PHP Email验证
* 1 -基本格式检查。确保:
* 2 -以上,再加上信的权利,最后点是:
* 3 -以上,再加上努力,以检查是否存在的MX (邮件交换)记录
* 4 -上述情况,加上尝试连接到邮件服务器
* 5 -以上,再加上检查,看看是否有回应的邮件服务器。第三
*等待响应的邮件服务器。默认值为15000 。实际的等待
*第1级是防弹:如果该地址没有这个水平,这是坏的。 2级仍然是
*此功能,或新的可以增加。 3级甚至更小一些:有
* This function checks the format of an email address. There are five levels of
* checking:
* 1 – Basic format checking. Ensures that:
* There is an @ sign with something on the left and something on the right
* To the right of the @ sign, there's at least one dot, with something to the left and right.
* To the right of the last dot is either 2 or 3 letters, or the special case "arpa"
* 2 – The above, plus the letters to the right of the last dot are:
* com, net, org, edu, mil, gov, int, arpa or one of the two-letter country codes
* 3 – The above, plus attempts to check if there is an MX (Mail eXchange) record for the
* domain name.
* 4 – The above, plus attempt to connect to the mail server
* 5 – The above, plus check to see if there is a response from the mail server. The third
* argument to this function is optional, and sets the number of times to loop while
* waiting for a response from the mail server. The default is 15000. The actual waiting
* time, of course, depends on such things as the speed of your server.
* Level 1 is bulletproof: if the address fails this level, it's bad. Level 2 is still
* pretty solid, but less certain: there could be valid TLDs overlooked when writing
* this function, or new ones could be added. Level 3 is even less certain: there are
* a number of things that could prevent finding an MX record for a valid address
* at any given time. 4 and 5 are even less certain still. Ultimately, the only absolutely
* positive way to test an email address is to send something to it.
* The function returns 0 for a valid address, or the level at which it failed, for an
* invalid address.
function MailVal($Addr, $Level, $Timeout = 15000) { // Valid Top-Level Domains $gTLDs = "com:net:org:edu:gov:mil:int:arpa:"; $CCs = "ad:ae:af:ag:ai:al:am:an:ao:aq:ar:as:at:au:aw:az:ba:bb:bd:be:bf:". "bg:bh:bi:bj:bm:bn:bo:br:bs:bt:bv:bw:by:bz:ca:cc:cf:cd:cg:ch:ci:". "ck:cl:cm:cn:co:cr:cs:cu:cv:cx:cy:cz:de:dj:dk:dm:do:dz:ec:ee:eg:". "eh:er:es:et:fi:fj:fk:fm:fo:fr:fx:ga:gb:gd:ge:gf:gh:gi:gl:gm:gn:". "gp:gq:gr:gs:gt:gu:gw:gy:hk:hm:hn:hr:ht:hu:id:ie:il:in:io:iq:ir:". "is:it:jm:jo:jp:ke:kg:kh:ki:km:kn:kp:kr:kw:ky:kz:la:lb:lc:li:lk:". "lr:ls:lt:lu:lv:ly:ma:mc:md:mg:mh:mk:ml:mm:mn:mo:mp:mq:mr:ms:mt:". "mu:mv:mw:mx:my:mz:na:nc:ne:nf:ng:ni:nl:no:np:nr:nt:nu:nz:om:pa:". "pe:pf:pg:ph:pk:pl:pm:pn:pr:pt:pw:py:qa:re:ro:ru:rw:sa:sb:sc:sd:". "se:sg:sh:si:sj:sk:sl:sm:sn:so:sr:st:su:sv:sy:sz:tc:td:tf:tg:th:". "tj:tk:tm:tn:to:tp:tr:tt:tv:tw:tz:ua:ug:uk:um:us:uy:uz:va:vc:ve:". "vg:vi:vn:vu:wf:ws:ye:yt:yu:za:zm:zr:zw:"; // The countries can have their own 'TLDs', e.g. $cTLDs = "com:net:org:edu:gov:mil:co:ne:or:ed:go:mi:"; $fail = 0; // Shift the address to lowercase to simplify checking $Addr = strtolower($Addr); // Split the Address into user and domain parts $UD = explode("@", $Addr); if (sizeof($UD) != 2 || !$UD[0]) $fail = 1; // Split the domain part into its Levels $Levels = explode(".", $UD[1]); $sLevels = sizeof($Levels); if ($sLevels < 2) $fail = 1; // Get the TLD, strip off trailing ] } ) > and check the length $tld = $Levels[$sLevels-1]; $tld = ereg_replace("[>)}]$|]$", "", $tld); if (strlen($tld) < 2 || strlen($tld) > 3 && $tld != "arpa") $fail = 1; $Level–; // If the string after the last dot isn't in the generic TLDs or country codes, it's invalid. if ($Level && !$fail) { $Level–; if (!ereg($tld.":", $gTLDs) && !ereg($tld.":", $CCs)) $fail = 2; } // If it's a country code, check for a country TLD; add on the domain name. if ($Level && !$fail) { $cd = $sLevels - 2; $domain = $Levels[$cd].".".$tld; if (ereg($Levels[$cd].":", $cTLDs)) { $cd–; $domain = $Levels[$cd].".".$domain; } } // See if there's an MX record for the domain if ($Level && !$fail) { $Level–; if (!getmxrr($domain, $mxhosts, $weight)) $fail = 3; } // Attempt to connect to port 25 on an MX host if ($Level && !$fail) { $Level–; while (!$sh && list($nul, $mxhost) = each($mxhosts)) $sh = fsockopen($mxhost, 25); if (!$sh) $fail = 4; } // See if anyone answers if ($Level && !$fail) { $Level–; set_socket_blocking($sh, false); $out = ""; $t = 0; while ($t++ < $Timeout && !$out) $out = fgets($sh, 256); if (!ereg("^220", $out)) $fail = 5; } if ($sh) fclose($sh); return $fail; } //MailVal ?></span>
用户可以将该域名下的邮件服务器指向到自己的mail server上,然后即可自行操作控制所有的邮箱设置。您只需在线填写您服务器的主机名或主机IP地址,即可将您域名下的邮件全部转到您自己设定相应的邮件服务器上。
比如同样是 cnMonkey_com ,如果你设置A记录是指向123.12.123.123,而MX记录你设置是指向222.22.222.222,那么你的DNS服务器接收到别人的邮件路 由请求时就将会将它的请求解释到222.22.222.222上去!而别人访问你的网页的时候仍然是访问123.12.123.123。
可以使用nslookup -qt=mx test_com来解析mx的指向。例子中以test_com为例。
比如同样是 cnMonkey_com ,如果你设置A记录是指向123.12.123.123,而MX记录你设置是指向222.22.222.222,那么你的DNS服务器接收到别人的邮件路 由请求时就将会将它的请求解释到222.22.222.222上去!而别人访问你的网页的时候仍然是访问123.12.123.123。
可以使用nslookup -qt=mx test_com来解析mx的指向。例子中以test_com为例。