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  • C#实现web信息自动抓取












    l         目标站点结构分析



    然后分析要抓取信息页面的元素特性,比如标题位置,内容位置 等,得到定位标记点。




    l         信息提取



            public string Get_Http(string a_strUrl,int timeout)


                string strResult ;        




    HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(a_strUrl) ;

                    myReq.Timeout = timeout;

                    HttpWebResponse HttpWResp = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse();


                    Stream myStream = HttpWResp.GetResponseStream () ;


                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(myStream , Encoding.Default);

                    StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    while (-1 != sr.Peek())





                    strResult = strBuilder.ToString();


                catch(Exception exp)


                    strResult = "错误:" + exp.Message ;



                return strResult ;





            public string SniffWebUrl( string urlStr,string blockB,string blockE )


                string urlch1 = "";

                string urlch2 = "";                   

                int end_n1 = 0;

                int end_nums = 0;

                int end_nums1 = 0;

                int end_nums2 = 0;

                int end_nums3     = 0;           

                string reUTStr = "";

                string reTitle = "";

                string ret = "";          



                    int pos01 = urlStr.IndexOf( "." );

                    int pos02 = urlStr.LastIndexOf( "/" );

                    if( pos01 < 0 )


                        return "";


                    if( pos02 < 0 )


                        return "";


                    int pos03 = urlStr.IndexOf( "/",pos01 );

                    if ( pos03 < 0 )


                        urlch1 = urlStr;

                        urlch2 = urlStr;




                        urlch1 = urlStr.Substring( 0,pos03 );

                        urlch2 = urlStr.Substring( 0,pos02 );



                    string tmpAllStr = new PublicFun().Get_Http( urlStr ,time1);


                    int pos1 = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( blockB );

                    int pos2 = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( blockE,pos1 + blockB.Length );

                    if ( pos1>0 && pos2>0 && pos2>pos1 )


                        ret = tmpAllStr.Substring( pos1 + blockB.Length,pos2 - pos1 - blockB.Length );

                        ret = ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "<" ));

                        while( ret.IndexOf( "<A" ) >= 0 )


                            ret = ret.Substring( 0,ret.IndexOf( "<A" ) ) + "<a" + ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "<A" ) + 2 );


                        while( ret.IndexOf( "</A" ) >=0 )


                            ret = ret.Substring( 0,ret.IndexOf( "</A" ) ) + "</a" + ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "</A" ) + 3 );


                        while( ret.IndexOf( "Href=" ) >=0 )


                            ret = ret.Substring( 0,ret.IndexOf( "Href=" )) + "href=" + ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "Href=" ) + 5 );


                        while( ret.IndexOf( "HREF=" ) >=0 )


                            ret = ret.Substring( 0,ret.IndexOf( "HREF=" )) + "href=" + ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "HREF=" ) + 5 );


                        while( ret.IndexOf( "href='" ) >=0 )


                            ret = ret.Substring( 0,ret.IndexOf( "href='" )) + "href=\"" + ret.Substring( ret.IndexOf( "href='" ) + 6 );



                    tmpAllStr = ret;     

                    int begin_nums = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( "href=" );


                    while ( begin_nums >= 0 )


                        string tmpStrA = "";

                        string tmpStrB = tmpAllStr.Substring( begin_nums + 5,1 );

                        if ( tmpStrB == "\"" )


                            end_n1 = begin_nums + 6;

                            if ( ( end_n1 + 1 ) > tmpAllStr.Length )


                                return "";


                            tmpStrA = tmpAllStr.Substring( begin_nums+6,1 );




                            end_n1 = begin_nums + 5;

                            tmpStrA = tmpStrB;



                        if ( tmpStrA == "#" )


                            tmpAllStr = tmpAllStr.Substring( end_n1 );

                            begin_nums = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( "href=" );




                            end_nums1 = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( " ",end_n1 );

                            end_nums2 = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( ">",end_n1 );

                            end_nums3 = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( "</a",end_nums2 );


