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  • 如何对 Oracle 数据泵(expdp/impdp) 进行 debug


    我在之前的Blog里写过2篇有关Oracle 数据泵的Blog,如下:

    Oracle 10gData Pump Expdp/Impdp 详解


    Oracleexpdp/impdp 使用示例






    1. 在expdp的时候,我们要观察dump 文件的变化,只要dump 文件大小在变化,那就说明expdp是正常的。

    2. 在impdp的时候,我们可以及时查看表空间的变化,只要我们的表空间在变化,说明我们的impdp是正常的。



    trace 生成的文件可能很大,所以在进行trace之前,必须先检查dump文件的大小:max_dump_file_size。

    [oracle@asm trace]$ orz param max_dump

    Session altered.

    NAME                   ISDEFAULT SESMO SYSMOD    VALUE

    ---------------------- --------- -------------- ---------------

    max_dump_file_size     TRUE     TRUE  IMMEDIATE unlimited


    ALTER SYSTEM SETmax_dump_file_size = unlimited SCOPE = both; 

    2.1 使用Data Pump的TRACE 参数

    2.1.1 TRACE 说明

        启动trace 功能只需要在expdp/impdp 命令后加上一个trace 参数,该参数由一个7位的16进制数据组成。

    前三位指定Data Pump组件的代码,后四位一般是:0300。



    TRACE = 04A0300  或者 TRACE=4a0300


    (1)  trace 值不要超过7位十六进制数字。

    (2)  不要添加十六进制的0x符号。

    (3)  不要将16进制转换成10进制。

    (4)  会忽略最前面的0,即使长度不满足7位。

    (5)  参数不区分大小写。

    在使用trace 参数时,执行数据泵操作的用户需要具有DBA 角色或者EXP_FULL_DATABASE /IMP_FULL_DATABASE的角色,如果权限不足,就会报ORA-31631的错误。

    ORA-31631: privileges are required

    解决方法:给用户赋权。 如:

    GRANT exp_full_database TO tianlesoftware;


    revoke exp_full_database from tianlesoftware;


    expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=my_dir DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=expdp_s.log TABLES=empTRACE=480300 

    2.1.2 TRACE值的具体计算规则

    在前面我们讲了TRACE 值的前3位表示的是数据泵的组件代码,具体如下:

    -- Summary of Data Pump trace levels:

    -- ==================================

     Trace   DM   DW ORA  Lines

     level  trc  trc trc     in

     (hex) file file file  trace                                        Purpose

    ------- ---- ---- ---- -----------------------------------------------------

     10300    x    x   x  SHDW: To trace the Shadowprocess (API) (expdp/impdp)

     20300    x    x   x  KUPV: To trace Fixed table

     40300    x    x   x  'div' To trace Process services

     80300    x            KUPM: To trace Master ControlProcess (MCP)      (DM)

     100300   x    x       KUPF: To trace File Manager

     200300   x    x    x KUPC: To trace Queue services

     400300        x       KUPW: To trace Workerprocess(es)                (DW)

     800300        x       KUPD: To trace DataPackage

    1000300         x      META: To trace Metadata Package

    --- +

    1FF0300   x    x    x 'all' To trace all components         (full tracing)

    如果想trace 所有的数据泵组件,只需要指定trace的值为1ff0300即可。

    如果我们想通知trace 多个数据泵组件,就把这些组件的代码叠加起来即可,如:

    -- Example of combination(last 4 digits are usually 0300):

     40300 to trace Process services

     80300 to trace Master Control Process (MCP)

    400300 to trace Worker process(es)

    -- +

    4C0300 to trace Process services and MasterControl and Worker processes



        Oracle 建议使用480300的trace值,设置该值将会trace Master Control process (MCP) 和 theWorker process(es)。

    2.1.3 TRACE 文件的log 位置

    2个trace 文件在BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST目录下:

    Master Process trace file: <SID>_dm<number>_<process_id>.trc     
    Worker Process trace file: <SID>_dw<number>_<process_id>.trc     


    Shadow Processtrace file: <SID>_ora_<process_id>.trc     

    [oracle@asm u01]$ orzparam background

    Session altered.

