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  • python,iterator,generator


    Generators functions allow you to declare a function that behaves like an iterator, i.e. it can be used in a for loop.


    Simplified Code

    The simplification of code is a result of generator function and generator expression support provided by Python.

    To illustrate this, we will compare different implementations that implement a function, "firstn", that represents the first n non-negative integers, where n is a really big number, and assume (for the sake of the examples in this section) that each integer take up a lot of space, say 10 megabytes each.

    Note: Please note that in real life, integers do not take up that much space, unless they are really, really, really, big integers. For instance you can represent a 309 digit number with 128 bytes (add some overhead, it will still be less than 150 bytes).

    First, let us consider the simple example of building a list and returning it.


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # Build and return a list
       2 def firstn(n):
       3     num, nums = 0, []
       4     while num < n:
       5         nums.append(num)
       6         num += 1
       7     return nums
       9 sum_of_first_n = sum(firstn(1000000))

    The code is quite simple and straightforward, but its builds the full list in memory. This is clearly not acceptable in our case, because we cannot afford to keep all n "10 megabyte" integers in memory.

    So, we resort to the generator pattern. The following implements generator as an iterable object.


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # Using the generator pattern (an iterable)
       2 class firstn(object):
       3     def __init__(self, n):
       4         self.n = n
       5         self.num, self.nums = 0, []
       7     def __iter__(self):
       8         return self
      10     def next(self):
      11         if self.num < self.n:
      12             cur, self.num = self.num, self.num+1
      13             return cur
      14         else:
      15             raise StopIteration()
      17 sum_of_first_n = sum(firstn(1000000))

    This will perform as we expect, but we have the following issues:

    • there is a lot of boilerplate
    • the logic has to be expressed in a somewhat convoluted way

    Furthermore, this is a pattern that we will use over and over for many similar constructs. Imagine writing all that just to get an iterator.

    Python provides generator functions as a convenient shortcut to building iterators. Lets us rewrite the above iterator as a generator function:


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # a generator that yields items instead of returning a list
       2 def firstn(n):
       3     num = 0
       4     while num < n:
       5         yield num
       6         num += 1
       8 sum_of_first_n = sum(firstn(1000000))

    Note that the expression of the number generation logic is clear and natural. It is very similar to the implementation that built a list in memory, but has the memory usage characteristic of the iterator implementation.

    Note: the above code is perfectly acceptable for expository purposes, but remember that in Python 2 firstn() is equivalent to the built-in xrange() function, and in Python 3 range() is a generator. The built-ins will always be much faster. SH

    Generator expressions provide an additional shortcut to build generators out of expressions similar to that of list comprehensions.

    In fact, we can turn a list comprehension into a generator expression by replacing the square brackets ("[ ]") with parentheses. Alternately, we can think of list comprehensions as generator expressions wrapped in a list constructor.

    Consider the following example:

    Toggle line numbers
       1 # list comprehension
       2 doubles = [2 * n for n in range(50)]
       4 # same as the list comprehension above
       5 doubles = list(2 * n for n in range(50))

    Notice how a list comprehension looks essentially like a generator expression passed to a list constructor.

    By allowing generator expressions, we don't have to write a generator function if we do not need the list. If only list comprehensions were available, and we needed to lazily build a set of items to be processed, we will have to write a generator function.

    This also means that we can use the same syntax we have been using for list comprehensions to build generators.

    Keep in mind that generators are a special type of iterator, and that containers like list and set are also iterables. The uniform way in which all of these are handled, adds greatly to the simplification of code.


    Improved Performance

    The performance improvement from the use of generators is the result of the lazy (on demand) generation of values, which translates to lower memory usage. Furthermore, we do not need to wait until all the elements have been generated before we start to use them. This is similar to the benefits provided by iterators, but the generator makes building iterators easy.

    This can be illustrated by comparing the range and xrange built-ins of Python 2.x.

    Both range and xrange represent a range of numbers, and have the same function signature, but range returns a list while xrange returns a generator (at least in concept; the implementation may differ).

    Say, we had to compute the sum of the first n, say 1,000,000, non-negative numbers.


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # Note: Python 2.x only
       2 # using a non-generator
       3 sum_of_first_n = sum(range(1000000))
       5 # using a generator
       6 sum_of_first_n = sum(xrange(1000000))

    Note that both lines are identical in form, but the one using range is much more expensive.

    When we use range we build a 1,000,000 element list in memory and then find its sum. This is a waste, considering that we use these 1,000,000 elements just to compute the sum.

    This waste becomes more pronounced as the number of elements (our n) becomes larger, the size of our elements become larger, or both.

