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  • Oracle Golden Gate 系列十二 GG 数据初始化装载二 基于SCN 的初始化 说明 与 示例



           对于静态初始化,把业务停掉,DB 上的数据就不会有变化,这时候,我们可以用expdp/impdp 或者dblink 等方式把基数据同步过去, 在启动相关的GG 同步进程就可以了。


         1. 利用 Keys + Handlecollisions

         2. 利用 commit SCN/CSN

    1.1 Keys+Handlecollisions 方法


    Oracle Golden Gate 系列九 --GG 数据初始化装载 说明 与 示例


           Handlecollisions参数依赖于表上的Key(Primarykey/Unique key)来对数据进行重复行和缺失行的处理,常在数据初始化过程中保证数据的一致性。但是这种办法在实际的工程实施中是有相当大的限制。


    MOS 上有关使用Handlecollisions 方法的一个说明:

    1. When there isprimary key update (PKUpdate), the HANDLECOLLISIONS method may lose data. Thesolution in the case of a primary key update is for Extract to fetch whole rowby making a flashback query. However, this is not efficient and may not bepossible in certain environments.

    2. When a tabledoes not have any type of key, HANDLECOLLISIONS may introduce duplicate rows inthe table. One workaround is to add a primary or unique key to the targettable.

    3. The exacttimestamp when the initial load was started may not be known (and differenttables may have different start times), so it is almost inevitable thatHANDLECOLLISIONS will be used for certain records un-necessarily. This couldmask a real data integrity problem.

    1.2 Commit+SCN/CSN 方法




    (3) 基于备份的表空间搬移

    (4) Dataguard

    1.2.1 Transportable Tablespace

           TransporttableTablespace 可以使用Expdp/impdp实现,也可以使用RMAN 来实现,这里要注意的就是传输表空间需要将表空间设置为read only,但一般生产库不允许,所以这里可以使用基于备份的RMAN 传输表空间。


    1.2.2 Data Guard



     有关Oracle DG 系列的文章,参考我的Blog:


    1.2.3 exp/expdp

            通过exp和expdp的一致性参数(flashback_scn),导出特定SCN点上的一致性版本. FLASHBACK_SCN 参数用于指定导出特定SCN时刻的表数据,如:





    Oracle 10g Data Pump Expdp/Impdp 详解


    Oracle expdp/impdp 使用示例




    在基于SCN 的数据初始化完成之后,我们在Replicat时,从指定SCN 开始就ok了。如:

    start rep1,aftercsn 12345678


    这里只演示基于Expdp/Impdp, 这种方法最灵活。

    我们使用GG的架构是: Extract+Data Pump + Replicat.

    2.1 清除之前的GG环境

    --Target System

    SQL> conn dave/dave;


    SQL> drop table pdba;

    Table dropped.

    GGSCI (gg2) 46> stop rep1

    Sending STOP request to REPLICAT REP1 ...

    Request processed.

    GGSCI (gg2) 47> info all

    Program    Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

    MANAGER    RUNNING                                          

    REPLICAT   STOPPED     REP1        00:00:00      00:00:04   

    GGSCI (gg2) 48> delete rep1

    ERROR: Could not delete DB checkpoint forREPLICAT REP1 (Database login required to delete database checkpoint).

    GGSCI (gg2) 49> dblogin useridggate,password ggate

    Successfully logged into database.

    GGSCI (gg2) 51> delete rep1

    Deleted REPLICAT REP1.

    GGSCI (gg2) 52> info all

    Program    Status      Group       Lag      Time Since Chkpt

    MANAGER    RUNNING                                          

    --Source System

    GGSCI (gg1) 55> info all

    Program    Status      Group      Lag           Time Since Chkpt

    MANAGER    RUNNING                                          

    EXTRACT    RUNNING     DPUMP       00:00:00      00:00:09   

    EXTRACT    RUNNING     EXT1        00:00:00      00:00:09   

    GGSCI (gg1) 56> dblogin userid ggate,password ggate

    Successfully logged into database.

    GGSCI (gg1) 57> stop ext1

    Sending STOP request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

    Request processed.

    GGSCI (gg1) 58> stop dpump

    Sending STOP request to EXTRACT DPUMP ...

    Request processed.

    GGSCI (gg1) 59> delete ext1

    2011-11-17 16:51:48  INFO   OGG-01750  Successfullyunregistered EXTRACT EXT1 from database.

    Deleted EXTRACT EXT1.

    GGSCI (gg1) 60> delete dpump

    Deleted EXTRACT DPUMP.

    GGSCI (gg1) 61> info all

    Program    Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

    MANAGER    RUNNING                                          

    2.2 重新配置GG 环境

    2.2.1 Source System创建Extract和 Data Pump

    --创建Extract: ext1

    GGSCI (gg1) 62> add extractext1,tranlog, begin now

    2011-11-17 16:56:21  INFO   OGG-01749  Successfully registeredEXTRACT EXT1 to start managing log retention at SCN 1374149.

    EXTRACT added.

    GGSCI (gg1) 63> add exttrail/u01/ggate/dirdat/lt, extract ext1

    EXTTRAIL added.

    GGSCI (gg1) 64> view params ext1

    extract ext1

    userid ggate@gg1, password ggate

    --rmthost gg2,mgrport 7809

    --rmttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

    exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

    ddl include all objname dave.pdba;

    table dave.pdba;


    GGSCI (gg1) 65> add extractdpump,exttrailsource /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

    EXTRACT added.

