szn"} value = {"people" : [{"A" : 90}, {"B" : 80}, {"C" : 70}],"data" : 10}; json_str = json.dumps(value) #json_str = '{"data": 10, "people": [{"A": 90}, {"B": 80}, {"C": 70}]}' with open("JsonFile.json", "w") as pFile: json.dump(value, pFile) #文件内容:{"data": 10, "people": [{"A": 90}, {"B": 80}, {"C": 70}]} with open("JsonFile.json") as pFile: buff = json.load(pFile) #buff = '{"data": 10, "people": [{"A": 90}, {"B": 80}, {"C": 70}]}' value = {1:2, '1':2} #value = {1: 2, '1': 2} json_str = json.dumps(value) #json_str = '{"1": 2, "1": 2}' Test = json.loads(json_str) #Test = {'1': 2}