    On the other hand, when we use xrange, we do not incur the cost of building a 1,000,000 element list in memory. The generator created by xrange will generate each number, which sum will consume to accumulate the sum.

    In the case of the "range" function, using it as an iterable is the dominant use-case, and this is reflected in Python 3.x, which makes the range built-in return a generator instead of a list.

    Note: a generator will provide performance benefits only if we do not intend to use that set of generated values more than once.

    Consider the following example:


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # Note: Python 2.x only
       2 s = sum(xrange(1000000))
       3 p = product(xrange(1000000))

    Imagine that making a integer is a very expensive process. In the above code, we just performed the same expensive process twice. In cases like this, building a list in memory might be worth it (see example below):


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # Note: Python 2.x only
       2 nums = list(xrange(1000000))
       3 s = sum(nums)
       4 p = product(nums)

    However, a generator might still be the only way, if the storage of these generated objects in memory is not practical, and it might be worth to pay the price of duplicated expensive computations.



    For example, the RangeGenerator can be used to iterate over a large number of values, without creating a massive list (like range would)

    Toggle line numbers
       1 #the for loop will generate each i (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5, ...), add it to sum,  and throw it away
       2 #before the next i is generated.  This is opposed to iterating through range(...), which creates
       3 #a potentially massive list and then iterates through it.
       4 for i in irange(1000000):
       5    sum = sum+i

    Generators can be composed. Here we create a generator on the squares of consecutive integers.


    Toggle line numbers
       1 #square is a generator
       2 square = (i*i for i in irange(1000000))
       3 #add the squares
       4 for i in square:
       5    sum = sum +i

    Here, we compose a square generator with the takewhile generator, to generate squares less than 100


    Toggle line numbers
       1 #add squares less than 100
       2 square = (i*i for i in count())
       3 bounded_squares = takewhile(lambda x : x< 100, square)
       4 for i in bounded_squares:
       5    sum += i

    to be written: Generators made from classes?


    See also: Iterator



    I once saw MikeOrr demonstrate Before and After examples. But, I forget how they worked.

    Can someone demonstrate here?

    He did something like: Show how a normal list operation could be written to use generators. Something like:


    Toggle line numbers
       1 def double(L):
       2     return [x*2 for x in L]
       4 eggs = double([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    ...he showed how that, or something like that, could be rewritten using iterators, generators.

    It's been a while since I've seen it, I may be getting this all wrong.

    -- LionKimbro 2005-04-02 19:12:19


    Toggle line numbers
       1 # explicitly write a generator function
       2 def double(L):
       3     for x in L:
       4         yield x*2
       6 # eggs will be a generator
       7 eggs = double([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
       9 # the above is equivalent to ("generator comprehension"?)
      10 eggs = (x*2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
      12 # need to do this if you need a list
      13 eggs = list(double([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
      15 # the above is equivalent to (list comprehension)
      16 eggs = [x*2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

    For the above example, a generator comprehension or list comprehension is sufficient unless you need to apply that in many places.

    Also, a generator function will be cleaner and more clear, if the generated expressions are more complex, involve multiple steps, or depend on additional temporary state.

    Consider the following example:


    Toggle line numbers
       1 def unique(iterable, key=lambda x: x):
       2     seen = set()
       3     for elem, ekey in ((e, key(e)) for e in iterable):
       4         if ekey not in seen:
       5             yield elem
       6             seen.add(ekey)

    Here, the temporary keys collector, seen, is a temporary storage that will just be more clutter in the location where this generator will be used.

    Even if we were to use this only once, it is worth writing a function (for the sake of clarity; remember that Python allows nested functions).


    Python Generator Tricks

    By Pramode C.E.

    The Python programming language's support for generators is described in PEP 255. This article demonstrates a few simple programs which make use of this feature to do some fun stuff like filtering out prime numbers, representing an `infinite' series expansion in a finite way, applying the Euler `accelerator' to make a series converge faster etc. Many of the programs which I describe here have been taken from `test_generators.py' which is available with the Python source distribution. A few ideas have been stolen from the Computer Science classic, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

    What is a Generator?

    A generator is, simply put, a function which can stop whatever it is doing at an arbitrary point in its body, return a value back to the caller, and, later on, resume from the point it had `frozen' and merrily proceed as if nothing had happened. Here is a simple example:

    Listing 1 ]

    from __future__ import generators
    def foo():
    	print 'hello'
    	yield 1
    	print 'world'
    	yield 2

    I am using Python 2.2 - in order to use the generator facility, a special `import' statement should be placed at the very beginning of the file. It may not be required in later versions.

