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  • Netty进行文件传输


    1. package net.xjdsz.file;
    2. import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
    3. import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
    4. import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
    5. import io.netty.channel.*;
    6. import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup;
    7. import io.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannel;
    8. import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel;
    9. import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    10. import java.io.FileInputStream;
    11. import java.io.InputStream;
    12. /**
    13. * Created by dingshuo on 2017/7/6.
    14. */
    15. public class UploadClient {
    16. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    17. UploadClient client=new UploadClient();
    18. client.connect();
    19. }
    20. public void connect(){
    21. EventLoopGroup group=new NioEventLoopGroup();
    22. try{
    23. Bootstrap b=new Bootstrap();
    24. b.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class)
    25. .option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY,true)
    26. .handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
    27. @Override
    28. protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
    29. ch.pipeline().addLast(new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter(){
    30. @Override
    31. public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    32. ByteBuf msg;
    33. InputStream in = new FileInputStream("D:\Koala.jpg");
    34. ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    35. byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 100];
    36. int n = 0;
    37. while ((n = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {
    38. msg= Unpooled.buffer(buffer.length);
    39. //这里读取到多少,就发送多少,是为了防止最后一次读取没法满填充buffer,
    40. //导致将buffer中的处于尾部的上一次遗留数据也发送走
    41. msg.writeBytes(buffer,0,n);
    42. ctx.writeAndFlush(msg);
    43. msg.clear();
    44. }
    45. System.out.println(n);
    46. }
    47. });
    48. }
    49. });
    50. ChannelFuture f=b.connect("",20000).sync();
    51. f.channel().closeFuture().sync();
    52. }catch (Exception e){
    53. }finally {
    54. group.shutdownGracefully();
    55. }
    56. }
    57. }

    1. package net.xjdsz.file;
    2. import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
    3. import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
    4. import io.netty.channel.*;
    5. import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup;
    6. import io.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannel;
    7. import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannel;
    8. import io.netty.handler.logging.LogLevel;
    9. import io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler;
    10. import java.io.File;
    11. import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    12. import java.io.IOException;
    13. /**
    14. * Created by dingshuo on 2017/7/6.
    15. */
    16. public class UploadServer {
    17. public void bind(int port) throws Exception{
    18. EventLoopGroup bossGroup=new NioEventLoopGroup();
    19. EventLoopGroup workerGroup=new NioEventLoopGroup();
    20. try{
    21. ServerBootstrap b=new ServerBootstrap();
    22. b.group(bossGroup,workerGroup)
    23. .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
    24. .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG,1024)
    25. .handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO))
    26. .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
    27. @Override
    28. protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
    29. ch.pipeline().addLast(new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter(){
    30. @Override
    31. public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    32. super.channelActive(ctx);
    33. }
    34. @Override
    35. public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    36. super.channelInactive(ctx);
    37. }
    38. @Override
    39. public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
    40. String path="D:\test.jpg";
    41. File file=new File(path);
    42. if(!file.exists()){
    43. file.createNewFile();
    44. }
    45. FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(file,true);
    46. // BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream=new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
    47. ByteBuf buf=(ByteBuf)msg;
    48. byte[] bytes=new byte[buf.readableBytes()];
    49. buf.readBytes(bytes);
    50. System.out.println("本次接收内容长度:" + bytes.length);
    51. try {
    52. // bufferedOutputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
    53. // buf.release();
    54. fos.write(bytes);
    55. fos.flush();
    56. } catch (IOException e) {
    57. e.printStackTrace();
    58. }
    59. }
    60. });
    61. }
    62. });
    63. //绑定端口,同步等待成功
    64. ChannelFuture f=b.bind(port).sync();
    65. //等待服务端监听端口关闭
    66. f.channel().closeFuture().sync();
    67. }finally {
    68. //退出,释放资源
    69. bossGroup.shutdownGracefully();
    70. workerGroup.shutdownGracefully();
    71. }
    72. }
    73. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    74. UploadServer uploadServer=new UploadServer();
    75. uploadServer.bind(20000);
    76. }
    77. }

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