    NAME                    ISDEFAULT SESMO SYSMOD    VALUE

    ----------------------- --------- -------------- ----------------------------------------

    background_core_dump    TRUE     FALSE FALSE     partial

    background_dump_dest    TRUE     FALSE IMMEDIATE /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dave/dave/trace

    [oracle@asm u01]$ orzparam user_dump

    Session altered.


    --------------------- --------- -------------- ----------------------------------------

    user_dump_dest        TRUE      FALSE IMMEDIATE/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dave/dave/trace

    2.1.4 TRACE 使用示例

    SQL> set lin 160 pages 200

    SQL> col owner for a10

    SQL> col DIRECTORY_PATH for a50

    SQL> select * from dba_directories;


    ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SYS       ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR         /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1/ccr/state

    SYS       DATA_PUMP_DIR                  /u01/app/oracle/admin/dave/dpdump/

    SYS       XMLDIR                        /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/xml


    SQL> create directory backup as'/u01/backup';

    Directory created.

    SQL> select * from dba_directories;


    ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    SYS       ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR         /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1/ccr/state

    SYS       DATA_PUMP_DIR                  /u01/app/oracle/admin/dave/dpdump/

    SYS       XMLDIR                        /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/xml

    SYS       BACKUP                        /u01/backup


    SQL> conn system/oracle;


    SQL> create table tianlesoftware asselect * from dba_objects;

    Table created.


    [oracle@asm u01]$ expdp system/oracleDIRECTORY=backup DUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftwareTRACE=480300

    Export: Release - Production onMon May 27 19:50:49 2013

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    Starting"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01":  system/******** DIRECTORY=backupDUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftware TRACE=480300

    Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 9 MB

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE


    . . exported"SYSTEM"."TIANLESOFTWARE"                   7.215 MB   74608 rows

    Master table"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded


    Dump file set for SYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01is:


    Job"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully completed at19:51:22


    -rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin    1433 May 27 19:51 dave_dw00_7486.trm

    -rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin   32109 May 27 19:51 dave_dw00_7486.trc

    -rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin    1417 May 27 19:51 dave_dm00_7484.trm

    -rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin   25025 May 27 19:51 dave_dm00_7484.trc

    -rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin    2908 May 27 19:50 dave_ora_7480.trc

    [oracle@asm trace]$ head -50 dave_dw00_7486.trc

    Trace file/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dave/dave/trace/dave_dw00_7486.trc

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1

    System name:    Linux

    Node name:      asm

    Release:        2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64

    Version:        #1 SMP Wed May 25 17:46:45 EDT 2011

    Machine:        x86_64

    Instance name: dave

    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

    Oracle process number: 42

    Unix process pid: 7486, image: oracle@asm(DW00)

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:55.052

    *** SESSION ID:(24.127) 2013-05-2719:50:55.052

    *** CLIENT ID:() 2013-05-27 19:50:55.052

    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2013-05-2719:50:55.052

    *** MODULE NAME:() 2013-05-27 19:50:55.052

    *** ACTION NAME:() 2013-05-27 19:50:55.052

    KUPP:19:50:55.051: Current trace/debugflags: 00480300 = 4719360

    *** MODULE NAME:(Data Pump Worker)2013-05-27 19:50:55.054

    *** ACTION NAME:(SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01)2013-05-27 19:50:55.054

    KUPW:19:50:55.054: 0: ALTER SESSION ENABLEPARALLEL DML called.

    KUPW:19:50:55.054: 0: ALTER SESSION ENABLEPARALLEL DML returned.

    KUPC:19:50:55.098: Setting remote flag forthis process to FALSE

    prvtaqis - Enter

    prvtaqis subtab_name upd

    prvtaqis sys table upd

    KUPW:19:50:55.665: 0: KUPP$PROC.WHATS_MY_IDcalled.

    KUPW:19:50:55.665: 1: KUPP$PROC.WHATS_MY_IDreturned.

    KUPW:19:50:55.666: 1: worker max messagenumber: 1000

    KUPW:19:50:55.668: 1: Full cluster accessallowed

    KUPW:19:50:55.669: 1: Original job starttime: 13-MAY-27 07:50:51 PM

    KUPW:19:50:55.671: 1: Seqno 16 isTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    KUPW:19:50:55.671: 1: Seqno 63 isTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/TABLE_DATA

    KUPW:19:50:55.671: 1:KUPP$PROC.WHATS_MY_NAME called.