                            if ( ( end_nums3 >= 0 ) && ( end_nums2 >= 0 ) )


                                reTitle = tmpAllStr.Substring( end_nums2 + 1,end_nums3 - end_nums2 - 1 );


                                if ( end_nums1 > end_nums2 )


                                    end_nums = end_nums2;




                                    if ( end_nums1 < 0 )


                                        end_nums = end_nums2;




                                        end_nums = end_nums1;



                                string str4 = tmpAllStr.Substring( end_nums-1, end_nums - end_nums + 1 );


                                if ( str4 =="\"" || str4 == "'" )


                                    end_nums = end_nums - 1;


                                string sTotalOne = tmpAllStr.Substring( end_n1,end_nums - end_n1 );


                                if ( sTotalOne.IndexOf( "http://" ) <0 )


                                    if ( sTotalOne.IndexOf( "/" ) == 0 )


                                        sTotalOne = urlch1 + sTotalOne;




                                        int linshiIntNum = 0;

                                        int flags = 0;

                                        string urlChange = urlStr;;

                                        while( sTotalOne.IndexOf( "../" ) >= 0 )


                                            sTotalOne = sTotalOne.Substring( sTotalOne.IndexOf( "../" ) + 3 );

                                            linshiIntNum = linshiIntNum + 1;

                                            flags = flags +1;


                                        while( ( urlChange.LastIndexOf( "/" ) >= 0 ) && ( linshiIntNum >= 0 ) )


                                            urlChange = urlChange.Substring( 0,urlChange.LastIndexOf( "/" ) );

                                            linshiIntNum = linshiIntNum - 1;


                                        if ( flags == 0 )


                                            sTotalOne = urlch2 + "/" + sTotalOne;




                                            sTotalOne = urlChange + "/" + sTotalOne;




                                reUTStr = reUTStr + new PublicFun().RemoveHtmlCode( reTitle ) + sTotalOne;


                                tmpAllStr = tmpAllStr.Substring( end_nums3 + 4 );

                                begin_nums = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( "href=" );




                                begin_nums = -1;




                    return reUTStr;


                catch( Exception e)


                    return "";





            public string GetWebContent( string gatherUrl,string subUrl,string subTitle,string b_Content,string e_Content,string b_Filter,string e_Filter,string root )


                string tmpAllStr = "";           

                string dfStrB = "";

                string dfStrE = "";               

                string rePicStr = "";//图片返回路径   

                string reContentStr = "";

                string picHtml = "images"; //本地图片路径


                string urlch1 ="";

                string urlch2 ="";

                int pos1 = gatherUrl.IndexOf( "." );

                int pos2 = gatherUrl.LastIndexOf( "/" );

                if( pos1 < 0 )


                    return "";


                if( pos2 < 0 )


                    return "";


                int pos3 = gatherUrl.IndexOf( "/",pos1 );

                if ( pos3 < 0 )


                    urlch1 = gatherUrl;

                    urlch2 = gatherUrl;




                    urlch1 = gatherUrl.Substring( 0,pos3 );

                    urlch2 = gatherUrl.Substring( 0,pos2 );



                tmpAllStr = new PublicFun().Get_Http( subUrl,time1 );


                string docFromStr = "";

                if ( dfStrB != "" && dfStrE != "" )


                    if ( tmpAllStr != "" )


                        int b_docF = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( dfStrB );

                        if ( b_docF > 0 )


                            int e_docF = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( dfStrE,b_docF + dfStrB.Length );

                            if ( e_docF > 0 && e_docF > b_docF && e_docF - b_docF < 20 )


                                docFromStr = tmpAllStr.Substring( b_docF + dfStrB.Length, e_docF - b_docF - dfStrB.Length );






                if ( tmpAllStr != "" )


                    int begin_strnum = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( b_Content );

                    if ( begin_strnum < 0 )


                        return "";


                    int end_strnum = tmpAllStr.IndexOf( e_Content,begin_strnum + b_Content.Length );

                    if ( end_strnum < 0 )


