The Fobidden error often raised when using to open some urls.
such as:
url_1 = ''
url_2 = ''
request.urlopen(url_1) # ** no error raised
request.urlopen(url_2) # ** Fobidden error raised
Here is the reason:
When using urllib.request.urlopen to visit a URL, the server will only receive a simple request for this webpage without knowing the hidden infos about exploer,operating system,platform, which are abnormal.
Some websited will vefify the UserAgent info to prevent the abnoraml visisting.
So the solution : Add these infos to the UserAgent to acts as using exploer to visit
req = request.Request(url,headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) # ** this would fix, also you can add other infos to User-Agent