    KUPW:19:50:55.671: 1:KUPP$PROC.WHATS_MY_NAME returned. Process name: DW00

    KUPW:19:50:55.671: 1:KUPV$FT_INT.GET_INSTANCE_ID called.

    KUPW:19:50:55.674: 1:KUPV$FT_INT.GET_INSTANCE_ID returned. Instance name: dave

    KUPW:19:50:55.679: 1: ALTER SESSION ENABLERESUMABLE called.

    KUPW:19:50:55.679: 1: ALTER SESSION ENABLERESUMABLE returned.

    KUPW:19:50:55.682: 1: KUPF$FILE.INITcalled.

    KUPW:19:50:55.883: 1: KUPF$FILE.INITreturned.

    KUPW:19:50:55.886: 1:KUPF$FILE.GET_MAX_CSWIDTH called.

    KUPW:19:50:55.886: 1:KUPF$FILE.GET_MAX_CSWIDTH returned.

    [oracle@asm trace]$

    [oracle@asm trace]$ head -50 dave_dm00_7484.trc

    Trace file/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dave/dave/trace/dave_dm00_7484.trc

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1

    System name:    Linux

    Node name:      asm

    Release:        2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64

    Version:        #1 SMP Wed May 25 17:46:45 EDT 2011

    Machine:        x86_64

    Instance name: dave

    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

    Oracle process number: 35

    Unix process pid: 7484, image: oracle@asm(DM00)

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:50.817

    *** SESSION ID:(66.5) 2013-05-2719:50:50.817

    *** CLIENT ID:() 2013-05-27 19:50:50.817

    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2013-05-2719:50:50.817

    *** MODULE NAME:() 2013-05-27 19:50:50.817

    *** ACTION NAME:() 2013-05-27 19:50:50.817

    KUPP:19:50:50.816: Current trace/debugflags: 00480300 = 4719360

    *** MODULE NAME:(Data Pump Master)2013-05-27 19:50:50.823

    *** ACTION NAME:(SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01)2013-05-27 19:50:50.823

    KUPC:19:50:50.823: Setting remote flag forthis process to FALSE

    prvtaqis - Enter

    prvtaqis subtab_name upd

    prvtaqis sys table upd

    KUPM:19:50:50.884: Attached to controlqueue as MCP

    KUPM:19:50:50.884: While starting, controlqueue subscriber count is: 2

    KUPP:19:50:50.884: Initialization completefor master process DM00

    KUPM:19:50:50.916: Entered main loop

    KUPM:19:50:50.922: ****IN DISPATCH at71450, request type=1001

    KUPM:19:50:50.922: Current user is: SYSTEM

    KUPM:19:50:50.922: hand :=DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN ('EXPORT', 'TABLE', '', 'SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01', '', '2');

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:51.719

    KUPM:19:50:51.719: Resumable enabled

    KUPM:19:50:51.734: Entered state: DEFINING

    KUPM:19:50:51.734: initing file system

    KUPM:19:50:51.749: ****OUT DISPATCH,request type=1001, response type =2041

    kwqberlst !retval block

    kwqberlst rqan->lagno_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia > 0 block

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst ascn 1644468 lascn 22

    KUPM:19:50:51.764: ****IN DISPATCH at71451, request type=1035

    [oracle@asm trace]$ head -50 dave_ora_7480.trc

    Trace file/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dave/dave/trace/dave_ora_7480.trc

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1

    System name:    Linux

    Node name:      asm

    Release:        2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64

    Version:        #1 SMP Wed May 25 17:46:45 EDT 2011

    Machine:        x86_64

    Instance name: dave

    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

    Oracle process number: 36

    Unix process pid: 7480, image: oracle@asm(TNS V1-V3)

