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  • 读取软件卸载信息和桌面图标列表

      1 unit Main;
      3 interface
      5 uses
      6   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      7   Dialogs, Registry, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, IOUtils, Types;
      9 type
     10   TForm2 = class(TForm)
     11     pgc1: TPageControl;
     12     ts1: TTabSheet;
     13     lst1: TListBox;
     14     btn1: TButton;
     15     ts2: TTabSheet;
     16     btn2: TButton;
     17     lst2: TListBox;
     18     procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
     19     procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject);
     20   private
     21     { Private declarations }
     22   public
     23     { Public declarations }
     24   end;
     26 var
     27   Form2: TForm2;
     29 function GetShellFolders(strDir: string): string;
     30 function GetTarget(const LinkFile: string): string;
     32 implementation
     34 uses ShlObj, ActiveX, ComObj;
     35 {$R *.dfm}
     37 /// <summary>
     38 /// 读取可卸载软件信息
     39 /// </summary>
     40 /// <param name="Sender"></param>
     41 procedure TForm2.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
     42 var
     43   reg: TRegistry;
     44   myList: TStringList;
     45   i: integer;
     46   curkey, SName: string;
     47   hasUn: Boolean;
     48 begin
     49   reg := TRegistry.Create;
     50   myList := TStringList.Create;
     51   reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
     52   if reg.OpenKey('SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionuninstall', False)
     53     then
     54   Begin
     55     reg.GetKeyNames(myList);
     56     curkey := reg.CurrentPath;
     57     reg.CloseKey;
     58     for i := 0 to myList.Count - 1 do
     59       if reg.OpenKey(curkey + '' + myList.Strings[i], False) then
     60       Begin
     61         if reg.ValueExists('DisplayName') then
     62           SName := reg.ReadString('DisplayName')
     63         else
     64           SName := myList.Strings[i];
     65         if reg.ValueExists('DisplayVersion') then
     66           SName := SName + ' 版本:' + reg.ReadString('DisplayVersion')
     67         else
     68           SName := myList.Strings[i];
     69         if reg.ValueExists('InstallSource') then
     70           SName := SName + ' 目录:' + reg.ReadString('InstallSource')
     71         else
     72           SName := myList.Strings[i];
     73         if reg.ValueExists('UnInstallString') then
     74         begin
     75           SName := SName + ' 卸载:' + reg.ReadString('UnInstallString');
     76           hasUn := True;
     77         end
     78         else
     79         begin
     80           SName := myList.Strings[i];
     81           hasUn := False;
     82         end;
     83         if hasUn then
     84           lst1.Items.Add(SName);
     85         // ShowMessage(SName);
     86         reg.CloseKey;
     87       end;
     88   end;
     89 end;
     91 function GetShellFolders(strDir: string): string;
     92 const
     93   regPath = 'SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders';
     94 var
     95   reg: TRegistry;
     96   strFolders: string;
     97 begin
     98   reg := TRegistry.Create;
     99   try
    100     reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
    101     if reg.OpenKey(regPath, False) then
    102     begin
    103       strFolders := reg.ReadString(strDir);
    104     end;
    105   finally
    106     reg.Free;
    107   end;
    108   result := strFolders;
    109 end;
    111 /// <summary>
    112 /// 读取桌面图标
    113 /// </summary>
    114 /// <param name="Sender"></param>
    115 procedure TForm2.btn2Click(Sender: TObject);
    116 var
    117   path, str: string;
    118   files: TStringDynArray;
    119 begin
    120   path := GetShellFolders('Desktop');
    121   files := TDirectory.GetFiles(path, '*.lnk');
    122   for str in files do
    123     lst2.Items.Add(str + ' 目标:' + GetTarget(str));
    124 end;
    126 function GetTarget(const LinkFile: string): string;
    127 const
    128   IID_IPersistFile: TGUID = '{0000010B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}';
    129 var
    130   intfLink: IShellLink;
    131   IntfPersist: IPersistFile;
    132   pfd: _WIN32_FIND_DATA;
    133   bSuccess: Boolean;
    134 begin
    135   result := '';
    136   intfLink := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink) as IShellLink;
    137   SetString(result, nil, MAX_PATH);
    138   {
    139     Load方法的第二个参数还可以传递STGM_WRITE或STGM_READWRITE,表示对快捷方式信息的访问权限
    140     STGM_READ:只读
    141     STGM_WRITE:只写
    142     STGM_READWRITE:读写
    143     GetPath方法的第三个参数还可以传递SLGP_UNCPRIORITY或SLGP_SHORTPATH,表示返回的目标路径格式
    144     SLGP_UNCPRIORIT:UNC网络路径
    145     SLGP_SHORTPATH :DOS 8.3格式路径
    146     SLGP_RAWPATH      : 长路径
    147     }
    148   bSuccess := (intfLink <> nil) and SUCCEEDED
    149     (intfLink.QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, IntfPersist)) and SUCCEEDED
    150     (IntfPersist.Load(PWideChar(WideString(LinkFile)), STGM_READ)) and SUCCEEDED
    151     (intfLink.GetPath(PChar(result), MAX_PATH, pfd, SLGP_RAWPATH));
    152   if not bSuccess then
    153     result := '';
    154 end;
    156 end.
  • 相关阅读:
    1.2 性能测试(效率)
    1.3 压力测试/极限测试(可靠性)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/toosuo/p/3637531.html
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