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  • DW(五):polybase集群安装


    • Prerequisites
    • 集群配置规划
    • polybase install
    • firewall config
    • 集群配置
    • 删除计算节点


    install Prerequisites  

    •   Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    • Oracle Java SE RunTime Environment (JRE) version 7.51 or higher (64-bit) (Either JRE or Server JRE will work)
    • Minimum memory: 4GB
    • Minimum hard disk space: 2GB
    • TCP/IP connectivity must be enabled
    • SQL Server (starting with 2016)
    • JRE下载地址: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
    • sqlserver2016: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-sql-server-2016?i=1
    • ssms2016(SQL Server Management Studio): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt238290.aspx


    •  3台Azure A3 虚拟机(polybase0、polybase1、polybase2),虚拟机在同一虚拟子网
      1. polybase0:域控服务器
      2. polybase1、polybase2 同一域内二台测试机
    • 域帐户: jnzhushy
    • 说明: 在polybase1、polybase2安装sqlserver2016 with polybase

     polybase install  

    •  启动安装向导,在如下的界面选择"New Standalone SQL Server installation or add features",如图:
    • 在执行 feature selection page” 时,选择“PolyBase Query Service for External Data
    • PolyBase Configuration Page 项,配置如下:
    • Server Configuration Page 项,configure the SQL Server PolyBase Engine Service and SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement Service to run under the same account
    • 安装完成后,如下
    • 在上面链接下载的sqlserver2016未集成ssms,需单独安装,通过下面的sql判断是否安装正常
      SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('IsPolybaseInstalled') AS IsPolybaseInstalled
    •  返回“1”则表示安装成功,如下

     firewall config  

    •  SQL Server PolyBase setup creates the following firewall rules on the machine
      1. SQL Server PolyBase – Database Engine - <SQLServerInstanceName> (TCP-In)
      2. SQL Server PolyBase – PolyBase Services - <SQLServerInstanceName> (TCP-In)
      3. SQL Server PolyBase - SQL Browser - (UDP-In)  
    • To enable the firewall rules 
      1. Open the Control Panel

      2. Click System and Security, and click Windows Firewall
      3. click Advanced Settings, and click Inbound rules
      4. Right-click the disabled rule, then click Enable rule  
    • 如下图:


    •   选择polybase1作为headnode
    • Connect to SQL Server on polybase2. Run the stored procedure sp_polybase_join_group.
      -- Enter head node details:   
      -- head node machine name, head node dms control channel port, head node sql server name  
      EXEC sp_polybase_join_group 'polybase1', 16450, 'MSSQLSERVER'; 
    •  Shutdown the PolyBase engine and restart the PolyBase data movement service

    • 连接到sqlserver on polybase1, 查看集群节点状况,如下: select * from sys.dm_exec_compute_nodes



    •  Connect to the compute node SQL Server (polybase2).
    • Run the stored procedure sp_polybase_leave_group.
      EXEC sp_polybase_leave_group;
    • on polybase2 : Start PolyBase Engine. Restart PolyBase data movement service.
    • Now polybase2 will function as a standalone head node  


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tgzhu/p/5912718.html
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