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:49.871

    *** SESSION ID:(21.359) 2013-05-2719:50:49.871

    *** CLIENT ID:() 2013-05-27 19:50:49.871

    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2013-05-2719:50:49.871

    *** MODULE NAME:(ude@asm (TNS V1-V3))2013-05-27 19:50:49.871

    *** ACTION NAME:() 2013-05-27 19:50:49.871

    KUPP:19:50:49.871: Input trace/debug flags:00480300 = 4719360

    KUPP:19:50:49.873: Current trace/debugflags: 00480300 = 4719360

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:50.633

    KUPC:19:50:50.633: Setting remote flag forthis process to FALSE

    prvtaqis - Enter

    prvtaqis subtab_name upd

    prvtaqis sys table upd

    prvtaqis - Enter

    prvtaqis subtab_name upd

    prvtaqis sys table upd

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia > 0block

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst ascn 1644478 lascn 22

    kwqberlst !retval block

    kwqberlst rqan->lagno_kwqiia  5

    *** 2013-05-27 19:50:51.760

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia > 0block

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst ascn 1644478 lascn 22

    kwqberlst !retval block

    kwqberlst rqan->lagno_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia > 0block

    kwqberlst rqan->lascn_kwqiia  5

    kwqberlst ascn 1644478 lascn 22

    kwqberlst !retval block

    [oracle@asm trace]$

    2.2 使用22923 事件


    1.  设置22923 event trace expdp操作:

    SQL> alter system set events '22923 trace nameerrorstack level 3';

    2. 执行expdp 命令。

    3. 取消22923 event:

    SQL> alter system set events '22923trace name errorstack off';


    SQL> alter system set events '22923trace name errorstack level 3';

    System altered.


    [oracle@asm backup]$expdp system/oracle DIRECTORY=backup DUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.logTABLES=tianlesoftware

    Export: Release - Production onMon May 27 20:15:59 2013

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    Starting"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02":  system/******** DIRECTORY=backupDUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftware

    Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 9 MB

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE


    . . exported"SYSTEM"."TIANLESOFTWARE"                   7.215 MB   74608 rows

    Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02"successfully loaded/unloaded


    Dump file set forSYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02 is:


    Job"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02" successfully completed at20:16:15

    --查看trace,其生成的trace 和我们2.1 节一样。

    2个trace 文件在BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST目录下:

    Master Process trace file: <SID>_dm<number>_<process_id>.trc     
    Worker Process trace file: <SID>_dw<number>_<process_id>.trc     


    Shadow Processtrace file: <SID>_ora_<process_id>.trc     


    SQL> alter system set events'22923 trace name errorstack off';

    System altered.

    2.3 使用10046 事件

    10046 事件有如下级别:

    event 10046, level 1 = enable standardSQL_TRACE functionality
    event 10046, level 4 = as level 1, plus trace the BIND values
    event 10046, level 8 = as level 1, plus trace the WAITs
    event 10046, level 12 = as level 1, plus trace the BIND values and the WAITs


    level 1: lowest level tracing - not alwayssufficient to determine cause of errors;

    level 4: useful when an error in DataPump's worker or master process occurs;

    level 12: useful when there is an issuewith Data Pump performance.


        当我们设置10046的级别高于8或者12的时候,需要将TIMED_STATISTICS设置为TRUE. 临时的将这个参数设置为true,可以将trace数据性能的影响降到最低。


    [oracle@asm trace]$ orz param timed_statistics

    Session altered.


    ------------------- --------- -------------- ----------

    timed_statistics    TRUE     TRUE  IMMEDIATE TRUE


    如果不是,调整SQL 如下:

    ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics = TRUE SCOPE = memory;  
    ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics = FALSE SCOPE = memory; 

    2.3.1 在数据库级别设置

    可能的expdp/impdp 异常循序结束了,这时候我们就没有办法根据进程进行信息的捕捉。因此为了分析,可能就需要重新运行一次,这时候就可以在数据库级别设置10046事件。


    CONNECT / as sysdba
    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 4';  

    注意: 在数据库级别设置,会trace所有进程。 所以在生产系统慎用,除非有停机窗口,否则会影响系统性能。


    [oracle@asm backup]$ expdp system/oracleDIRECTORY=backup DUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftware


    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';

    2.3.2 对当前正在运行的数据泵进程进行10046 trace 查看expdp进程


    [oracle@asm trace]$ expdp system/oracleDIRECTORY=backup DUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftware

    Export: Release - Production onMon May 27 20:56:52 2013

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, Automatic StorageManagement, OLAP, Data Mining

    and Real Application Testing options

    Starting"SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02":  system/******** DIRECTORY=backupDUMPFILE=dave.dmp LOGFILE=dave.log TABLES=tianlesoftware

    Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 9 MB

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE



    set lines 150 pages 100 numwidth 7  
    col username for a10  
    col spid for a7  

