create table t_class_info(
classno number(3) primary key,
classname varchar2(10),
classplace varchar2(13)
create table t_student_info(
stuno number(3),
classno number(3),
stuname varchar2(10),
stusex char(1),
stucontect number(11),
stuadd varchar2(50),
studetailinfo varchar2(100)
alter table t_class_infot rename to t_class_info
alter table t_class_info rename column classplace to location;
alter table t_student_info add constraint pk_stu_no primary key(stuno);
alter table t_student_info add constraint fk_classno foreign key(classno) references t_class_info(classno);
alter table t_student_info add constraint ck_stu_info check (stusex in ('f','m'));
alter table ttt add constraint index_age check (age>0 and age<50)
--添加not null约束
alter table t_student_info modify stucontect constraint not_null_info not null;
alter table t_student_info add constraint uq_stu_contect unique(stucontect);
alter table t_student_info modify stusex char(2) default'm';
alter table t_student_info add stuid varchar2(18);
alter table t_student_info add stuage date default sysdate not null;
alter table t_student_info drop column studetailinfo;
alter table t_class_info modify classplace varchar2(50);
alter table t_student_info modify stuno number(2);
alter table t_student_info modify stusex char(2);
alter table t_student_info modify stuage default sysdate+1;
alter table t_student_info disable fk_classno;
alter table t_student_info enable fk_classno;
alter table t_student_info drop fk_classno;
alter table t_student_info add constraint fk_classno foreign key(classno)
references t_class_info(classno)
deferrable initially deferred;
comment on table t_student_info is '学生表';
comment on column t_student_info.stuname is '学生姓名';
comment on column t_class_info.classname is '班级';
truncate table t_student_info;
drop table t_student_info;
drop table t_student_info purge;
flashback table t_student_info to before drop;