- 根节点的 start 和 end 由
方法所给出。 - 对于节点 A 的左儿子,有
start=A.left, end=(A.left + A.right) / 2
。 - 对于节点 A 的右儿子,有
start=(A.left + A.right) / 2 + 1, end=A.right
。 - 如果 start 等于 end, 那么该节点是叶子节点,不再有左右儿子。
实现一个 build
方法,接受 start 和 end 作为参数, 然后构造一个代表区间 [start, end]
比如给定start=1, end=6
[1, 6] / [1, 3] [4, 6] / / [1, 2] [3,3] [4, 5] [6,6] / / [1,1] [2,2] [4,4] [5,5]
/** * Definition of SegmentTreeNode: * public class SegmentTreeNode { * public int start, end; * public SegmentTreeNode left, right; * public SegmentTreeNode(int start, int end) { * this.start = start, this.end = end; * this.left = this.right = null; * } * } */ public class Solution { /** *@param start, end: Denote an segment / interval *@return: The root of Segment Tree */ public SegmentTreeNode build(int start, int end) { // write your code here if(start> end) return null; SegmentTreeNode root = new SegmentTreeNode(start,end); if( start == end) return root; root.left = build(start , (start + end)/2); root.right = build((start + end)/2 + 1 , end); return root; } }
""" Definition of SegmentTreeNode: class SegmentTreeNode: def __init__(self, start, end): self.start, self.end = start, end self.left, self.right = None, None """ class Solution: # @param start, end: Denote an segment / interval # @return: The root of Segment Tree def build(self, start, end): # write your code here if start > end: return None root = SegmentTreeNode(start,end) if start == end: return root root.left = self.build(start,( start + end)/2) root.right = self.build(( start + end)/2 + 1,end) return root