    Note the `yield' keyword. A function which contains a yield statement anywhere in its body is considered to be special by the Python interpreter - it is treated differently from ordinary functions. Let's see how:

    >>> from gen1 import *
    >>> a = foo()
    >>> print a
    <generator object at 0x8158db8>

    We note that calling the function did not result in the function getting executed. Instead, the Python interpreter gave us a `generator object'. This is one of the implications of using the yield statement in the body of the function. Now, what do we do with this generator object?

    >>> a.next()
    >>> a.next()
    >>> a.next()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "<stdin>" line 1, in ?

    Calling a.next() resulted in the function beginning its execution - it prints hello and comes to a dead stop at the `yield' statement, returning the value 1 to the caller. The function has gone back to its caller, but its `local state' has been fully preserved. Another invocation of a.next results in the function restarting from where it had stopped earlier - it prints `world' and stops after returning the value 2 to the caller. Yet another invocation of a.next results in the function `falling off' the end - because our function is a special `generator function', this will result in an exception, StopIteration, being raised.

    Let's now try running a for loop on our generator:

    >>> a = foo()
    >>> for i in a:
    ...    print i

    The for loop works by invoking a.next() and assigning the value obtained to i, which then gets printed. The strings 'hello' and 'world' get printed as part of the execution of `foo'. It would also be interesting to try out invoking the `list' function on the generator object - we will get a list [1,2] as the result. In both cases (for loop as well as `list'), iteration stops when the StopIteration exception is raised.

    The body of a generator function should not contain a return statement of the form `return expr' - a simple `return' is allowed. The PEP discusses this and many more things. You should try running the following code:

    Listing 2 ]

    from __future__ import generators
    def foo(n):
    	if (n < 3): yield 1
    	else: return
    	yield 2

    Try running a for loop over the generator objects returned by say, foo(10) and foo(1). Also, try calling next() on these objects.

    Representing infinite sequences

    Generators present us with some fun ways to manipulate infinite sequences - though some people might question their practical utility! As far as we are concerned, being fun is reason enough!

    Listing 3 ]

    from __future__ import generators
    def foo():
    	i = 0
    	while 1:
    		yield i
    		i = i + 1

    What we have above is the simplest possible `infinite' generator. Try calling next() on the generator object returned by calling `foo'. Give this object as an argument to a `for' loop - you will see that the loop keeps on printing numbers. If you wish Python to eat up memory, try running `list(foo())'. Try writing a more interesting function, say a Fibonacci series generator.

    Here is an infinite series of alternating positive and negative terms:

    1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ...

    This series converges to PI/4. We will write a Python generator for it.

    def pi_series():
    	sum = 0
    	i = 1.0; j = 1
    		sum = sum + j/i
    		yield 4*sum
    		i = i + 2; j = j * -1

    Each `yield' statement keeps on returning a better approximation for PI. Test it out by calling `next' on the generator returned by invoking pi_series. We note that the series does not converge very fast.

    It would be convenient to have a function which would return the first N values yielded by a generator.

    def firstn(g, n):
    	for i in range(n):
    		yield g.next()

    Note that the first argument to this function is a generator object. Here is what I got when I tried out `list(firstn(pi_series(), 8))':

    [4.0, 2.666666666666667, 3.4666666666666668, 2.8952380952380956, 
    3.3396825396825403, 2.9760461760461765, 
    3.2837384837384844, 3.0170718170718178]

    We can apply a `sequence accelerator' to convert a series of terms to a new series which converges to the original value much faster. One such accelerator, invented by Leonhard Euler, is shown below:

    Sn+1 - [(Sn+1 - Sn)*(Sn+1 - Sn)]/[Sn-1 - 2*Sn + Sn+1]

    (Sn+1) stands for the (n+1)th term, (Sn-1) for the (n-1)th term.

    If Sn is the n'th term of the original sequence, then the accelerated sequence has terms as shown in the equation above.

    Let's try writing a generator function which accepts a generator object and returns an `accelerated' generator object.

    def euler_accelerator(g):
    	s0 = g.next() # Sn-1
    	s1 = g.next() # Sn
    	s2 = g.next() # Sn+1
    	while 1:
    		yield s2 - (sqr(s2 - s1))/(s0 - 2*s1 + s2)
    		s0, s1, s2 = s1, s2, g.next()

    Here is what I got when I tried printing the first few terms of this series:

    [3.166666666666667, 3.1333333333333337, 3.1452380952380956, 
    3.1396825396825401, 3.1427128427128435, 3.1408813408813416, 
    3.1420718170718178, 3.1412548236077655]

    Note that the series is converging much faster! You can get the program as a whole:

    Listing 4 ]

    The Eratosthenes sieve

    A cute idea for `filtering out' prime numbers, invented by the Alexandrian mathematician Eratosthenes, works as follows. Suppose you want to find out all prime numbers below, say, 1000. You first cancel all multiples of 2 (except 2) from a list 1..1000. Now you will cancel all multiples of 3 (except 3). 4 has already been canceled, as it is a multiple of 2. Now you will take off all multiples of 5, except 5. And so on. Ultimately, what remains in the list would be prime numbers!

