SELECT c.sheng ,m.city, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY round(avg(cast(indexs as float)),3)) AS px, round(avg(cast(pm25 as float)),0) pm25, round(avg(cast(pm10 as float)),0) pm10, round(avg(cast(co as float)),3) co, round(avg(cast(no2 as float)),0) no2, round(avg(cast(so2 as float)),0) so2,round(avg(cast(o3_8 as float)),0) o3_8,round(avg(cast(indexs as float)),3) indexs,round(avg(cast(aqi as float)),0) aqi FROM monitor_city_hour m,cd_city c where m.city=c.city and datetime='2017-03-04 12:00:00' and aqi!=0 and pm25!=0 and pm25 is not null group by c.sheng,m.city order by indexs
select fdate time,px,aqi from( SELECT fdate,city,RANK() OVER (partition by fdate ORDER BY aqi) AS px,aqi FROM monitor_city_day where aqi!=0 and pm25!=0 and pm25 is not null and cast(fdate as datetime)>=cast('2017-02-01' as datetime) and cast(fdate as datetime)<=cast('2017-03-05' as datetime) )a where city='北京' order by cast(fdate as datetime)