Follow up for "Search in Rotated Sorted Array":
What if duplicates are allowed?
Would this affect the run-time complexity? How and why?
Write a function to determine if a given target is in the array.
思路:此题比较复杂,有三种情况需要判断:1. 左区间是正常的。 2. 右区间正常。 3. 左边和中间相等, 则说明左边到中间都是相同数字,此时需要判断时候和右边相等,如果不相等则搜索右边,如果相等则需要搜索两边。
class Solution { public: bool search(int A[], int n, int target) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function int left = 0; int right = n-1; while (left<=right){ int mid = (left+right)/2; if (A[mid] == target) return true; if (A[left]<A[mid]){//left is normally ordered if (A[left]<=target && target<=A[mid]) right = mid-1; else left = mid+1; } else if (A[mid]<A[left]){//right is normally ordered if (A[mid]<=target && target<=A[right]) left = mid+1; else right = mid -1; } else if (A[left] == A[mid]){//left half is all repeats if (A[mid] != A[right]) //If right is diff search it left = mid+1; else{//Else, we have to search both halves int result = search(A+left, mid-left, target);//search left if (result == false) return search(A+mid, right-mid, target);//search right else return result; } } } return false; } };