Here is the most elegant code I've seen to this problem:
Simply wow. I added a small tuning: multiple consecutive *s equal a single *:
class Solution { public: bool _isMatch(const char *s, size_t lens, const char *p, size_t lenp) { const char *is = s, *ip = p; const char *star = NULL, *starss = NULL; // for * while (*is) { if (*ip == '?' || *ip == *is) { ip++; is++; continue; } if (*ip == '*') { if (*(ip + 1) == 0) return true; star = ip ++; starss = is; continue; } if (star) { ip = star + 1; is = ++starss; continue; } return false; } return *ip == 0 || (*ip == '*' && *(ip + 1) == 0); } bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { size_t lens = strlen(s); size_t lenp = strlen(p); if (lens == 0 && lenp == 0) return true; // Shrink *s. string sp; int id = 0, in = 0; char lst = 0; while (in < lenp) { char c = *(p + in); if (c == '*' && c == lst) { in++; continue; } else { sp += c; id++; in++; lst = c; } } return _isMatch(s, lens, sp.c_str(), sp.length()); } };