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  • js设计模式-桥接模式



        function getResultByIdBridge(e){
            getById(this.id, function(result){
                //TODO: this is operate result


      1 var asyncRequest = (function(){
      3     function handleReadyState(o,callback){
      4         var poll = window.setInterval(function(){
      5             if(o && o.readyState ==4){
      6                 window.clearInterval(poll);
      7                 if(callback) callback(o);
      8             }
      9         },50);
     10     }
     12     var getXHR = function(){
     13         var http;
     14         try{
     15             http = new XMLHttpRequest();
     16             getXHR = function(){
     17                 return new XMLHttpRequest();
     18             };
     19         }catch(e){
     20             var msxml = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
     21             for(var i =0, len = msxml.length;i <len;i++){
     22                 try{
     23                     http = new ActiveXObject(msxml[i]);
     24                     getXHR = function(){
     25                         return new ActiveXObject(msxml[i]);
     26                     };
     27                     break;
     28                 }catch(e){}
     29             }
     30         }
     31         return http;
     32     }
     34     return function(method,url,callback,postData){
     35         var http = getXHR();
     36         console.log("send url is:" + url);
     37         http.open(method,url,true);
     38         handleReadyState(http,callback);
     39         http.send(postData || null);
     40     }
     41 })();
     43 Function.prototype.method = function(name,fn){
     44     this.prototype[name] = fn;
     45     return this;
     46 }
     48 if(!Array.prototype.forEach){
     49     Array.method("forEach",function(fn,thisObj){
     50         var scope = thisObj || window;
     51         for(var i = 0, len = this.length;i<len;i++){
     52             fn.call(scope,this[i],i,this);
     53         }
     54     })
     55 }
     57 if(!Array.prototype.filter){
     58     Array.method("filter",function(fn,thisObj){
     59         var scope = thisObj || window;
     60         var a  = [];
     61         for(var i = 0 , len = this.length;i<len;i++){
     62             if(fn.call(scope,this[i],i,this)){
     63                 a.push(this[i]);
     64             }
     65         }
     66         return a;
     67     })
     68 }
     71 /******************************************/
     72 window.DED = window.DED || {};
     73 DED.util = DED.util || {};
     74 DED.util.Observer = function(){
     75     this.fns = [];
     76 }
     77 DED.util.Observer.prototype = {
     78     subscribe:function(fn){ //签署
     79         this.fns.push(fn);
     80     },
     81     unsubscribe:function(fn){
     82         this.fns = this.fns.filter(function(item){
     83             if(item != fn){
     84                 return item;
     85             }
     86         });
     87     },
     88     fire:function(o){
     89         this.fns.forEach(function(item){
     90             item(o);
     91         });
     92     }
     93 }
     95 DED.Queue = function(){
     96     this.queue = [];
     97     this.onComplete = new DED.util.Observer();
     98     this.onFailure = new DED.util.Observer();
     99     this.onFlush = new DED.util.Observer();
    101     this.retryCount = 3;
    102     this.currentRetry = 0;
    103     this.paused = false;
    104     this.timeout = 5000;
    105     this.conn = {};
    106     this.timer = {};
    107 };
    109 DED.Queue.method("flush",function(){
    110     if(!this.queue.length >0){
    111         return ;
    112     }
    113     if(this.paused){
    114         this.paused = false;
    115         return;
    116     }
    118     var that = this;
    119     this.currentRetry++;
    120     var abort = function(){
    121         that.conn.abort();
    122         if(that.currentRetry == that.retryCount){
    123             that.onFailure.fire();
    124             that.currentRetry = 0;
    125         }else{
    126             that.flush();
    127         }
    128     };
    130     this.timer = window.setTimeout(abort,this.timeout);
    131     var callback = function(o){
    132         window.clearTimeout(that.timer);
    133         that.currentRetry = 0;
    134         that.queue.shift();
    135         that.onFlush.fire(o.responseText);
    136         if(that.queue.length == 0){
    137             that.onComplete.fire();
    138             return;
    139         }
    140         that.flush();
    141     };
    143     this.conn = asyncRequest(this.queue[0]["method"],this.queue[0]["url"],callback,this.queue[0]["params"]);
    144     }).
    145     method("setRetryCount",function(count){
    146         this.retryCount = count;
    147     }).
    148     method("setTimeout",function(time){
    149         this.timeout = time;
    150     }).
    151     method("add",function(o){
    152         this.queue.push(o);
    153     }).
    154     method("pause",function(){
    155         this.paused = true;
    156     }).
    157     method("dequeue",function(){
    158         this.queue.pop();
    159     }).
    160     method("clear",function(){
    161         this.queue = [];
    162     });
    View Code


