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NCL code for example 1
1. load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" ; 加载包含gsn_的函数的ncl文件 3. begin ;程序开始 4. x = new(9,float) ; 定义一个包含有9个元素的一维数组(c = new((/5,6,7/),integer) a= (/True,False,True/)) 5. y = new(9,float) 6. 7. x = (/10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90./) 8. y = (/0.,0.71,1.,0.7,0.002,-0.71,-1.,-0.71,-0.003/) 9. 10. wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","gsun01n") ; 打开一个X11的工作站 11. 12. plot = gsn_xy(wks,x,y,False) ; 绘制一个xy的曲线图 13. 14. ;----------- Begin second plot ----------------------------------------- 15. 16. y2 = (/(/0., 0.7, 1., 0.7, 0., -0.7, -1., -0.7, 0./), 17. (/2., 2.7, 3., 2.7, 2., 1.3, 1., 1.3, 2./), 18. (/4., 4.7, 5., 4.7, 4., 3.3, 3., 3.3, 4./)/) ;这是一个27个元素的一维数组 19. 20. x@long_name = "X" ; 定义x的一个属性 21. y2@long_name = "Y" ; 定义y2的一个属性 22. 23. plot = gsn_xy(wks,x,y2,False) ; 绘制一个包含3个曲线的xy plot 24. 25. ;----------- Begin third plot ----------------------------------------- 26. 27. resources = True ; 示意有资源要设置 29. 30. resources@xyLineColors = (/2,3,4/) ; 设定线条颜色 31. resources@xyLineThicknesses = (/1.,2.,5./) ; 设定线条粗细 32. ; (默认值是1.0). 33. 34. plot = gsn_xy(wks,x,y2,resources) ; 绘制一个 XY plot. 35. 36. ;---------- Begin fourth plot ------------------------------------------ 37. 38. resources@tiMainString = "X-Y plot" ; 标题 39. resources@tiXAxisString = "X Axis" ; x轴标签 40. resources@tiYAxisString = "Y Axis" ; y轴标签 41. resources@tiMainFont = "Helvetica" ; 标题字体 42. resources@tiXAxisFont = "Helvetica" ; x轴标签字体 43. resources@tiYAxisFont = "Helvetica" ; y轴标签字体 44. 45. resources@xyMarkLineModes = (/"Lines","Markers","MarkLines"/) 46. resources@xyMarkers = (/0,1,3/) ; (none, dot, asterisk) 47. resources@xyMarkerColor = 3 ; 标记颜色 48. resources@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.03 ; 标记大小 49. ; 默认是0.01 50. 51. plot = gsn_xy(wks,x,y2,resources) ; 绘制一个 XY plot. 52. 53. ;---------- Begin fifth plot ------------------------------------------ 54. 55. filename = "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/data/asc/xy.asc" 56. 57. data = asciiread(filename,(/129,4/),"float") ;以浮点读取参数文件入data,data数组规格:(/129,4/) 58. 59. uv = new((/2,129/),float) 60. uv(0,:) = data(:,1) 61. uv(1,:) = data(:,2) 62. 63. lon = data(:,0) 64. lon = (lon-1) * 360./128. 65. 66. delete(resources) ; 删除之前设置的资源 67. 68. resources = True 69. 70. resources@tiMainString = "U/V components of wind" 71. resources@tiXAxisString = "longitude" 72. resources@tiYAxisString = "m/s" 73. resources@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.02 ; 改变字体大小 74. resources@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.02 75. 76. resources@xyLineColors = (/3,4/) ; 设置线条颜色 77. resources@xyLineThicknessF = 2.0 ; 线条粗细设置为原来2倍 78. 79. resources@xyLabelMode = "Custom" ; 设置曲线标签 80. resources@xyExplicitLabels = (/"U","V"/) ; 曲线标签 81. resources@xyLineLabelFontHeightF = 0.02 ; 大小和颜色 82. resources@xyLineLabelFontColor = 2 ; 线条标签 83. 84. plot = gsn_xy(wks,lon,uv,resources) ; 绘制2个曲线的xy plot 85. 86. delete(plot) ; 清空绘制面板 87. delete(resources) ; 删除资源 88. end