编写支持双端队列的例程,插入与弹出操作均花费 O(1)时间
双端队列(deque,全名double-ended queue)是一种具有队列和栈性质的数据结构。
初始化:Left = Right = 0;
判空: Left = Right
判满: (Left - 1) % Capacity == Right
struct DequeRecord; typedef struct DequeRecord *Deque; struct DequeRecord { int Capacity; int Left; int Right; ElementType *Array; }; Deque CreateDeque( int MaxElements ); int IsEmpty( Deque D ); int IsFull( Deque D ); void MakeEmpty( Deque D ); void Push_Left( ElementType X, Deque D ); void Push_Right( ElementType X, Deque D ); ElementType Pop_Left( Deque D ); ElementType Pop_Right( Deque D ); void DisposeDeque( Deque D ); Deque CreateDeque( int MaxElements ) { Deque D; D = (Deque)malloc( sizeof(struct DequeRecord) ); if ( D == NULL ) { printf( "Out of space" ); return NULL; } D->Array = (ElementType *)malloc( sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements ); if ( D->Array == NULL ) { printf( "Out of space" ); return NULL; } D->Capacity = MaxElements; MakeEmpty( D ); return D; } int IsEmpty( Deque D ) { return D->Left == D->Right; } int IsFull( Deque D ) { return ( D->Left + D->Capacity - 1 ) % D->Capacity == D->Right; } void MakeEmpty( Deque D ) { D->Left = 0; D->Right = 0; } void Push_Left( ElementType X, Deque D ) { if ( IsFull(D) ) printf( "Full deque" ); else { D->Left = ( D->Left - 1 + D->Capacity ) % D->Capacity; D->Array[D->Left] = X; } } void Push_Right( ElementType X, Deque D ) { if ( IsFull(D) ) printf( "Full deque" ); else { D->Array[D->Right] = X; D->Right = ( D->Right + 1 ) % D->Capacity; } } ElementType Pop_Left( Deque D ) { ElementType TmpCell; if ( IsEmpty(D) ) { printf( "Empty deque" ); return 0; // 应该返回无效元素 } else { TmpCell = D->Array[D->Left]; D->Left = ( D->Left + 1 ) % D->Capacity; } return TmpCell; } ElementType Pop_Right( Deque D ) { ElementType TmpCell; if ( IsEmpty(D) ) { printf( "Empty Deque" ); return 0; } else { D->Right = ( D->Right - 1 + D->Capacity ) % D->Capacity; TmpCell = D->Array[D->Right]; } return TmpCell; } void DisposeDeque( Deque D ) { if ( D != NULL ) { free( D->Array ); free( D ); } }