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  • Python3编译,Conda3安装,Conda3配置,代理,镜像

    20200831 更新

    好久没有编译, 几乎忘了命令和踩过的坑, 来看自己的笔记发现也没有. 真是.以后还是要多笔记一下

    yum install gdbm-devel tk-devel xz-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel bzip2-devel ncurses-devel zlib=devel
    yum install gcc*

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python3.8.5 --enable-optimizations --with-ensurepip=install
    ./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3.7.9 --enable-shared

    #--enable-optimizations 会很慢, 如果不是生产环境, 就调过这一步吧.
    #--enable-shared 这个是解决一堆编译错误的

    make -j 8 make altinstall

    #有一步过不去, 最后 yum install zlib-devel 就好了

    export http_proxy=http://xxxx:80/ export ftp_proxy=http://xxxx:80/ export socks_proxy=socks://xxxx:80/ export https_proxy=http://xxxx:80/ export no_proxy=,,.xxxx,localhost,,::1



    安装conda, 最好选择miniconda, annaconda和系统一个annaconda居然重名,不知道系统里为什么有了一个这个东西...


    You have chosen to not have conda modify your shell scripts at all. To activate conda
    's base environment in your current shell session: eval "$(/usr/local/miniconda/bin/conda shell.YOUR_SHELL_NAME hook)" To install conda's shell functions for easier access, first activate, then: conda init If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, set the auto_activate_base parameter to false: conda config --set auto_activate_base false

    安装miniconda就一句话, 下载shell, 然后执行shell,然而想看看这个shell的内容, 是不可能的, 因为文件太大了, 估计是合在一起的.

    bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

    有几个步骤, 最后一步选择false

    Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:


    - Press ENTER to confirm the location
    - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
    - Or specify a different location below


    不过会修改.bashrc文件,加入一些东西.(干掉, 跟X系统中有个shell冲突了... centos里倒是可以)
    自己在.profile中加入miniconda/bin, 就OK了.

    使用pip3的包管理, 可能编程的时候可以使用,但是不能执行, 不清楚为什么, 留个疑问.
    比如pip3 install jupyter之后, jupyter notebook是不能 用的,
    使用conda install jupyter之后, 就可以用了.

    pip3 show selenium 可以查到安装了那些软件

    minicoda的下载目录就在安装目录下, /usr/local/miniconda/pkgs

    conda config --add channels https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/ 
    conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

    conda设置代理, 就直接编辑 ~/.condarc文件吧, 是yml格式的

      https: http://username:password@xxx.cn
      http: http://username:password@xxx.cn

    官方的配置点: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/configuration.html

    顺便扯一下其他代理: yum的代理在/etc/yum.conf

    pip代理 设置:

    pip install -r requirements.txt --proxy=代理服务器IP:端口号


    /etc/profile 会让所有应用都使用代理

    export http_proxy=socks5://
    export https_proxy=socks5://


    [root@xxx ~]# jupyter notebook
    [I 15:17:06.539 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
    [C 15:17:07.012 NotebookApp] Running as root is not recommended. Use --allow-root to bypass.
    ~]# jupyter notebook --allow-root [I 15:17:32.037 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /root [I 15:17:32.037 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: [I 15:17:32.037 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=xxxxx [I 15:17:32.037 NotebookApp] or [I 15:17:32.037 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation). [C 15:17:34.726 NotebookApp] To access the notebook, open this file in a browser: file:///root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-753-open.html Or copy and paste one of these URLs: http://localhost:8888/?token=xxxx or
    [root@xxxx xxxx]# ipython
    Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) 
    Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
    IPython 7.11.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
    In [1]: print("hello")                                                                                                                                                                                          
    In [2]:  

    ipython 使用的python是自己bin目录下的python, 可能是安装的时候把当时的python copy进去了.

    (?, 待验证, 因为我机器上编译完3.7.4装了miniconda, 后面又编译完3.7.6, miniconda里面的python还是python3.7.4)

    [xxx@xxx bin]# ll python
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 1月   2 18:55 python -> python3.7
    [xxx@xxx bin]# ll python3.7
    -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 12743912 8月  14 04:43 python3.7
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tekikesyo/p/12134669.html
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