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  • 使用windbg查看DependencyObject的属性







    与常规的managed debugging一样,首先attach到该进程上,然后加载sos


    0:011> .loadby sos clr


    0:011> !dumpheap -type MainWindow

    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319clr.dll -

    PDB symbol for clr.dll not loaded

    Address MT Size

    0000008300043bc8 00007ffa11afb918 664


    MT Count TotalSize Class Name

    00007ffa11afb918 1 664 WindbgDependency.MainWindow

    Total 1 objects



    0:011> !do 0000008300043bc8

    Name: WindbgDependency.MainWindow

    MethodTable: 00007ffa11afb918

    EEClass: 00007ffa11c41ec8

    Size: 664(0x298) bytes

    File: c:userscharjudocumentsvisual studio 2013ProjectsWindbgDependencyWindbgDependencyinDebugWindbgDependency.exe


    MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name

    00007ffa50764130 4000e1f 8 ...eading.Dispatcher 0 instance 000000830000c748 _dispatcher

    00007ffa5076ac00 400137d 10 ...endencyObjectType 0 instance 00000083000446c8 _dType

    00007ffa6f67e0f0 400137e 18 System.Object 0 instance 0000000000000000 _contextStorage

    00007ffa5076d668 400137f 20 ...ctiveValueEntry[] 0 instance 00000083000ad3c0 _effectiveValues


    00007ffa50764c80 4000330 1d0 ...spatcherOperation 0 instance 0000000000000000 _contentRenderedCallback

    00007ffa6f679080 4000331 1d8 System.WeakReference 0 instance 0000000000000000 _currentPanningTarget

    00007ffa50767440 40002e2 998 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 000000830001fdc0 TaskbarItemInfoProperty

    00007ffa50767440 40002e3 9a0 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 00000083000203a0 AllowsTransparencyProperty

    00007ffa50767440 40002e4 9a8 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 00000083000205a0 TitleProperty

    00007ffa50767440 40002e5 9b0 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 00000083000207d8 IconProperty

    00007ffa50767440 40002e6 9b8 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 00000083000209f0 SizeToContentProperty

    00007ffa50767440 40002e7 9c0 ...ependencyProperty 0 static 0000008300020e48 TopProperty



    0:011> !do 00000083000205a0

    Name: System.Windows.DependencyProperty

    MethodTable: 00007ffa50767440

    EEClass: 00007ffa505e7040

    Size: 88(0x58) bytes

    File: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll


    MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name

    00007ffa6f67db10 4001398 8 System.String 0 instance 000000830001d9f8 _name

    00007ffa6f67f6e0 4001399 10 System.Type 0 instance 00000083000021d0 _propertyType

    00007ffa6f67f6e0 400139a 18 System.Type 0 instance 000000830001d0f8 _ownerType

    00007ffa50765ef8 400139b 20 ....PropertyMetadata 0 instance 0000008300020540 _defaultMetadata

    00007ffa50766048 400139c 28 ...dateValueCallback 0 instance 0000008300020500 _validateValueCallback

    00007ffa5076d520 400139d 30 ...ndencyPropertyKey 0 instance 0000000000000000 _readOnlyKey

    00007ffa509d1f98 400139e 40 System.Int32 1 instance 262153 _packedData

    00007ffa5076cf78 400139f 48 ....InsertionSortMap 1 instance 00000083000205e8 _metadataMap

    00007ffa50766100 40013a0 38 ...erceValueCallback 0 instance 0000000000000000 _designerCoerceValueCallback

    00007ffa6f67e0f0 4001397 838 System.Object 0 static 0000008300008740 UnsetValue

    00007ffa5076b9a0 40013a1 830 ...ty, WindowsBase]] 1 static 0000008310007ce8 RegisteredPropertyList

    00007ffa6f681670 40013a2 840 ...ections.Hashtable 0 static 0000008300009f78 PropertyFromName

    00007ffa6f6803f8 40013a3 5d4 System.Int32 1 static 402 GlobalIndexCount

    00007ffa6f67e0f0 40013a4 848 System.Object 0 static 0000008300009fc8 Synchronized

    00007ffa6f67f6e0 40013a5 850 System.Type 0 static 0000008300009fe0 NullableType


    0:011> ? 0n262153

    Evaluate expression: 262153 = 00000000`00040009


    0:011> !da -details 00000083000ad3c0
    Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry[]
    MethodTable: 00007ffa5076d668
    EEClass:     00007ffa50612f30
    Size:        440(0x1b8) bytes
    Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 26, Type VALUETYPE
    Element Methodtable: 00007ffa507687d8
    [0] 00000083000ad3d0
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     000000830000edf0     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                    0     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source
    [1] 00000083000ad3e0
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     000000830001a9d8     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                    3     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source
    [2] 00000083000ad3f0
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     000000830009fe10     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                    5     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source
    [3] 00000083000ad400
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     000000830004b9f8     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                    9     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source
    [4] 00000083000ad410
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     00000083000bea58     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                   12     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source


    0:011> !do 000000830004b9f8    
    Name:        System.String
    MethodTable: 00007ffa6f67db10
    EEClass:     00007ffa6efb6a18
    Size:        60(0x3c) bytes
    File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64mscorlibv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089mscorlib.dll
    String:      魔法能量结合,巴啦啦能量,风雷电极



