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  • namedJDBC查询

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
    import com.yundaex.common.dao.impl.BaseDaoImpl;
    import com.yundaex.wms.basicdata.constant.RivPrintHistoryLSqlConstant;
    import com.yundaex.wms.basicdata.dao.RivPrintHistoryLDao;
    import com.yundaex.wms.basicdata.po.RivPrintHistoryL;
    import com.yundaex.wms.basicdata.vo.DifferentUserQtyVO;
    public class RivPrintHistoryLDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<RivPrintHistoryL> implements RivPrintHistoryLDao {
        public List<DifferentUserQtyVO> queryTopQtyUser(String beginDate, String endDate, Integer orgId) {
            MapSqlParameterSource map = new MapSqlParameterSource();
            map.addValue("beginDate", beginDate);
            map.addValue("endDate", endDate);
            map.addValue("orgId", orgId);
            List<DifferentUserQtyVO> results = this.jdbcTemplate.query(RivPrintHistoryLSqlConstant.PRINT_HISTORY_TOP_QTY_USER_SQL,map,
                            new BeanPropertyRowMapper<DifferentUserQtyVO>(DifferentUserQtyVO.class));
            return results;
    public class RivPrintHistoryLSqlConstant {
        public static String PRINT_HISTORY_TOP_QTY_USER_SQL = 
                          "     SELECT                                                                                    "
                        + "         '打印' AS operateType,                                                                 "
                        + "         tab1.PHL_PRINT_USER_ID AS userId,                                                     "
                        + "         (                                                                                     "
                        + "             SELECT                                                                            "
                        + "                 UP_NAME                                                                       "
                        + "             FROM                                                                              "
                        + "                 tab_user_profile                                                              "
                        + "             WHERE                                                                             "
                        + "                 UP_USER_ID = tab1.PHL_PRINT_USER_ID                                           "
                        + "         ) AS userName,                                                                        "
                        + "         tab1.qty                                                                              "
                        + "     FROM                                                                                      "
                        + "         (                                                                                     "
                        + "             SELECT                                                                            "
                        + "                 PHL_PRINT_USER_ID,                                                            "
                        + "                 count(1) AS qty                                                               "
                        + "             FROM                                                                              "
                        + "                 riv_print_history_l                                                           "
                        + "             WHERE                                                                             "
                        + "                 CREATE_TIME >= :beginDate                                                     "
                        + "             AND CREATE_TIME < :endDate                                                        "
                        + "             GROUP BY                                                                          "
                        + "                 PHL_PRINT_USER_ID                                                             "
                        + "             ORDER BY                                                                          "
                        + "                 qty DESC                                                                      "
                        + "             LIMIT 1                                                                           "
                        + "         ) tab1                                                                                "
                        + "     WHERE                                                                                     "
                        + "         tab1.PHL_PRINT_USER_ID IN (                                                           "
                        + "             SELECT                                                                            "
                        + "                 u.usr_id                                                                      "
                        + "             FROM                                                                              "
                        + "                 tab_user u                                                                    "
                        + "             INNER JOIN tab_user_role ur ON ur.ur_user_id = u.usr_id                           "
                        + "             INNER JOIN tab_role r ON ur.ur_role_id = r.rl_id                                  "
                        + "             INNER JOIN tab_role_data_authority rda ON rda.rda_role_id = r.rl_id               "
                        + "             WHERE                                                                             "
                        + "                 rda.rda_dimension_code = 'organization'                                       "
                        + "             AND rda.rda_entity_id = :orgId                                                    "
                        + "             UNION                                                                             "
                        + "                 SELECT                                                                        "
                        + "                     u.usr_id                                                                  "
                        + "                 FROM                                                                          "
                        + "                     tab_user u                                                                "
                        + "                 INNER JOIN tab_user_profile up ON up.UP_USER_ID = u.usr_id                    "
                        + "                 INNER JOIN tab_domain dmn ON dmn.dmn_id = up.up_domain                        "
                        + "                 INNER JOIN tab_domain_role dr ON dr.dr_domain_id = dmn.dmn_id                 "
                        + "                 INNER JOIN tab_role r ON dr.dr_role_id = r.rl_id                              "
                        + "                 INNER JOIN tab_role_data_authority rda ON rda.rda_role_id = r.rl_id           "
                        + "                 WHERE                                                                         "
                        + "                     rda.rda_dimension_code = 'organization'                                   "
                        + "                 AND rda.rda_entity_id = :orgId                                                "
                        + "                 UNION                                                                         "
                        + "                     SELECT                                                                    "
                        + "                         up.up_id                                                              "
                        + "                     FROM                                                                      "
                        + "                         tab_user_profile up                                                   "
                        + "                     WHERE                                                                     "
                        + "                         up.up_user_prop = 'admin'                                             "
                        + "         )                                                                                     "
    public List<Map<String, Object>> queryOrgInfo(List<String> orgParam) {
            Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            String sql = "select org.org_id, org.org_code from riv_organization org where org.org_code in (:orgCodes)";
            params.put("orgCodes", orgParam);
            List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, params);
            return list;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
    import com.yundaex.common.dao.impl.BaseDaoImpl;
    import com.yundaex.wms.outbound.dao.RivMainpickStartPrintTemplateDao;
    import com.yundaex.wms.outbound.po.RivMainpickStartPrintTemplate;
    public class RivMainpickStartPrintTemplateDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<RivMainpickStartPrintTemplate> implements RivMainpickStartPrintTemplateDao {
        public List<Integer> queryExistRecordsByOnhIds(List<Integer> onhIds) {
             MapSqlParameterSource map = new MapSqlParameterSource();
                map.addValue("onhIds", onhIds);
                String sql = "select ONH_ID from riv_mainpick_start_print_template where ONH_ID in(:onhIds)";
                List<Integer> results = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql,map,Integer.class);
                return results;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tonggc1668/p/7602872.html
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