I agree with using not exists. Consider a case where you want to perform more logic than just "One not in the other". Consider Item, Sale, and SaleDetail: create table Item ( ItemId number(6), ItemDescription varchar(200), UnitPrice number(18,6) ) / Create table sale ( SaleId number(6), TransactionDate date ) / create table SaleDetail ( SaleId number(6), ItemId number(6), Quantity number(18) ) insert into item values (1,'Toyota Prius',18500.95) / insert into item values (2,'Lock Washer', .004) / insert into sale values (1000,'15-Jun-2008') / insert into sale values (1001,'23-Aug-2008') / insert into sale values (1002,'05-Jan-2009') / insert into sale values (1003,'09-Jan-2009') / insert into sale values (1004,'15-Feb-2009') / insert into SaleDetail values (1000, 1, 1) / insert into SaleDetail values (1001, 1, 2) / insert into SaleDetail values (1002, 1, 2) / insert into SaleDetail values (1003, 2, 1000) / insert into SaleDetail values (1004, 2, 1900) / Now, I want to know which items from the item table have yet to be sold in 2009 in a quantity greater than 100 (what have i not yet sold in bulk this year?). Two alternatives using outer join logic (both nasty to read and comprehend): select i.* from item i left outer join saleDetail sd ON i.itemId = sd.ItemId AND sd.quantity > 100 Left outer join sale s ON sd.saleId = s.saleid and trunc(s.transactionDate,'YYYY') = to_date('01-JAN-2009','DD-MON-YYYY') WHERE sd.itemId is null or select i.* from item i left outer join (select sd_i.* from saleDetail sd_i JOIN sale s on s.saleid = sd_i.saleid where trunc(s.transactionDate,'YYYY') = to_date('01-JAN-2009','DD-MON-YYYY')) sd ON i.itemId = sd.ItemId AND sd.quantity > 100 WHERE sd.itemId is null Now again, using the not exists (much easier to read and much easier to test what HAS been sold in bulk in 2009 by removing the inner to outer join on itemId): select * from item i where not exists (select 'x' from saleDetail sd JOIN sale s ON sd.saleId = s.saleId where sd.itemId =i.itemId and quantity > 100 and trunc(s.transactionDate,'YYYY') = to_date('01-JAN-2009','DD-MON-YYYY') ) Many developers would even try moving the where-like and conditions in the outer join syntax into the body of the where clause, thinking that it was just misplaced initially. Once it's in the where, you've created an inner join dataset and no inner join would have the "non-inner-join anti join" condition.