    0:019> ? 0n131290
    Evaluate expression: 131290 = 00000000`000200da

    0:019> ? da
    Evaluate expression: 218 = 00000000`000000da


    [16] 00000006e71a21c0
        Name:        System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry
        MethodTable: 00007ffa507687d8
        EEClass:     00007ffa50611710
        Size:        32(0x20) bytes
        File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILWindowsBasev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35WindowsBase.dll
                          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
            00007ffa6f67e0f0  40013c9        0            System.Object      0     instance     00000006e70e8be8     _value
            00007ffa6f654038  40013ca        8             System.Int16      1     instance                 218     _propertyIndex
            00007ffa509d2058  40013cb        a             System.Int16      1     instance                   11     _source


    0:019> !do 00000006e70e8be8    
    Name:        System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush


    0:019> !do 00000006e70e8be8    
    Name:        System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush
    MethodTable: 00007ffa4fc8fc60
    EEClass:     00007ffa4f948c58
    Size:        80(0x50) bytes
    File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64PresentationCorev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35PresentationCore.dll
                  MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
    00007ffa50764130  4000e1f        8 ...eading.Dispatcher  0 instance 0000000000000000 _dispatcher
    00007ffa5076ac00  400137d       10 ...endencyObjectType  0 instance 00000006e70d03b8 _dType
    00007ffa6f67e0f0  400137e       18        System.Object  0 instance 0000000000000000 _contextStorage
    00007ffa5076d668  400137f       20 ...ctiveValueEntry[]  0 instance 00000006e70e8c78 _effectiveValues
    00007ffa6f651800  4001380       28        System.UInt32  1 instance       1080557569 _packedData
    00007ffa50767440  400137b      7f0 ...ependencyProperty  0   static 00000006e70b6038 DirectDependencyProperty
    00007ffa5076d580  400137c      7f8 ...ndler, mscorlib]]  0   static 00000006e70b6090 InheritanceContextChangedHandlersField
    00007ffa6f67e0f0  4001381      800        System.Object  0   static 00000006e70b60b0 ExpressionInAlternativeStore
    00007ffa507693b0  4001382      808 ...onStorageCallback  0   static 00000006e70b7640 _getExpressionCore
    00007ffa5076d5f8  4001383      810 ...bject, mscorlib]]  0   static 00000006e70b60c8 DependentListMapField
    00007ffa5076ac00  4001384      818 ...endencyObjectType  0   static 00000006e70af4b0 DType
    00007ffa50767440  40013ed       30 ...ependencyProperty  0 instance 0000000000000000 _property
    00007ffa50770928  40013ec        8 ...able+EventStorage  0 TLstatic  _eventStorage
        >> Thread:Value <<
    00007ffa5076dbd0  4000d59      d60 ...rence, mscorlib]]  0   static 0000000000000000 StoredWeakReferenceField
    00007ffa50767440  4001ffd     2a70 ...ependencyProperty  0   static 00000006e70d05c0 OpacityProperty
    00007ffa50767440  4001ffe     2a78 ...ependencyProperty  0   static 00000006e70d0748 TransformProperty
    00007ffa50767440  4001fff     2a80 ...ependencyProperty  0   static 00000006e70d08d0 RelativeTransformProperty
    00007ffa4fc8b388  4002000     2a88 ...s.Media.Transform  0   static 00000006e70b5840 s_Transform
    00007ffa4fc8b388  4002001     2a90 ...s.Media.Transform  0   static 00000006e70b5840 s_RelativeTransform
    00007ffa4fc92da8  4002369       38 ...tiChannelResource  1 instance 00000006e70e8c20 _duceResource
    00007ffa50767440  4002368     3108 ...ependencyProperty  0   static 00000006e70d0360 ColorProperty
    00007ffa4fc8c878  400236a     3100 ...ndows.Media.Color  1   static 00000006f708c898 s_Color


    0:019> !do 00000006e70e8c38    
    Name:        System.Windows.Media.Color
    MethodTable: 00007ffa4fc8c878
    EEClass:     00007ffa4f948200
    Size:        64(0x40) bytes
    File:        C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64PresentationCorev4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35PresentationCore.dll
                  MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name
    00007ffa4fc90570  400206d        8 ...edia.ColorContext  0 instance 0000000000000000 context
    00007ffa50396648  400206e       20 ...a.Color+MILColorF  1 instance 00000006e70e8c58 scRgbColor
    00007ffa4fca4bb8  400206f       30 ...ia.Color+MILColor  1 instance 00000006e70e8c68 sRgbColor
    00007ffa6f641be0  4002070       10      System.Single[]  0 instance 0000000000000000 nativeColorValue
    00007ffa6f653968  4002071       18       System.Boolean  1 instance                0 isFromScRgb


    0:019> dd 00000006e70e8c68 l 1
    00000006`e70e8c68  00a5ffff

    如果稍微熟悉一下GDI,就知道它对应的RGB是0xff, 0xa5, 0x00,什么颜色呢?可以到mspaint里面简单看一下






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/teld/p/5019380.html
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