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  • pearson相关分析在R中的实现





    > cor(state.x77)
                Population     Income  Illiteracy    Life Exp     Murder     HS Grad      Frost        Area
    Population  1.00000000  0.2082276  0.10762237 -0.06805195  0.3436428 -0.09848975 -0.3321525  0.02254384
    Income      0.20822756  1.0000000 -0.43707519  0.34025534 -0.2300776  0.61993232  0.2262822  0.36331544
    Illiteracy  0.10762237 -0.4370752  1.00000000 -0.58847793  0.7029752 -0.65718861 -0.6719470  0.07726113
    Life Exp   -0.06805195  0.3402553 -0.58847793  1.00000000 -0.7808458  0.58221620  0.2620680 -0.10733194
    Murder      0.34364275 -0.2300776  0.70297520 -0.78084575  1.0000000 -0.48797102 -0.5388834  0.22839021
    HS Grad    -0.09848975  0.6199323 -0.65718861  0.58221620 -0.4879710  1.00000000  0.3667797  0.33354187
    Frost      -0.33215245  0.2262822 -0.67194697  0.26206801 -0.5388834  0.36677970  1.0000000  0.05922910
    Area        0.02254384  0.3633154  0.07726113 -0.10733194  0.2283902  0.33354187  0.0592291  1.00000000
    > cor.test(state.x77[,1],state.x77[,2])
    	Pearson's product-moment correlation
    data:  state.x77[, 1] and state.x77[, 2]
    t = 1.475, df = 48, p-value = 0.1467
    alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
    95 percent confidence interval:
     -0.07443435  0.45991855
    sample estimates:
    > corr.test(state.x77)
    Call:corr.test(x = state.x77)
    Correlation matrix 
               Population Income Illiteracy Life Exp Murder HS Grad Frost  Area
    Population       1.00   0.21       0.11    -0.07   0.34   -0.10 -0.33  0.02
    Income           0.21   1.00      -0.44     0.34  -0.23    0.62  0.23  0.36
    Illiteracy       0.11  -0.44       1.00    -0.59   0.70   -0.66 -0.67  0.08
    Life Exp        -0.07   0.34      -0.59     1.00  -0.78    0.58  0.26 -0.11
    Murder           0.34  -0.23       0.70    -0.78   1.00   -0.49 -0.54  0.23
    HS Grad         -0.10   0.62      -0.66     0.58  -0.49    1.00  0.37  0.33
    Frost           -0.33   0.23      -0.67     0.26  -0.54    0.37  1.00  0.06
    Area             0.02   0.36       0.08    -0.11   0.23    0.33  0.06  1.00
    Sample Size 
    [1] 50
    Probability values (Entries above the diagonal are adjusted for multiple tests.) 
               Population Income Illiteracy Life Exp Murder HS Grad Frost Area
    Population       0.00   1.00       1.00     1.00   0.23    1.00  0.25 1.00
    Income           0.15   0.00       0.03     0.23   1.00    0.00  1.00 0.16
    Illiteracy       0.46   0.00       0.00     0.00   0.00    0.00  0.00 1.00
    Life Exp         0.64   0.02       0.00     0.00   0.00    0.00  0.79 1.00
    Murder           0.01   0.11       0.00     0.00   0.00    0.01  0.00 1.00
    HS Grad          0.50   0.00       0.00     0.00   0.00    0.00  0.16 0.25
    Frost            0.02   0.11       0.00     0.07   0.00    0.01  0.00 1.00
    Area             0.88   0.01       0.59     0.46   0.11    0.02  0.68 0.00
     To see confidence intervals of the correlations, print with the short=FALSE option


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