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  • Mysql select练习


    create database xskc character set=utf8;
    use xskc;
    create table s(sno char(2) primary key,sname char(10),ssex char(2),sage smallint,ssdept char(4));
    insert into s values('01','AAA','女',17,'IS');
    insert into s values('02','BBB','男',18,'IS');
    insert into s values('03','CCC','女',17,'CS');
    insert into s values('04','DDD','男',19,'CS');
    insert into s values('05','EEE','男',18,'CS');
    insert into s values('06','FFF','女',17,'CS');
    create table c(cno char(3) primary key,cname char(12),cpno char(3),credit smallint);
    insert into c values('c1','程序设计','c2',2);
    insert into c values('c2','高等数学','c2',3);
    insert into c values('c3','数据结构','c1',3);
    insert into c values('c4','离散数学','',2);
    insert into c values('c5','人工智能','c4',2);
    create table sc(sno char(2) not null,cno char(3) not null,grade smallint,primary key(sno,cno));
    insert into sc values('01','c1',90);
    insert into sc values('01','c2',80);
    insert into sc values('01','c3',60);
    insert into sc values('02','c1',80);
    insert into sc values('02','c2',70);
    insert into sc values('02','c3',80);
    insert into sc values('03','c1',80);
    insert into sc values('03','c3',70);
    insert into sc values('01','c4',70);
    insert into sc values('01','c5',70);
    #1. 查询所有课程成绩都小于60分的学生的学号、姓名;
    select sno,sname from s where sno not in (select sno from sc where grade >= 60) and sno in (select sno from sc);
    #2. 查询没有选修课程的学生的学号、姓名;
    select sno,sname from s where sno not in (select sno from sc);
    #3. 查询每门课程选修人数,格式为课程名称,人数;
    select c.cname,count(sc.cno) 人数 from c,sc where c.cno=sc.cno group by sc.cno;
    #4. 查询两门以上不及格课程的同学的学号及其平均成绩 ;
    select sno,avg(grade) from sc where sno in (select a.sno from sc a,sc b where a.sno=b.sno and a.grade<60 and b.grade<60 and a.cno!=b.cno) group by sno;
    #5. 查询每门课程成绩最高的学生学号、课程号、成绩;
    select sno,sc.cno,grade from sc,(select cno,max(grade) zgf from sc group by cno) as a
    where sc.cno=a.cno and sc.grade=zgf;
    #6. 查询所有学生学号,姓名,以及年龄(其中年龄>=19,显示偏大,否则显示刚好)
    select sno,sname,sage,if(sage>=19,'偏大','刚好') 年龄 from s;
    #7. 建立视图v1,包含所有选修C1课程的学生学号,姓名,所在系,并且要求在对视图更新时检查建立视图的条件
    create or replace view v1 as select s.sno,s.sname,s.ssdept from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno='c1' with check option;
    select * from v1;
    #8. 查询选修了全部课程的学生学号
    select count(*) into @s from c;
    select sno from sc group by sno having count(sno)=@s;



    create database ckgl character set=utf8;
    use ckgl;
    create table warehouse(wnum char(3) primary key,area smallint null,city char(12));
    insert into warehouse values('01',300,'北京');
    insert into warehouse values('02',500,'天津');
    insert into warehouse values('03',200,'上海');
    insert into warehouse values('04',300,'北京');
    insert into warehouse values('05',600,'上海');
    create table employee(enum char(4) primary key,wnum char(2),salary smallint);
    insert into employee values('z1','01',3000);
    insert into employee values('z2','01',3500);
    insert into employee values('z3','01',5000);
    insert into employee values('z4','02',4000);
    insert into employee values('z5','02',2000);
    insert into employee values('z6','03',3000);
    insert into employee values('z7','03',6000);
    create table orders(onum char(5) primary key,enum char(3),snum char(3),amount int);
    insert into orders values('d1','z1','s1',8000);
    insert into orders values('d2','z1','s2',6000);
    insert into orders values('d3','z2','s1',10000);
    insert into orders values('d4','z2','s2',5000);
    insert into orders values('d5','z2','s3',20000);
    insert into orders values('d6','z3','s1',5000);
    create table supplier(snum char(4) primary key,sname char(14),city char(12));
    insert into supplier values('s1','晨星公司','北京');
    insert into supplier values('s2','华大公司','天津');
    insert into supplier values('s3','芯片生产厂','北京');
    insert into supplier values('s4','全能公司','重庆');
    select a.* from zg a where 工资<(select avg(工资) from zg b where b.仓库号=a.仓库号);
    select avg(工资) from zg where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from ck where 城市='北京');
    select * from ck order by 面积 desc;
    select 城市,sum(面积) from ck group by 城市 having sum(面积)>800;
    select 仓库号,count(*) 人数 from zg group by 仓库号 order by 人数 desc;
    SELECT dd.* from ck,zg,dd,gys where ck.仓库号=zg.仓库号 and
    zg.职工号=dd.职工号 and dd.供应商号=gys.供应商号 and ck.城市=gys.城市;
    select sum(金额) from dd where 职工号  in
    (select 职工号 from zg where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from ck where 城市='北京'));
    select 供应商名 from dd,gys where 
    dd.供应商号=gys.供应商号 and 职工号='E1' and 金额>10000;
    select 姓名 from zg where 职工号 in 
    (select 职工号 from dd group by 职工号 having count(*)>=2);
    select * from zg where 仓库号='c1' and 姓名 like '张%';


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/thx2199/p/14844699.html
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