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  • csu 1356 Catch bfs(vector)

    1356: Catch

    Time Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
    Submit: 96  Solved: 40
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    A thief is running away!
    We can consider the city where he locates as an undirected graph in which nodes stand for crosses and edges stand for streets. The crosses are labeled from 0 to N–1.
    The tricky thief starts his escaping from cross S. Each moment he moves to an adjacent cross. More exactly, assume he is at cross u at the moment t. He may appear at cross v at moment t + 1 if and only if there is a street between cross u and cross v. Notice that he may not stay at the same cross in two consecutive moment.
    The cops want to know if there’s some moment at which it’s possible for the thief to appear at any cross in the city.


    The input contains multiple test cases:
    In the first line of the input there’s an integer T which is the number of test cases. Then the description of T test cases will be given.
    For any test case, the first line contains three integers N (≤ 100 000), M (≤ 500 000), and S. N is the number of crosses. M is the number of streets and S is the index of the cross where the thief starts his escaping.
    For the next M lines, there will be 2 integers u and v in each line (0 ≤ u, v < N). It means there’s an undirected street between cross u and cross v.


    For each test case, output one line to tell if there’s a moment that it’s possible for the thief to appear at any cross. Look at the sample output for output format.

    Sample Input

    3 3 0
    0 1
    0 2
    1 2
    2 1 0
    0 1

    Sample Output

    Case 1: YES
    Case 2: NO


    For the first case, just look at the table below. (YES means the thief may appear at the cross at that moment)

    For the second input, at any moment, there’s at least one cross that the thief can’t reach.

    n,m  ,S   代表n个节点 下表0~n-1 ;  m条边。s代表起始点。
    有个人,在s点走,记为moment 0 ,此时只可能出现在s点。
     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<stdio.h>
     3 #include<cstring>
     4 #include<cstdlib>
     5 #include<algorithm>
     6 #include<vector>
     7 #include<queue>
     8 using namespace std;
    10 vector<int>Q[100002];
    11 int num[100002];
    12 int vis[100002];
    13 bool use[100002];
    14 queue<int>H;
    16 void add(int x,int y)
    17 {
    18     num[x]++;
    19     Q[x].push_back(y);
    20 }
    21 bool bfs(int start)
    22 {
    23     int i,cur,now,x;
    24     H.push(start);
    25     use[start]=true;
    26     vis[start]=0;
    27     while( !H.empty() )
    28     {
    29         x=H.front();
    30         H.pop();
    31         cur=vis[x];
    32         if(cur==0) cur=1;
    33         else if(cur==1) cur=0;
    35         for(i=0;i<num[x];i++)
    36         {
    37             now=Q[x][i];
    38             if(use[now]==true)
    39             {
    40                 if(  (vis[now]==1&&cur==0 ) || (  vis[now]==0 && cur==1 ))
    41                 {// 我很奇怪,为什么if( vis[now]!=cur)就错了,
    42                     //照理说,我的vis[now]的值已经被修改过的,不是-1.
    43                    return true;
    44                 }
    45                 continue;
    46             }
    47             vis[now]=cur;
    48             use[now]=true;
    49             H.push(now);
    50         }
    51     }
    52     return false;
    53 }
    54 int main()
    55 {
    56     int T,n,m,s,t;
    57     int i,x,y;
    58     scanf("%d",&T);
    59     for(t=1;t<=T;t++)
    60     {
    61         scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&s);
    62         memset(num,0,sizeof(num));
    63         memset(vis,-1,sizeof(vis));
    64         memset(use,false,sizeof(use));
    65         for(i=0;i<=n;i++)
    66         Q[i].clear();
    67         for(i=1;i<=m;i++)
    68         {
    69             scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
    70             add(x,y);
    71             add(y,x);
    72         }
    73         printf("Case %d: ",t);
    74        if(  bfs(s) ==true)
    75         printf("YES
    76        else printf("NO
    77     }
    78     return 0;
    79 }
  • 相关阅读:
    3.JavaCC 语法描述文件的格式解析
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    SQL 高效运行注意事项(一)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tom987690183/p/3592777.html
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