      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3     <head>
      4         <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5         <title></title>
      6         <style type="text/css">
      7             body{font:100% georgia,times,serif}
      8             h1,h2{font-weight: normal;}
      9             #queue-items{height:1.5rem;}
     10             #add-stuff{padding:0.5rem; background:#ddd; border:1px solid #bbb;}
     11             #result-area{padding:0.5rem; border: 1px solid #bbb;}
     12         </style>
     13     </head>
     14     <body id="exmapl">
     15         <div id="doc">
     16             <h1>Ajax Conection Queue</h1>
     17             <div id="queue-items"></div>
     18             <div id="add-stuff">
     19                 <h2>Add Requests to Queue</h2>
     20                 <ul id="adders">
     21                     <li><a href="#" id="action-01">add 01 to Queue</a></li>
     22                     <li><a href="#" id="action-02">add 02 to Queue</a></li>
     23                     <li><a href="#" id="action-03">add 03 to Queue</a></li>
     24                     <li><a href="#" id="action-04">add 04 to Queue</a></li>
     25                 </ul>
     26             </div>
     27             <h2>oTther Queue actions</h2>
     28             <ul id="items">
     29                 <li><a href="#" id="flush">Flush</a></li>
     30                 <li><a href="#" id="dequeue">dequeue</a></li>
     31                 <li><a href="#" id="pause">pause</a></li>
     32                 <li><a href="#" id="clear">clear</a></li>
     33             </ul>
     35             <div id="result-area">
     36                 <h2>Results:</h2>
     37                 <div id="results"></div>
     38             </div>
     39         </div>
     40     </body>
     41 </html>
     42 <script type="text/javascript" src="Bridge.js"></script>
     43 <script>
     44     window.onload = function(){
     45         var q = new DED.Queue();
     46         q.setRetryCount(5);
     47         q.setTimeout(3000);
     50         var items = document.getElementById("items");
     51         var queue = document.getElementById("queue-items");
     52         var requests = [];
     53         q.onFlush.subscribe(function(data){
     54             results.innerHTML = data;
     55             requests.shift();
     56             queue.innerHTML = requests.toString();
     57         });
     58         q.onFailure.subscribe(function(){
     59             results.innerHTML += "<span style='color:red;'>Connection error</span>";
     60         });
     62         q.onComplete.subscribe(function(){
     63             results.innerHTML += "<span style='color:green;'>Completed!</span>";
     64         });
     66         var actionDispatcher = function(element){
     67             switch(element){
     68                 case "flush":
     69                     q.flush();
     70                     break;
     71                 case "dequeue":
     72                     requests.pop();
     73                     queue.innerHTML = requests.toString();
     74                     break;
     75                 case "pause":
     76                     q.pause();
     77                     break;
     78                 case "clear":
     79                     q.clear();
     80                     requests = [];
     81                     queue.innerHTML = "";
     82                     break;
     83             }
     84         };
     86         var addRequest = function(request){
     87             var data = request.split("-")[1];
     88             q.add({
     89                 method:"GET",
     90                 url:"" + data,
     91                 params:null
     92             });
     93             requests.push(data);
     94             queue.innerHTML = requests.toString();
     95         };
     97         items.onclick = function(e){
     98             var e = e || window.event;
     99             var src = e.target || e.srcElement;
    100             try{
    101                 e.preventDefault();
    102             }catch(e){
    103                 e.returnValue = false;
    104             }
    105             if(src.id){
    106                 actionDispatcher(src.id);
    107             }
    108         };
    110         var adders = document.getElementById("adders");
    111         adders.onclick = function(){
    112             var e = e || window.event;
    113             var src = e.target || e.srcElement;
    114             if(e.preventDefault){
    115                 e.preventDefault();
    116             }else{
    117                 e.returnValue = false;
    118             }
    119             if(src.id)addRequest(src.id);
    120         }
    122     }
    124 </script>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tengri/p/5348062.html
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