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  • Oracle查询DQL脚本记录

    Select t.sname,t.ssex,t.class from student t       --t 别名;
    Select *from student t;   --* 代表查询表内所有数据
    Select *from student t where t.sclass='95031';  --规定判断条件t.sclass='95031',用where连接
    Select t.sname as 姓名,t.ssex 性别,t.class 班级 from student t where t.sclass='95031';     --将列名翻译成汉文 
    Select t.sname||t.ssex||t.class from student t where t.sclass='95031' or t.ssex='';      --||代表将查询数据连接
    select * from STUDENT t order by sclass;  --order by 升序排列,  默认的加上asc
    select * from STUDENT t order by sclass desc;  --order by sclass desc   降序排列,
    select * from STUDENT t order by sclass desc,sno asc;  --同时进行多个字段进行排序,先对sclass进行降序,在对sno升续排列
    Select distinct t.depart t.prof from teacher t;    --distinct使depart字段与Prof字段不重复列查询出来
    Select * from student t where t.sno in (select e.sno from score e where degree between 60 and 80);  --degree between 60 and 80在degree列,取在60到80之间成绩学生信息,
    Select * from student t where t.sno in (select e.sno from score e where degree in(85,86,88));   --degree in(85,86,88)  在degree列取85,86,88的成绩学生信息 --in() 子查询
    select * from STUDENT t where sname like '王%';        --查询STUDENT表中性王的人的信息,%代表任意数量   关键字like
    select * from STUDENT t where sname not like '王_';        --下划线_代表一个字符,查询姓王的两个字的名字,
    select * from score where rownum=1;                    --rownum=1 伪列,在列表中是隐藏的
    select * from (select * from score order by degree desc) where rownum=1;        --from后也可以加结果集,作为虚拟表
    --分组查询 group by
    select cno,avg(degree),count(1) from score t group by cno;
    select Sname,cno,degree from score s,student t where t.sno=s.sno;         --将两个表score,student表创建练习。
    select Sname,cno,degree from score s join student t on t.sno=s.sno;        --标准内连接格式
    select Sname,cno,degree from score s left join student t on t.sno=s.sno;         --left join 左外联,将左侧表内数据对不上的信息查询出来,
    select Sname,cno,degree from score s left join student t on t.sno=s.sno;          --right join右外联,将右侧表内数据对不上的信息查询出来,
    select Sname,cno,degree from score s full join student t on t.sno=s.sno;          --full join全连接,将左,右两侧表内数据的信息全部查询出来,
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tfl-511/p/5975935.html
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