These quick start instructions assume you have a valid username and password for the database server.
Note: In the setup instructions below, ORACLE_HOME represents the directory where the Oracle client Home was installed on your machine. A typical directory for an OUI Oracle client Home is:
You will need to know where this directory is before proceeding.
1. Copy the sqlnet.ora file located in the following directory:
to this directory:
This file tells the Oracle client by what methods (e.g. EZCONNECT) Oracle client can connect to the Oracle database server.
2. The Oracle client must then specify a valid user name, password, and data source to connect to the database server. To specify a data source, you can use the EZCONNECT format. In the ODP.NET data source attribute, use the following format to define how the client connects to the database server:
- host = the database server machine's host name
- port = the database server machine's port on which it listens for incoming connection requests
- service_name = the database's global name
"user id=hr;password=hr;data source=//sales-server:1521/"
"user id=hr;password=hr;data source=//sales-server/"
"user id=hr;password=hr;data source=sales-server/"
If the port number is not specified, 1521 is used by default.