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  • Pointer

    1. const pointer

    pointer to const -> 指向的数据不能被修改

    const pointer -> 指针的地址不能被修改


    int a = 3;

    int b = 4;

    // read from right to left
    const int * p1 = &a; // a pointer to a const int
    int * const p2 = &b; // a const pointer to an int

    *p1 = b; // not OK
    p1 = &b; // OK
    a = 4; // OK: *p1 = 4

    p2 = &a; // not OK
    *p2 = a; // OK


    2. smart pointer

    A smart pointer is an abstract data type that stimulates a pointer with additional funationality, such as auto memory deallocation, reference counting, etc. In practise it could be a wrapper around of a regular pointer and forwards all meaningfull operations to the pointer

    The simplest smart pointer is autr_ptr which are defined in header file <memory>


    template <class T> auto_ptr {

    explicit auto_ptr(T* p): auto_ptr(p){}
    ~auto_prt() {delete ptr;}
    T& operator*(){return *ptr;}
    T* operator->(){return &ptr;}
    T* ptr;
    // other functionalities...


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/szzshi/p/7685467.html
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