    Let's start with a generator which gives us all integers from `i' onwards:

    def intsfrom(i):
    	while 1:
    		yield i
    		i = i + 1

    Now let's write a generator which will eliminate all multiples of a number `n' from a sequence:

    def exclude_multiples(n, ints):
    	for i in ints:
    		if (i % n):
    			yield i

    An invocation of the generator, say, list(firstn(exclude_multiples(2, intsfrom(1)), 5)), will give us the list [1,3,5,7,9].

    Now, its time for us to build our `sieve'.

    def sieve(ints):
    	while 1:
    		prime = ints.next()
    		yield prime
    		ints = exclude_multiples(prime, ints)

    You can get the source file containing these function definitions from here:

    Listing 5 ]

    Recursive Generators

    Generator functions can call themselves recursively. It takes some time getting used to it. Let's try analyzing the way the following functions work:

    Listing 6 ]

    from __future__ import generators
    def abc():
    	a = deff()
    	for i in a:
    		yield i
    	yield 'abc'
    def deff():
    	a = ijk()
    	for i in a:
    		yield i
    	yield 'deff'
    def ijk():
    	for i in (1,2,3):
    		yield i
    	yield 'ijk'

    An invocation of abc will yield a generator object. Calling `next' on it would result in `abc' starting execution. The very first line of `abc' invokes `deff' which returns a generator object. After that, a.next() is invoked as part of the very first iteration of the for loop. This results in `deff' starting execution the same way. The body of `deff' builds a generator object by calling `ijk' and calls its `next' method as part of the for loop. This results in `ijk' starting execution and yielding 1, `deff' also yields 1, and `abc' also yields 1. Calling the `next' method (of the generator object returned by invoking `abc') two more times will result in the values 2 and 3 getting propagated up. Yet another invocation will result in the string `ijk' propagating up the call stack because the for loop in the body of `ijk' has terminated. Calling `next' again will result in the body of `ijk' terminating, with the result that the `for' loop in `deff' gets a StopIteration exception, which results in that loop terminating and the function yielding the string `deff'. Subsequent invocation of `next' will result in `abc' being returned to the top level caller. The final invocation of next (again, note that we are invoking `next' on the object returned by calling `abc') will result in the caller getting a StopIteration exception because the body of `abc' has also been executed in full.

    Let's now look at Guido's binary tree example. The classical inorder traversal is coded as below:

    def inorder(t):
    	if t:
    		for x in inorder(t.left):
    			yield x
    		yield t.dat
    		for x in inorder(t.right):
    			yield x

    Let's think of invoking inorder on a tree with only one node (say containing data 50). Doing `for x in inorder(t.left)' is same as:

    a = inorder(t.left)
    for x in a:

    Because t.left is 0, calling a.next() (which the for loop does) results in a StopIteration exception - this terminates the loop immediately. The next statement in the body is `yield t.dat' - this returns 50. The next for loop also terminates immediately because of a StopIteration. It should be easy to visualize the way the code works for more complex tree structures. Here is the source for the program - [ Listing 7 ].

    Zero crossing detector

    Let's define a `signal' as a stream of positive and negative integers.

    1 2 -1 -4 3 2 -3 -4 2 3 4 -2 ...

    A zero-crossing detector outputs a signal which describes the zero crossings of the input signal - the resulting signal is +1 whenever the input signal changes from negative to positive, -1 whenever input signal changes from positive to negative and 0 otherwise. We shall assume that 0 is positive.

    Here is the zero-cross detector:

    Listing 8 ]

    def zerocross(g):
    	a = g.next()
    	b = g.next()
    	while 1:
    		yield cross_detect(a, b)
    		a, b = b, g.next()

    If the signal is coming from a sensor, noise will lead to spurious zero crossings. So, we can think of `smoothing' the signal (using some form of `moving average' computation) and then detecting the zero crossings.


    Most of the code has been `lifted' from `test_generators.py', which comes with the Python source distribution. Thanks to the Python community for many hours of pleasurable code reading, and for creating the BEST programming language in the world! Thanks to the authors of SICP for making such a classic freely available on the web!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/threef/p/3192649.html
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