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  • Cause values for mobility management



    Causes related to MS identification

    Cause value = 2 IMSI unknown in HLR

    This cause is sent to the MS if the MS is not known (registered) in the HLR. This cause code does not affect operation of the GPRS service, although is may be used by a GMM procedure.

    Cause value = 3 Illegal MS

    This cause is sent to the MS when the network refuses service to the MS either because an identity of the MS is not acceptable to the network or because the MS does not pass the authentication check, i.e. the SRES received from the MS is different from that generated by the network. When used by an MM procedure, except the authentication procedure, this cause does not affect operation of the GPRS service.

    Cause value = 4 IMSI unknown in VLR

    This cause is sent to the MS when the given IMSI is not known at the VLR.

    Cause value = 5 IMEI not accepted

    This cause is sent to the MS if the network does not accept emergency call establishment using an IMEI or not accept attach procedure for emergency services using an IMEI.

    Cause value = 6 Illegal ME

    This cause is sent to the MS if the ME used is not acceptable to the network, e.g. blacklisted. When used by an MM procedure, this cause does not affect operation of the GPRS service.

    Cause related to subscription options

    Cause value = 11 PLMN not allowed

    This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a PLMN where the MS, by subscription or due to operator determined barring is not allowed to operate.

    Cause value = 12 Location Area not allowed

    This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a location area where the HPLMN determines that the MS, by subscription, is not allowed to operate.

    NOTE:   If cause #12 is sent to a roaming subscriber the subscriber is denied service even if other PLMNs are available on which registration was possible.

    Cause value = 13 Roaming not allowed in this location area


    This cause is sent to an MS which requests location updating in a location area of a PLMN which by subscription offers roaming to that MS but not  in that Location Area.

    Cause value = 15 No Suitable Cells In Location Area

    This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a location area where the MS, by subscription, is not allowed to operate, but when it should find another allowed location area in the same PLMN.

    NOTE:     Cause #15 and cause #12 differ in the fact that cause #12 does not trigger the MS to search for another allowed location area on the same PLMN.

    Cause value = 25 Not authorized for this CSG

    This cause is sent to the MS if it requests access in a CSG cell where the MS either has no subscription to operate or the MS’s subscription has expired and it should find another cell in the same PLMN.

    NOTE:     The MS not supporting CSG will not receive cause# 25, as such a MS is not supposed to try to access a CSG cell.

    Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion/Authentication Failures

    Cause value = 20 MAC failure

    This cause is sent to the network if the USIM detects that the MAC in the AUTHENTICATION REQUEST or AUTHENTICATION_AND_CIPHERING REQUEST message is not fresh (see 3GPP TS 33.102 [5a]).

    Cause value = 21 Synch failure

    This cause is sent to the network if the USIM detects that the SQN in the AUTHENTICATION REQUEST or AUTHENTICATION_AND_CIPHERING REQUEST message is out of range (see 3GPP TS 33.102 [5a]).

    Cause value = 17 Network failure

    This cause is sent to the MS if the MSC cannot service an MS generated request because of PLMN failures, e.g. problems in MAP.

    Cause value = 22 Congestion

    This cause is sent if the service request cannot be actioned because of congestion (e.g. no channel, facility busy/congested etc.).

    Cause value = 23 GSM authentication unacceptable


    This cause is sent to the network in Iu mode if a USIM is inserted in the MS and there is no Authentication Parameter AUTN IE present in the AUTHENTICATION REQUEST or AUTHENTICATION_AND_CIPHERING REQUEST message.

    Causes related to nature of request

    Cause value = 32 Service option not supported

    This cause is sent when the MS requests a service/facility in the CM SERVICE REQUEST message which is not supported by the PLMN.

    Cause value = 33 Requested service option not subscribed

    This cause is sent when the MS requests a service option for which it has no subscription.

    Cause value = 34 Service option temporarily out of order

    This cause is sent when the MSC cannot service the request because of temporary outage of one or more functions required for supporting the service.

    Cause value = 38 Call cannot be identified

    This cause is sent when the network cannot identify the call associated with a call re-establishment request.

    Causes related to invalid messages

    Cause value = 95 Semantically incorrect message.

    See annex H, subclause H.5.10.

    Cause value = 96 Invalid mandatory information.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.1.

    Cause value = 97 Message type non-existent or not implemented.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.2.

    Cause value = 98 Message not compatible with protocol state.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.3.

    Cause value = 99 Information element non-existent or not implemented.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.4.

    Cause value = 100 Conditional IE error.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.5.


    Cause value = 101 Message not compatible with protocol state.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.6.

    Cause value = 111 Protocol error, unspecified.

    See annex H, subclause H.6.8.

    Additional cause codes for GMM

    Cause value = 7 GPRS services not allowed

    This cause is sent to the MS when it is not allowed to operate GPRS services.

    Cause value = 8 GPRS services and non-GPRS services not allowed

    This cause is sent to the MS when it is not allowed to operate either GPRS or non-GPRS services.

    Cause value = 9 MS identity cannot be derived by the network

    This cause is sent to the MS when the network cannot derive the MS’s identity from the P-TMSI in case of inter-SGSN routing area update.

    Cause value = 10 Implicitly detached

    This cause is sent to the MS either if the network has implicitly detached the MS, e.g. some while after the Mobile reachable timer has expired, or if the GMM context data related to the subscription dose not exist in the SGSN e.g. because of a SGSN restart.

    Cause value = 14 GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN

    This cause is sent to the MS which requests GPRS service in a PLMN which does not offer roaming for GPRS services to that MS.

    Cause value = 16 MSC temporarily not reachable

    This cause is sent to the MS if it requests a combined GPRS attach or routing are updating in a PLMN where the MSC is temporarily not reachable via the GPRS part of the network.

    Cause value = 40 No PDP context activated

    This cause is sent to the MS if the MS requests an establishment of the radio access bearers for all active PDP contexts by sending a SERVICE REQUEST message indicating “data” to the network, but the SGSN does not have any active PDP context(s).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tonyxiao/p/15083779.html
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