Given an unsorted array, find the maximum difference between the successive elements in its sorted form.
Try to solve it in linear time/space.
Return 0 if the array contains less than 2 elements.
You may assume all elements in the array are non-negative integers and fit in the 32-bit signed integer range.
Special thanks to @porker2008 for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
由于要用到线性时间复杂度,比较排序已经不适用了(《算法导论》P108),能够用到的有 计数排序、基数排序、堆排序,由于计数排序比较适合小范围的,基数排序最终会将顺序排好,而我们不需要那么复杂,因此,可以用桶排序,适当选择桶之间的距离,保证最大的successive distance在两桶之间即可,JAVA实现如下:
public int maximumGap(int[] nums) { if (nums.length <= 1) return 0; int min = nums[0], max = nums[0]; for (int num : nums) { min = Math.min(min, num); max = Math.max(max, num); } if (max == min) return 0; int distance = Math.max(1, (max - min) / (nums.length - 1)); int bucket[][] = new int[(max - min) / distance + 1][2]; for (int i = 0; i < bucket.length; i++) { bucket[i][0] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; bucket[i][1] = -1; } for (int num : nums) { int i = (num - min) / distance; bucket[i][0] = Math.min(num, bucket[i][0]); bucket[i][1] = Math.max(num, bucket[i][1]); } int maxDistance = 1, left = -1, right = -1; for (int i = 0; i < bucket.length; i++) { if (bucket[i][1] == -1) continue; if (right == -1) { right = bucket[i][1]; continue; } left = bucket[i][0]; maxDistance=Math.max(maxDistance, left-right); right=bucket[i][1]; } return maxDistance; }