问题起源:void DistpatchEvent(EventType, IEventData)
这里的 IEventData是一个接口,代表事件参数。
public class testStructGC : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { var ot = new PlayerMoveCmd(); ICmd ic = new PlayerMoveCmd(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } }
ICmd ic = new PlayerMoveCmd();
.method private hidebysig instance void Start () cil managed { // Method begins at RVA 0x20b0 // Code size 25 (0x19) .maxstack 1 .locals init ( [0] valuetype PlayerMoveCmd ot, [1] class ICmd ic, [2] valuetype PlayerMoveCmd ) // { IL_0000: nop // PlayerMoveCmd playerMoveCmd = default(PlayerMoveCmd); IL_0001: ldloca.s 0 IL_0003: initobj PlayerMoveCmd // ICmd cmd = default(PlayerMoveCmd); IL_0009: ldloca.s 2 IL_000b: initobj PlayerMoveCmd IL_0011: ldloc.2 IL_0012: box PlayerMoveCmd IL_0017: stloc.1 // } IL_0018: ret } // end of method testStructGC::Start