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  • 吴裕雄--天生自然ORACLE数据库学习笔记:其它数据对象

    create index emp_deptno_index on emp(deptno)
    pctfree 25
    tablespace users;
    create bitmap index emp_salary_bmp
    on employees(salary)
    tablespace users;
    connect scott/1qaz2wsx
    create index emp_job_reverse
    on emp(job) reverse
    tablespace users;
    create index emp_job_fun
    on emp(lower(job));
    alter index emp_deptno_index
    coalesce deallocate unused;
    alter index emp_deptno_index rebuild;
     drop index emp_job_fun
    connect system/1qaz2wsx
    select index_name,index_type
    from dba_indexes
    where owner = 'HR';
    column column_name for a30
    select column_name ,column_length
    from user_ind_columns
    where index_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX';
    select tablespace_name,segment_type,bytes
    from user_segments
    where segment_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX';
    connect scott/1qaz2wsx
    select column_expression
    from user_ind_expressions
    where index_name = 'EMP_JOB_FUN';
    connect scott/1qaz2wsx
    create or replace view emp_view as
    select empno,ename,job,deptno
    from emp
    where deptno = 20;
    create or replace view emp_view_readonly as
    select * from dept
    where deptno != 88
    with read only;
    create or replace view emp_view_complex as
    select deptno 部门编号,max(sal) 最高工资,min(sal) 最低工资,avg(sal) 平均工资
    from emp
    group by deptno;
    create or replace view emp_view_union as
    select d.dname,d.loc,e.empno,e.ename
    from emp e,dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.deptno = 20;
    create public synonym public_dept for scott.dept;
    create  synonym  private_dept for dept;
    create sequence empno_seq
    maxvalue 99999
    start with 9000
    increment by 100
    cache 50;
    alter sequence empno_seq
    maxvalue 100000
    increment by 200
    cache 100
    create table tb_10_1(
    stuno number(10) not null, --学号
    stuname varchar2(8),    --姓名
    sex char(2),    --性别
    age int
    create index tb_10_1_index on tb_10_1(sex)
    pctfree 25
    tablespace users;
    create table tb_10_2(
    id number(10) not null, --编号
    stuname varchar2(8),    --姓名
    sex char(2),    --性别
    age int
    create sequence id_seq
    maxvalue 10000
    start with 1
    increment by 3
    cache 50;
    insert into tb_10_2(id,stuname,sex,age)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tszr/p/12206762.html
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