Given an array S of n integers, find three integers in S such that the sum is closest to a given number, target. Return the sum of the three integers.
For example, given array S = [-1 2 1 -4]
, and target = 1
. The sum that is closest to the target is 2
. (-1 + 2 + 1 = 2).
不算是一道难题,可是硬生生把我的 Your submissions per problem 从3.2弄到了3.8(别看数据耀眼,因为还没刷几道题。。。)每次不是这组数据错就是另一组数据错
public class Solution { /** * @param numbers: Give an array numbers of n integer * @param target : An integer * @return : return the sum of the three integers, the sum closest target. */ public int threeSumClosest(int[] numbers, int target) { Arrays.sort(numbers); int ans=Integer.MAX_VALUE; int anstemp; for(int i=0;i<numbers.length-2;i++){ anstemp=Integer.MAX_VALUE;//这个每次for循环都要重置一下,因为上一次的anstemp会对当前的决策产生影响 int j=i+1;//头 int k=numbers.length-1;//尾 while(j<k){ int temp=numbers[i]+numbers[j]+numbers[k]; anstemp=witchclosezero(temp,anstemp,target); if(anstemp>target){ k--;//太大,后指针前移 }else if(anstemp<target){ j++;//太小,前指针后移 }else{ return anstemp;//等于直接返回 } } ans=witchclosezero(anstemp,ans,target);//把当前层的anstemp保存下来,下一次for循环会重置 } return ans; } public int witchclosezero(int A,int B,int t){//返回A,B中更接近t的那个 int tempa=A-t; tempa=tempa>0?tempa:-tempa; int tempb=B-t; tempb=tempb>0?tempb:-tempb; return tempb>tempa?A:B; } }