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  • Scalaz(53)- scalaz-stream: 程序运算器-application scenario

        从上面多篇的讨论中我们了解到scalaz-stream代表一串连续无穷的数据或者程序。对这个数据流的处理过程就是一个状态机器(state machine)的状态转变过程。这种模式与我们通常遇到的程序流程很相似:通过程序状态的变化来推进程序进展。传统OOP式编程可能是通过一些全局变量来记录当前程序状态,而FP则是通过函数组合来实现状态转变的。这个FP模式讲起来有些模糊和抽象,但实际上通过我们前面长时间对FP编程的学习了解到FP编程讲究避免使用任何局部中间变量,更不用说全局变量了。FP程序的数据A是包嵌在算法F[A]内的。FP编程模式提供了一整套全新的数据更新方法来实现对F[A]中数据A的操作。对许多编程人员来讲,FP的这种编程方式会显得很别扭、不容易掌握。如果我们仔细观察分析,会发觉scalaz-stream就是一种很好的FP编程工具:它的数据也是不可变的(immutable),并且是包嵌在高阶类型结构里的,是通过Process状态转变来标示数据处理过程进展的。scalaz-stream的数据处理是有序流程,这样可以使我们更容易分析理解程序的运算过程,它的三个大环节包括:数据源(source),数据传换(transducer)及数据终点(Sink/Channel)可以很形象地描绘一个程序运算的全过程。scalaz-stream在运算过程中的并行运算方式(parallel computaion)、安全资源使用(resource safety)和异常处理能力(exception handling)是实现泛函多线程编程最好的支持。我们先来看看scalaz-stream里的一个典型函数:

       * Await the given `F` request and use its result.
       * If you need to specify fallback, use `awaitOr`
      def await[F[_], A, O](req: F[A])(rcv: A => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] =
       * Await a request, and if it fails, use `fb` to determine the next state.
       * Otherwise, use `rcv` to determine the next state.
      def awaitOr[F[_], A, O](req: F[A])(fb: EarlyCause => Process[F, O])(rcv: A => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] =
        Await(req,(r: EarlyCause / A) => Trampoline.delay(Try(r.fold(fb,rcv))))

    这个await函数可以说是一个代表完整程序流程的典范。注意,awaitOr里的Await是个数据结构。这样我们在递归运算await时可以避免StackOverflowError的发生。req: F[A]代表与外界交互的一个运算,如从外部获取输入、函数rcv对这个req产生的运算结果进行处理并设定程序新的状态。

    1 import scalaz.stream._
    2 import scalaz.concurrent._
    3 object streamApps {
    4 import Process._
    5   def getInput: Task[Int] = Task.delay { 3 }      //> getInput: => scalaz.concurrent.Task[Int]
    6   val prg = await(getInput)(i => emit(i * 3))     //> prg  : scalaz.stream.Process[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int] = Await(scalaz.concurrent.Task@4973813a,<function1>,<function1>)
    7   prg.runLog.run                                  //> res0: Vector[Int] = Vector(9)
    8 }


    1  val add10 = await1[Int].flatMap{i => emit(i + 10)}
    2                                                   //> add10  : scalaz.stream.Process[[x]scalaz.stream.Process.Env[Int,Any]#Is[x],Int] = Await(Left,<function1>,<function1>)
    3   val prg1 = await(getInput)(i => emit(i * 3) |> add10)
    4                                                   //> prg1  : scalaz.stream.Process[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int] = Await(scalaz.concurrent.Task@6737fd8f,<function1>,<function1>)
    5   prg1.runLog.run                                 //> res0: Vector[Int] = Vector(19)


    1 val prg3 = prg |> add10                         //> prg3  : scalaz.stream.Process[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int] = Append(Halt(End) ,Vector(<function1>))
    2   prg3.runLog.run                               //> res1: Vector[Int] = Vector(19)


    1  val outResult: Sink[Task,Int] = sink.lift { i => Task.delay{println(s"the result is: $i")}}
    2                                                   //> outResult  : scalaz.stream.Sink[scalaz.concurrent.Task,Int] = Append(Emit(Vector(<function1>)),Vector(<function1>))
    3   val prg4 = prg1 to outResult                    //> prg4  : scalaz.stream.Process[[x]scalaz.concurrent.Task[x],Unit] = Append(Halt(End),Vector(<function1>, <function1>))
    4   prg4.run.run                                    //> the result is: 19


     1 import scalaz._
     2 import Scalaz._
     3 import scalaz.concurrent._
     4 import scalaz.stream._
     5 import Process._
     6 object streamAppsDemo extends App {
     7   def putLine(line: String) = Task.delay { println(line) }
     8   def getLine = Task.delay { Console.readLine }
     9   val readL = putLine("Enter:>").flatMap {_ => getLine}
    10   val readLines =  repeatEval(readL)
    11   val echoLine = readLines.flatMap {line => eval(putLine(line))}  
    12   echoLine.run.run
    13 }


    1 Enter:>
    2 hello world!
    3 hello world!
    4 Enter:>
    5 how are you?
    6 how are you?
    7 Enter:>


    1   val outLine: Sink[Task,String] = constant(putLine _).toSource
    2   val echoInput: Process[Task,Unit] = readLines to outLine
    3   //echoLine.run.run
    4   echoInput.run.run 

    用to Sink来表述可能更形象。这个程序没有任何控制:甚至无法有意识地退出。我们试着加一些控制机制:

     1   def lines: Process[Task,String] = {
     2     def go(line: String): Process[Task,String] = 
     3         line.toUpperCase match {
     4           case "QUIT" => halt
     5           case _ => emit(line) ++ await(readL)(go)
     6         } 
     7     await(readL)(go)
     8   }
    10   val prg = lines to outLine
    11   prg.run.run 



    1   def mul(i: Int) = await1[String].flatMap { s => emit((s.toDouble * i).toString) }.repeat
    2   val prg = (lines |> mul(5)) to outLine  
    3   prg.run.run 

    加了个transducer mul(5),如果输入是可转变为数字类型的就乘5否者会异常退出。下面是一些测试场景:

     1 Enter:>
     2 5
     3 25.0
     4 Enter:>
     5 6
     6 30.0
     7 Enter:>
     8 six
     9 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "six"
    10     at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(FloatingDecimal.java:2043)


    1   def mul(i: Int) = await1[String].flatMap { s => emit((s.toDouble * i).toString) }.repeat
    2 //val prg = (lines |> mul(5)) to outLine  
    3   val prg = (lines |> mul(5)).onFailure { e => emit("invalid input!!!") } to outLine
    4   prg.run.run 


    1 Enter:>
    2 5
    3 25.0
    4 Enter:>
    5 6
    6 30.0
    7 Enter:>
    8 six
    9 invalid input!!!


    1   def mul(i: Int) = await1[String].flatMap { s => emit((s.toDouble * i).toString) }.repeat
    2 //val prg = (lines |> mul(5)) to outLine  
    3   val prg = (lines |> mul(5)).onFailure { e => emit("invalid input!!!") }
    4   val prg1 = prg.onComplete{ Process.eval(Task.delay {println("end of program"); ""}) } to outLine
    5   prg1.run.run 


     1 Enter:>
     2 5
     3 25.0
     4 Enter:>
     5 6
     6 30.0
     7 Enter:>
     8 six
     9 invalid input!!!
    10 end of program


     1 import scalaz._
     2 import Scalaz._
     3 import scalaz.concurrent._
     4 import scalaz.stream._
     5 import Process._
     6 object prgStream extends App {
     7   def prompt(prmpt: String) = Task.delay { print(prmpt) }
     8   def putLine(line: String) = Task.delay { println(line) }
     9   def getLine = Task.delay { Console.readLine }
    10   val readLine1 = prompt("Prg1>:").flatMap {_ => getLine}
    11   val readLine2 = prompt("Prg2>:").flatMap {_ => getLine}
    12   val stdOutput = constant(putLine _).toSource
    13   def multiplyBy(n: Int) = await1[String].flatMap {line => 
    14       if (line.isEmpty) halt
    15       else emit((line.toDouble * n).toString)
    16   }.repeat
    17   val prg1: Process[Task,String] =  {
    18     def go(line: String): Process[Task,String] = line.toUpperCase match {
    19       case "QUIT" => halt
    20       case _ => emit(line) ++ await(readLine1)(go)
    21     }
    22     await(readLine1)(go)   
    23   }.onComplete{ Process.eval(Task.delay {println("end of program1"); ""}) }
    24   val prg2: Process[Task,String] =  {
    25     def go(line: String): Process[Task,String] = line.toUpperCase match {
    26       case "QUIT" => halt
    27       case _ => emit(line) ++ await(readLine2)(go)
    28     }
    29     await(readLine2)(go)   
    30   }.onComplete{ Process.eval(Task.delay {println("end of program2"); ""}) } 
    31   val program1 = (prg1 |> multiplyBy(3) to stdOutput)
    32   val program2 = (prg2 |> multiplyBy(5) to stdOutput)
    34   (program1 ++ program2).run.run
    36 } 

    因为program的类型是Process[Task,String],所以我们可以用++把它们连接起来。同时我们应该看到在program的形成过程中transducer multiplyBy是如何用|>与prg组合的。现在我们看看测试运算结果:

     1 Prg1>:3
     2 9.0
     3 Prg1>:4
     4 12.0
     5 Prg1>:quit
     6 end of program1
     7 Prg2>:5
     8 25.0
     9 Prg2>:6
    10 30.0
    11 Prg2>:quit
    12 end of program2


     1  val program1 = (prg1 |> multiplyBy(3) observe stdOutput)
     2   val program2 = (prg2 |> multiplyBy(5) observe stdOutput)
     4   //(program1 ++ program2).run.run
     5   val getOption = prompt("Enter your choice>:").flatMap {_ => getLine }
     6   val mainPrg: Process[Task,String] = {
     7      def go(input: String): Process[Task,String] = input.toUpperCase match {
     8        case "QUIT" => halt
     9        case "P1" => program1 ++ await(getOption)(go)
    10        case "P2" => program2 ++ await(getOption)(go)
    11        case _ => await(getOption)(go)
    12      }
    13      await(getOption)(go)
    14   }.onComplete{ Process.eval(Task.delay {println("end of main"); ""}) } 
    16   mainPrg.run.run


     1 Enter your choice>:p2
     2 Prg2>:3
     3 15.0
     4 Prg2>:5
     5 25.0
     6 Prg2>:quit
     7 end of program2
     8 Enter your choice>:p1
     9 Prg1>:3
    10 9.0
    11 Prg1>:6
    12 18.0
    13 Prg1>:quit
    14 end of program1
    15 Enter your choice>:wat
    16 Enter your choice>:oh no
    17 Enter your choice>:quit
    18 end of main














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