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  • Python爬虫基础之lxml

    一、Python lxml的基本应用

     1 <html>
     2  <head>
     3   <title>
     4    The Dormouse's story
     5   </title>
     6  </head>
     7  <body>
     8   <p class="title">
     9    <b>
    10     The Dormouse's story
    11    </b>
    12   </p>
    13   <p class="story">
    14    Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
    15    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/elsie" id="link1">
    16     Elsie
    17    </a>
    18    ,
    19    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/lacie" id="link2">
    20     Lacie
    21    </a>
    22    and
    23    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/tillie" id="link3">
    24     Tillie
    25    </a>
    26    ; and they lived at the bottom of a well.
    27   </p>
    28   <p class="story">
    29    ...
    30   </p>
    31  </body>
    32 </html>


     1 from lxml import etree, cssselect
     2 from cssselect import GenericTranslator, SelectorError
     4 parser = etree.HTMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
     5 document = etree.fromstring(html_doc, parser)
     7 # 使用CSS选择器
     8 sel = cssselect.CSSSelector('p a')
     9 results_sel_href = [e.get('href') for e in sel(document)]  # 打印a标签的href属性
    10 results_sel_text = [e.text for e in sel(document)]  # 打印<a></a>之间的文本
    11 print(results_sel_href)
    12 print(results_sel_text)
    14 # 使用CSS样式
    15 results_css = [e.get('href') for e in document.cssselect('p a')]
    16 print(results_css)
    19 # 使用xpath
    20 try:
    21     expression = GenericTranslator().css_to_xpath('p a')
    22     print(expression)
    23 except SelectorError:
    24     print('Invalid selector.')
    26 results_xpath = [e.get('href') for e in document.xpath(expression)]  # document.xpath('//a')
    27 print(results_xpath)

    2.cleaning up html 


     1 # cleaning up html
     2 # 1.不使用Cleaner
     3 from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner
     4 html_after_clean = clean_html(html_doc)
     5 print(html_after_clean)
     6 # <div>
     7 #    The Dormouse's story
     8 #  <body>
     9 #   <p class="title">
    10 #    <b>
    11 #     The Dormouse's story
    12 #    </b>
    13 #   </p>
    14 #   <p class="story">
    15 #    Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
    16 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/elsie" id="link1">
    17 #     Elsie
    18 #    </a>
    19 #    ,
    20 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/lacie" id="link2">
    21 #     Lacie
    22 #    </a>
    23 #    and
    24 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/tillie" id="link3">
    25 #     Tillie
    26 #    </a>
    27 #    ; and they lived at the bottom of a well.
    28 #   </p>
    29 #   <p class="story">
    30 #    ...
    31 #   </p>
    32 #  </body>
    33 # </div>
    35 # 2.使用Cleaner
    36 cleaner = Cleaner(style=True, links=True, add_nofollow=True, page_structure=False, safe_attrs_only=False)
    37 html_with_cleaner = cleaner.clean_html(html_doc)
    38 print(html_with_cleaner)
    39 # <html>
    40 #  <head>
    41 #   <title>
    42 #    The Dormouse's story
    43 #   </title>
    44 #  </head>
    45 #  <body>
    46 #   <p class="title">
    47 #    <b>
    48 #     The Dormouse's story
    49 #    </b>
    50 #   </p>
    51 #   <p class="story">
    52 #    Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
    53 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/elsie" id="link1">
    54 #     Elsie
    55 #    </a>
    56 #    ,
    57 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/lacie" id="link2">
    58 #     Lacie
    59 #    </a>
    60 #    and
    61 #    <a class="sister" href="http://example.com/tillie" id="link3">
    62 #     Tillie
    63 #    </a>
    64 #    ; and they lived at the bottom of a well.
    65 #   </p>
    66 #   <p class="story">
    67 #    ...
    68 #   </p>
    69 #  </body>
    70 # </html>

    二、Python lxml的实际应用


    这是网易云音乐华语歌曲的分类链接http://music.163.com/#/discover/playlist/?order=hot&cat=华语&limit=35&offset=0,打开Chrome F12的Elements查看到页面源码,我们发现每页的歌单都在一个iframe浮窗上面,每首单曲的信息构成一个li标签,包含歌单图片、


     1 <ul class="m-cvrlst f-cb" id="m-pl-container"> 
     2    <li> 
     3     <div class="u-cover u-cover-1"> 
     4      <img class="j-flag" src="http://p1.music.126.net/FGe-rVrHlBTbnOvhMR99PQ==/109951162989189558.jpg?param=140y140" /> 
     5      <a title="【说唱】留住你一面,画在我心间" href="/playlist?id=832790627" class="msk"></a> 
     6      <div class="bottom"> 
     7       <a class="icon-play f-fr" title="播放" href="javascript:;" data-res-type="13" data-res-id="832790627" data-res-action="play"></a> 
     8       <span class="icon-headset"></span> 
     9       <span class="nb">1615</span> 
    10      </div> 
    11     </div> <p class="dec"> <a title="【说唱】留住你一面,画在我心间" href="/playlist?id=832790627" class="tit f-thide s-fc0">【说唱】留住你一面,画在我心间</a> </p> <p><span class="s-fc4">by</span> <a title="JediMindTricks" href="/user/home?id=17647877" class="nm nm-icn f-thide s-fc3">JediMindTricks</a> <sup class="u-icn u-icn-84 "></sup> </p> </li> 
    12    <li> 
    13     <div class="u-cover u-cover-1"> 
    14      <img class="j-flag" src="http://p1.music.126.net/If644P7ZrfPm_qcvtYyfzg==/18936888765458653.jpg?param=140y140" /> 
    15      <a title="鞋子好看|国产自赏摇滚噪音流行" href="/playlist?id=721462105" class="msk"></a> 
    16      <div class="bottom"> 
    17       <a class="icon-play f-fr" title="播放" href="javascript:;" data-res-type="13" data-res-id="721462105" data-res-action="play"></a> 
    18       <span class="icon-headset"></span> 
    19       <span class="nb">77652</span> 
    20      </div> 
    21     </div> <p class="dec"> <a title="鞋子好看|国产自赏摇滚噪音流行" href="/playlist?id=721462105" class="tit f-thide s-fc0">鞋子好看|国产自赏摇滚噪音流行</a> </p> <p><span class="s-fc4">by</span> <a title="原创君" href="/user/home?id=201586" class="nm nm-icn f-thide s-fc3">原创君</a> <sup class="u-icn u-icn-1 "></sup> </p> </li> 
    22   </ul>


    首先实例化一个etree.HTMLParser对象,对html源码简单做下处理,创建cssselect.CSSSelector CSS选择器对象,搜索出无序列表ul下的所有li元素(_Element元素对象),再通过sel(document)遍历所有的_Element对象,使用find方法

    find(self, path, namespaces=None) Finds the first matching subelement, by tag name or path. (lxml.ettr/lxml.cssselect 详细API请转义官网http://lxml.de/api/index.html)


     1 from lxml import etree, cssselect
     3 html = '''上面提取的html源码'''
     4 parser = etree.HTMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
     5 document = etree.fromstring(html_doc, parser)
     7 sel = cssselect.CSSSelector('#m-pl-container > li')
     8 for e in sel(document):
     9     img = e.find('.//div/img')
    10     img_url = img.attrib['src']
    11     a_msk = e.find(".//div/a[@class='msk']")
    12     musicList_url = 'http:/%s' % a_msk.attrib['href']
    13     musicList_name = a_msk.attrib['title']
    14     print(img_url,musicList_url,musicList_name)
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