                        return "";


                    string sTotalSubM = "";

                    if ( end_strnum > begin_strnum )


                        sTotalSubM = tmpAllStr.Substring ( begin_strnum,end_strnum - begin_strnum );



                    if ( sTotalSubM == "" )


                        return "";



                    int bfnum = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( b_Filter );

                    if ( bfnum > -1 )


                        int efnum = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( e_Filter,bfnum );

                        if ( efnum > -1 )


                            if ( efnum > bfnum )


                                sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,bfnum ) + sTotalSubM.Substring( efnum + e_Filter.Length );






                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "Src=" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "Src=" ) ) + "src=" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "Src=" ) + 4 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "SRC=" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "SRC=" ) ) + "src=" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "SRC=" ) + 4 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src='" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src='" ) ) + "src=\"" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src='" ) + 5 );




                    int end_n12 = 0;

                    int end_nums2 = 0;

                    int begin_nums2 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src=" );

                    while( begin_nums2 >= 0 )


                        String tmpStr = sTotalSubM.Substring( begin_nums2 + 4,1 );

                        if ( tmpStr == "\"" )


                            end_n12 = begin_nums2 + 5;




                            end_n12 = begin_nums2 + 4;


                        int end_nums2a = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( " ",end_n12 );

                        int end_nums2b = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( ">",end_n12 );

                        if ( end_nums2b < 0 )




                        if ( end_nums2a > end_nums2b )


                            end_nums2 = end_nums2b;




                            if (end_nums2a<0)


                                end_nums2 = end_nums2b;




                                end_nums2 = end_nums2a;



                        tmpStr = sTotalSubM.Substring( end_nums2-1,1 );

                        if ( tmpStr == "\"" || tmpStr == "'" )


                            end_nums2 = end_nums2 - 1;


                        string tmpPicStr = sTotalSubM.Substring( end_n12,end_nums2 - end_n12 );


                        if ( tmpPicStr.IndexOf( "http://" ) < 0 )


                            if ( tmpPicStr.IndexOf( "/" ) == 0 )


                                tmpPicStr = urlch1 + tmpPicStr;




                                int linshiIntNum = 0;

                                int flags = 0;

                                string urlChange = subUrl;

                                while( tmpPicStr.IndexOf( "../" ) >= 0 )


                                    tmpPicStr = tmpPicStr.Substring( tmpPicStr.IndexOf("../") + 3 );

                                    linshiIntNum = linshiIntNum + 1;

                                    flags = flags + 1;


                                while( ( urlChange.LastIndexOf( "/" ) >= 0 ) && ( linshiIntNum >= 0 ) )


                                    urlChange = urlChange.Substring( 0,urlChange.LastIndexOf( "/" ) );

                                    linshiIntNum = linshiIntNum - 1;


                                if ( flags == 0 )


                                    tmpPicStr = urlch2 + "/" + tmpPicStr;




                                    tmpPicStr = urlChange + "/" + tmpPicStr;




                        //tmpPicStr = tmpPicStr.ToLower();

                        string tmpPicStrTmp = tmpPicStr.ToLower();

                        //if ( tmpPicStr.IndexOf( ".jpg" ) > 0 || tmpPicStr.IndexOf( ".gif" ) > 0 || tmpPicStr.IndexOf( ".bmp" ) > 0 )

                        if ( tmpPicStrTmp.IndexOf( ".jpg" ) > 0 || tmpPicStrTmp.IndexOf( ".gif" ) > 0 || tmpPicStrTmp.IndexOf( ".bmp" ) > 0 )


                            rePicStr = rePicStr + "||" + tmpPicStr ;


                            int flagN2 = tmpPicStr.LastIndexOf( "/" );

                            string fileN2 = picHtml + tmpPicStr.Substring( flagN2 );

                            sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,end_nums2 ) + ">******" + fileN2 + "******<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( end_nums2 );


                            begin_nums2 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src=", end_nums2 + fileN2.Length + 22 );