    GGSCI (gg1) 66> add rmttrail/u01/ggate/dirdat/lt, extract dpump

    RMTTRAIL added.

    GGSCI (gg1) 67> view params dpump

    extract dpump

    userid ggate@gg1, password ggate

    rmthost gg2, mgrport 7809

    rmttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt


    table dave.pdba;

    2.2.2 Target System 创建Replicat

    --创建checkpoint 表

    GGSCI (gg2) 57> view param ./GLOBALS

    GGSCHEMA ggate

    CHECKPOINTTABLE ggate.checkpoint

    GGSCI (gg2) 58> dblogin userid ggate@gg2,password ggate

    Successfully logged into database.

    GGSCI (gg2) 59> add checkpointtable ggate.checkpoint

    Successfully created checkpoint tableGGATE.CHECKPOINT.

    --创建Replicat: rep1

    GGSCI (gg2) 60> add replicatrep1,exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt, checkpointtable ggate.checkpoint

    REPLICAT added.

    GGSCI (gg2) 61> view param rep1

    replicat rep1


    userid ggate@gg2,password ggate

    discardfile/u01/ggate/dirdat/rep1_discard.txt, append, megabytes 10


    ddl include all

    ddlerror default ignore retryop

    map dave.pdba, target dave.pdba;

    这里注意一点,因为我在删除进程时,并没有删除对应的参数文件,所以在创建同名的进程之后,就会默认使用之前的参数文件,在edit 进程时会显示参数文件的位置。


    gg2:/u01/ggate/dirprm> ls

    mgr.prm rep1.prm  rept2.prm

    2.3 启动Extract 和 Data Pump进程:ext1,dpump

           注意这里不要启动Replicat 进程,要等到我们用expdp/impdp 完成初始化之后,在用SCN 来启动replicat 进程。

    GGSCI (gg1) 70> start ext1

    Sending START request to MANAGER ...

    EXTRACT EXT1 starting

    GGSCI (gg1) 71> start dpump

    Sending START request to MANAGER ...

    EXTRACT DPUMP starting

    GGSCI (gg1) 73> info all

    Program    Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

    MANAGER    RUNNING                                          

    EXTRACT    RUNNING     DPUMP       00:00:00      00:18:27   

    EXTRACT    RUNNING     EXT1        00:20:10      00:00:02   

    2.4 用带FLASHBACK_SCN 的expdp/impdp完成初始化

    2.4.1 在SourceDB 查询当前的SCN

    SQL> select current_scn from v$database;




    2.4.2 导出pdba 表的数据

    gg1:/u01/backup> expdp  dave/dave directory=backup dumpfile=pdba.dmplogfile=table.log tables=pdba flashback_scn=1376141;

    Export: Release - Production onThu Nov 17 17:24:49 2011

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing options

    Starting"DAVE"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02":  dave/******** directory=backupdumpfile=pdba.dmp logfile=table.log tables=pdba flashback_scn=1376141

    Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 60 MB

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE


    . . exported"DAVE"."PDBA"                               48.51 MB 2678634rows

    Master table"DAVE"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02" successfully loaded/unloaded


    Dump file set for DAVE.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02is:


    Job"DAVE"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_02" successfully completed at17:26:22

    2.4.3 删除pdba 表的部分数据

    SQL> delete from pdba whererownum<1000;

    999 rows deleted.

    SQL> commit;

    Commit complete.

    SQL> select current_scn from v$database;




    2.4.4 将dumpscp到Target

    gg1:/u01/backup> scp pdba.dmp192.168.3.200:/u01/backup

    oracle@'s password:

    pdba.dmp                                         100%   49MB   6.1MB/s  00:08 

    2.4.5 impdp dump文件

    gg2:/u01/backup> impdp dave/davedirectory=backup dumpfile=pdba.dmp logfile=table.log tables=pdbatable_exists_action=replace;

    Import: Release - Production onThu Nov 17 17:30:04 2011

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing options

    Master table"DAVE"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded

    Starting "DAVE"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01":  dave/******** directory=backupdumpfile=pdba.dmp logfile=table.log tables=pdba table_exists_action=replace

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE

    Processing object typeTABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

    . . imported "DAVE"."PDBA"                               48.51 MB 2678634rows


    Job"DAVE"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01" successfully completed at17:31:00

    2.5 用SCN 启动Replicat

    GGSCI (gg2) 63> start rep1, aftercsn 1376141

    Sending START request to MANAGER ...

    REPLICAT REP1 starting

    GGSCI (gg2) 64> info rep1

    REPLICAT  REP1      Last Started 2011-11-1717:32   Status RUNNING

    Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago)

    Log Read Checkpoint  File /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt000000

                        First Record  RBA 978

    2.6 验证

    只要Source 和Target 表上的pdba 记录数一致,就说明,已经ok了。

    --Source DB:

    SQL> conn dave/dave;


    SQL> select count(*) from pdba;




    --Target DB:

    SQL> conn dave/dave;


    SQL> select count(*) from pdba;




    同步正常。基于SCN 的初始化示例到此结束。



    Blog:     http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware

    Weibo: http://weibo.com/tianlesoftware

    Email:   tianlesoftware@gmail.com

    Skype: tianlesoftware


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tianlesoftware/p/3609490.html
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