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  • centos6.5安装gcc6.1等c++环境


    wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-6.1.0/gcc-6.1.0.tar.bz2
    tar -jxvf gcc-6.1.0.tar.bz2

    cd gcc-6.1.0 

    mkdir gcc-build-6.1.0; cd gcc-build-6.1.0
    ../configure -enable-checking=release -enable-languages=c,c++ -disable-multilib
    make -j4编译的时候老是出错,改用make成功编译
    -j4选项是make对多核处理器的优化,如果不成功请使用 make

    6 安装gcc
    make install

    7 验证安装
    gcc -v

    截至目前,GCC 6.1.0编译安装了,但还需要替换系统的链接库:/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6

    拷贝文件到目录下:cp /usr/local/lib64/libstdc++.so.6.0.22  /usr/lib64/,进入lib目录:cd /usr/lib64,删除原来的文件:rm libstdc++.so.6,

    重新建立软连接:ln libstdc++.so.6.0.17 libstdc++.so.6 。替换完成


    GCC 6.1 发布了,该版本较之前GCC5 新怎了大量的功能特性,默认采用C++14为新的标准,替代了之前的C++98。OpenMP 4.5规范将在本版本中被支持。此外,GCC 6.1 增强了对 C++17 的试验性支持;大大改进了诊断特性,包括位置,位置范围,拼写错误标识符建议,选项名字等等改进;新增了修复提示和一些警告提示。改进记录如下:

    • UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer gained a new sanitization option, -fsanitize=bounds-strict, which enables strict checking of array bounds.  In particular, it enables -fsanitize=bounds as well as instrumentation of flexible array member-like arrays.

    • Type-based alias analysis now disambiguates accesses to different pointers. This improves precision of the alias oracle by about 20-30% on higher-level C++ programs. Programs doing invalid type punning of pointer types may now need -fno-strict-aliasing to work correctly.

    • Alias analysis now correctly supports weakref and alias attributes. This makes it possible to access both a variable and its alias in one translation unit which is common with link-time optimization.

    • Value range propagation now assumes that the this pointer of C++ member functions is non-null.  This eliminates common null pointer checks but also breaks some non-conforming code-bases (such as Qt-5, Chromium, KDevelop). As a temporary work-around-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks can be used. Wrong code can be identified by using-fsanitize=undefined.


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