                            begin_nums2 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "src=", end_nums2 + 4 );                       



                    if ( rePicStr.Length > 2 ) 

                        rePicStr = rePicStr.Substring(2);              


                    //内容处理 格式化关键标记

                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<P" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<P" ) ) + "|****|<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<P" ) + 2 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<p" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<p" ) ) + "|****|<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<p" ) + 2 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</P" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</P" ) ) + "|****|<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</P" ) + 3 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</p" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</p" ) ) + "|****|<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "</p" ) + 3 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<br" ) >=0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<br" ) ) + "+****+<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<br" ) + 3 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<BR" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<BR" ) ) + "+****+<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<BR" ) + 3 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<Br" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<Br" ) ) + "+****+<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<Br" ) + 3 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<bR" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<bR" ) ) + "+****+<" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<bR" ) + 3 );




                    int linshiInt1 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<" );

                    int linshiInt2 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( ">" );           


                    if ( linshiInt2 < linshiInt1 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( linshiInt2 + 1 );


                    int linshiInt11 = sTotalSubM.LastIndexOf( "<" );

                    int linshiInt12 = sTotalSubM.LastIndexOf( ">" );

                    if ( linshiInt12 < linshiInt11 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,linshiInt12 + 1 );


                    linshiInt1 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "<" );

                    while ( linshiInt1 >= 0 )


                        linshiInt2 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( ">",linshiInt1 );

                        if ( linshiInt2 >= 0 )


                            sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,linshiInt1 ) + sTotalSubM.Substring( linshiInt2 + 1 );




                            sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,linshiInt1 );


                        linshiInt1 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf("<");




                    int linshiInt3 = 0;

                    int linshiInt4 = 0;


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "+****+" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "+****+" ) ) + "<br>\n" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "+****+" ) + 9 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "|****|" ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "|****|" ) ) + "<br>\n" + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "|****|" ) + 9 );


                    while( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "******" ) >= 0 )


                        linshiInt3 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "******" ) + 9;

                        linshiInt4 = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "******",linshiInt3 );

                        if ( linshiInt4 >= 0 )


                            int tmpPos = sTotalSubM.IndexOf( "******" );

                            string tmpStr1 = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,tmpPos );

                            string tmpStr2 = sTotalSubM.Substring( linshiInt3,linshiInt4 - linshiInt3 );

                            string tmpStr3 = sTotalSubM.Substring( linshiInt4 + 9 );

                            sTotalSubM = tmpStr1 + "<img src=" + tmpStr2 + ">" + tmpStr3;








                    if ( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( subTitle ) >= 0 )


                        sTotalSubM = sTotalSubM.Substring( 0,sTotalSubM.IndexOf( subTitle ) ) + sTotalSubM.Substring( sTotalSubM.IndexOf( subTitle ) + subTitle.Length );


                    reContentStr = sTotalSubM;



                    string[] img_Url = new PublicFun().split( rePicStr,"||" );

                    for ( int i=0;i<img_Url.Length;i++ )


                        if ( img_Url[i] != "" )


                            new PublicFun().Get_Img( img_Url[i],10000,root + "\\images\\" + img_Url[i].Substring( img_Url[i].LastIndexOf("/")+1 ) );




                return reContentStr;






            public void Get_Img(string a_strUrl,int timeout,string filepath)




    HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(a_strUrl) ;

                    myReq.Timeout = timeout;

                    HttpWebResponse HttpWResp = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse();        

                    Stream myStream = HttpWResp.GetResponseStream () ;         

                    Bitmap map = new Bitmap( myStream );

                    PictureBox picB = new PictureBox();

                    picB.Image = (Image)map;

                    string path = filepath.Substring( 0,filepath.LastIndexOf( "\\" ) );

                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))


                        CreateDir( path );




                catch(Exception exp)


                    string ss = exp.Message;

        WriteLog( filepath.Substring(0,filepath.LastIndexOf("\\")) + "\\error.log",a_strUrl + "--" + ss + "\r\n");    



    l         保存文件或入库



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/top5/p/1598859.html
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