- 5. 1.2 Legal: Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
Your app enables the display of nearby users' locations on a map, but does not have the required privacy precautions in place.
Next Steps
It is necessary that you put all of the following precautions in place:
- Include a privacy policy URL in the App Details page on iTunes Connect and ensure that the URL you provide directs users to your privacy policy
隐私声明链接 没有设置 可以参考其他APP 在AppStore 中找 一个看下隐私声明怎么写的
- Request users' permissions to have their location displayed on a map; users must have the option to decline this request
- Request users' permissions to have their location displayed on a map; users must have the option to decline this request
- Require users to manually check-in each time they wish to have their location displayed on a map; there should be no option to enable automatic check-ins
- Require users to manually check-in each time they wish to have their location displayed on a map; there should be no option to enable automatic check-ins
这个应该也是业务相关的 要给用户选择权利