Step 1. Download XMind
Step 2. Run XMind at least once after installation, xmind will init the configurations.
Step 3. Close XMind and replace the following two files in the Attachment, you can find the target files with same names in the installtion directory.
- net.xmind.verify_3.7.4.201709290120.jar
- config.ini
Step 4. Run XMind again, goto menu Help
and Activate it with the flowing licenses
License code:
---BEGIN LICENSE KEY--- fd7532e43388d1d48f56c9c526a9ce22 085ef098260fbbccdc1a56ed9a47aea5 cd1b8fcad03bd36211eedbac1b1136f1 ---END LICENSE KEY---
- 提取密码:6akz