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  • English Training Material

    Could I leave a message?

    Language Checklist

    Telephoning (1)

    Introducing yourself

    Good morning, Aristo.

    Hello, this is … from … .

    Hello, my name's … calling from … .

    Saying who you want

    I'd like to speak to …, please.

    Could I have the … Department, please?

    Is … there, please?

    Saying someone is not available

    I'm sorry he/she's not available … .

    Sorry, he/she's away/not in/in a meeting/in Milan.

    Leaving and taking messages

    Could you give him/her a message?

    Can I leave him/her a message?


    Please tell him/her …

    Please ask him/her to ring me on …


    Can I take a message?

    Would you like to leave a message?

    If you give me your number I'll ask him/her to call you later.

    Offering to help in other ways

    Can anyone else help you?

    Can I help you perhaps?

    Would you like to speak to his assistant?

    Shall I ask him to call you back?

    Asking for repetition

    Sorry, I didn't catch (your name/your number/your company name/etc.).

    Sorry, could you repeat your (name, number, etc.).

    Sorry, I didn't hear that.

    Sorry, I didn't understand that.

    Could you spell (that/your name), please.

    Acknowledging repetition

    Okay, I've got that now.

    (Mr Kyoto.) I understand.

    I see, thank you.


    Skills Checklist

    Telephoning: Preparation for a call

    Reading – background information

    Desk Preparation

    Have the following available:

    • relevant documentation/notes
    • correspondence received
    • pen and paper
    • diary


    Check time available:

    How much time do you need?

    How much time do you have?



    Who do you want to speak to?

    In case of non-availability, have an alternative strategy:

    • call back/be called back – when?
    • leave a message
    • speak to someone else
    • write or fax information


    Do you want to:

    • find out information?
    • give information?



    Do you need to refer to:

    • a previous call?
    • a letter, order, invoice of fax?
    • someone else (who?)
    • an event (what? when?)



    What do you expect the other person to say/ask you? How will you respond?



    Key phrases (see Language Checkist)



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