You don't have permission to access /cacti/index.php on this server.
1102 yum install nagios nagios-nrpe nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-nrpe check_logfiles
1103 htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
1104 service httpd restart
1105 chkconfig --add nagios
1106 chkconfig nagios on
1107 service nagios start
1108 top
1109 restorecon –R /var/www/html/
1110 less /etc/selinux/config
1111 cd /var/www/html/
1116 cd cacti/
1117 ll ind*
1118 chmod 777 index.php
1119 ll ind*
1120 service nagios stop
1121 service httpd restart
1127 chown -Rv cacti:cacti cacti/
1129 cat /etc/group
1130 chown -Rv cacti:cacti cacti/
1136 cd /etc/httpd/conf
1138 vi httpd.conf
1139 service httpd restart
1140 service nagios start
1141 vi httpd.conf
1142 service httpd restart
1143 service httpd restart
1144 vi httpd.conf
1145 cd /var/www/
1148 chmod -Rv 777 html/
1149 chmod -Rv 777 cacti/
1156 cd /etc/httpd/conf
1157 vi httpd.conf
1158 service httpd restart
1159 vi httpd.conf
1163 cd conf.d/
1165 less cacti.conf
1166 cat nagios.conf
1167 ll
1168 less cacti.conf
1169 cd ../conf
1170 vi httpd.conf
1171 cd /var/www/
1175 cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
1177 cp cacti.conf cacti.conf.save.bak
1179 vi cacti.conf
1180 service httpd restart
1181 vi cacti.conf
1182 service httpd restart
1183 cd /var/www/
1184 ll
1185 cd html/
1186 ll
1187 rm -f cacti/
1188 rm -f cacti
1189 ll
1190 cd ..
1191 ll
1192 cd html/
1193 ll
1194 ln -s ../cacti/ cacti
1195 ll
1196 rm cacti/
1197 rm cacti
1209 cp -rv ../cacti/ .
1211 chown -rv cacti:cacti cacti/
1212 chown -Rv cacti:cacti cacti/
1214 usermod -a -G cacti apache
1215 cd /tmp/
1217 cd /var/www/
1219 chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
1220 ll
1221 cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
1222 ll
1223 vi cacti.conf
1224 service httpd restart
1225 vi cacti.conf
1226 service httpd restart
1227 pwd
1228 ll
1229 vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf
1230 ll
1231 cd /var/www/
1232 ll
1233 cd html/
1234 ll
1235 cat /etc/group
1236 history
# vi /etc
添加了allow from all
service httpd restart
说明:默认cacti目录只允许本机127.0.0.1访问,如果不设置将会出现You don't have permission to access /cacti/ on this server.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf
Alias /cacti /usr/share/cacti
<Directory /usr/share/cacti/>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from