typedef struct BTree{ char str; struct BTree * lchild; struct BTree * rchild; }BTree;
printf("Please input the tree(use char and #) 要求按照先序遍历的方式输入,加上#进行区分 例如123# #4##5##: ");
BTree* creat_tree(){ BTree* temp; while(*p==' ')p++; if(*p=='#'){ p++; return NULL; } if(*p!=' '){ temp = (BTree *)malloc(sizeof(BTree)); temp->str=*p++; temp->lchild=creat_tree(); temp->rchild=creat_tree(); } return temp; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX 100 char * p; typedef struct BTree{ char str; struct BTree * lchild; struct BTree * rchild; }BTree; BTree* creat_tree(){ BTree* temp; while(*p==' ')p++; if(*p=='#'){ p++; return NULL; } if(*p!=' '){ temp = (BTree *)malloc(sizeof(BTree)); temp->str=*p++; temp->lchild=creat_tree(); temp->rchild=creat_tree(); } return temp; } void pre_visit(BTree* node){ printf("%c",node->str); if(node->lchild!=NULL)pre_visit(node->lchild); if(node->rchild!=NULL)pre_visit(node->rchild); } int main() { char tree[MAX];p=tree; BTree * head; printf("Please input the tree(use char and #) 要求按照先序遍历的方式输入,加上#进行区分 例如123# #4##5##: "); //scanf("%s",tree); gets(tree); if(*p!=' '&&*p!=' '&&*p!='#'){ head=(BTree *)malloc(sizeof(BTree)); head->str=*p++; //printf("head is %c",head->str); head->lchild=creat_tree(); head->rchild=creat_tree(); } printf("tree is : "); pre_visit(head); return 0; }