    SQL> col program for a25

    SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DDHH24:MI:SS') "DATE", s.program, s.sid,   

          s.status, s.username, d.job_name, p.spid, s.serial#, p.pid   

     2    3    from v$session s, v$process p,dba_datapump_sessions d  

     4   where p.addr=s.paddr ands.saddr=d.saddr;

    DATE                PROGRAM                   SID STATUS   USERNAME  JOB_NAME                 SPID    SERIAL#    PID

    ------------------- --------------------- ------- -------- ---------------------------------- ------- ------- -------

    2013-05-27 20:59:30 oracle@asm (DW00)          23 ACTIVE   SYSTEM    SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02      8173        311     23

    2013-05-27 20:59:30 oracle@asm (DM00)          58 ACTIVE   SYSTEM    SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02      8171        85      36

    2013-05-27 20:59:30 ude@asm (TNS V1-V3)        22 ACTIVE   SYSTEM    SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02      8167       1077     34 使用sys.dbms_system.set_ev设置10046


    Data Pump Master process (DM00)的SID 是58,serial#是85.

    Data Pump Worker process (DW01)的SID 是23,serial#是311.

    使用10046 跟踪活动session的语法如下:


    --在level 4跟踪Worker process进程(Bind values):

    execute sys.dbms_system.set_ev(23,311,10046,4,'');  

    -- stop tracing:  
    execute sys.dbms_system.set_ev(23,311,10046,0,'');   

    --在level 8 跟踪Master进程(Waits):

    execute sys.dbms_system.set_ev(143,50,10046,8,'');   

    -- stop tracing:   
    execute sys.dbms_system.set_ev(143,50,10046,0,''); 使用oradebug 设置10046



    --在level 4跟踪Worker process进程(Bind values):

    oradebug setospid 8173  
    oradebug unlimit  
    oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever, level 4  
    oradebug tracefile_name 

    --在level 8 跟踪Master进程(Waits):

    oradebug setospid 8171   
    oradebug unlimit   
    oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever, level 8   
    oradebug tracefile_name   

    --stop tracing: 

    oradebug event 10046 trace name context off 使用tkprof 分析trace文件

    10046 生成的trace 文件可读性并不好,所有我们可以使用tkprof工具进行格式化,方便阅读。


    $ tkprof orcl_dm00_17292.trctkprof_orcl_dm00_17292.out waits=y sort=exeela
    $ tkprof orcl_dw01_17294.trctkprof_orcl_dw01_17294.out waits=y sort=exeela

    [oracle@asm dave]$ tkprof

    Usage: tkprof tracefile outputfile[explain= ] [table= ]

                  [print= ] [insert= ] [sys= ][sort= ]

     table=schema.tablename   Use'schema.tablename' with 'explain=' option.

     explain=user/password    Connectto ORACLE and issue EXPLAIN PLAN.

      print=integer    List only the first 'integer' SQLstatements.


     insert=filename  List SQLstatements and data inside INSERT statements.

     sys=no           TKPROF does notlist SQL statements run as user SYS.

     record=filename  Record non-recursivestatements found in the trace file.

     waits=yes|no     Record summaryfor any wait events found in the trace file.

     sort=option      Set of zero ormore of the following sort options:

       prscnt  number of times parse wascalled

       prscpu  cpu time parsing

       prsela  elapsed time parsing

       prsdsk  number of disk readsduring parse

       prsqry  number of buffers forconsistent read during parse

       prscu   number of buffers forcurrent read during parse

       prsmis  number of misses inlibrary cache during parse

       execnt  number of execute wascalled

       execpu  cpu time spent executing

       exeela  elapsed time executing

       exedsk  number of disk readsduring execute

       exeqry  number of buffers forconsistent read during execute

       execu   number of buffers forcurrent read during execute

       exerow  number of rows processedduring execute

       exemis  number of library cachemisses during execute

       fchcnt  number of times fetch wascalled

       fchcpu  cpu time spent fetching

       fchela  elapsed time fetching

       fchdsk  number of disk readsduring fetch

       fchqry  number of buffers forconsistent read during fetch

       fchcu   number of buffers forcurrent read during fetch

       fchrow  number of rows fetched

       userid  userid of user that parsedthe cursor


    Oracle SQLTrace 和 10046 事件




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