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  • 从Unauthorized 401错误学习Spring Boot的Actuator

    之前用Spring Boot都是别人搭好的框架,然后自己在里面写就行了。对原理、细节上都怎么涉及,毕竟需求都做不完。但是昨天一个访问RESTful接口的401问题搞了我2个小时。网上找的很多用:

    1 managements.security.enabled=false


    1 security.ignored=/**

    解决这个问题居然花了我两个小时,还是到处去找,不懂Spring Boot框架的原理,比如安全方面的,除了问题两眼一抹黑。

    目标:弄清Spring Boot整体框架和框架中每个小块的基本知识。


    • Create stand-alone Spring applications

    • Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)

    • Provide opinionated 'starter' dependencies to simplify your build configuration

    • Automatically configure Spring and 3rd party libraries whenever possible

    • Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized configuration

    • Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration


     第四部分:Spring Boot Actuator: 为生产环境准备的特性

    Actuator: 执行器,驱动器。当你把应用发布到生产环境的时候,Spring Boot提供了一些额外的特性来帮助你监控和管理应用。你通过选择HTTP endpoints或者JMX来管理和监控你的应用。


    V. Spring Boot Actuator: Production-ready features
    49. Enabling Production-ready Features
    50. Endpoints
    50.1. Enabling Endpoints
    50.2. Exposing Endpoints
    50.3. Securing HTTP Endpoints
    50.4. Configuring Endpoints
    50.5. Hypermedia for Actuator Web Endpoints
    50.6. Actuator Web Endpoint Paths
    50.7. CORS Support
    50.8. Implementing Custom Endpoints
    50.8.1. Receiving Input
    Input type conversion
    50.8.2. Custom Web Endpoints
    Web Endpoint Request Predicates
    HTTP method
    Web Endpoint Response Status
    Web Endpoint Range Requests
    Web Endpoint Security
    50.8.3. Servlet endpoints
    50.8.4. Controller endpoints
    50.9. Health Information
    50.9.1. Auto-configured HealthIndicators
    50.9.2. Writing Custom HealthIndicators
    50.9.3. Reactive Health Indicators
    50.9.4. Auto-configured ReactiveHealthIndicators
    50.10. Application Information
    50.10.1. Auto-configured InfoContributors
    50.10.2. Custom Application Information
    50.10.3. Git Commit Information
    50.10.4. Build Information
    50.10.5. Writing Custom InfoContributors
    51. Monitoring and Management over HTTP
    51.1. Customizing the Management Endpoint Paths
    51.2. Customizing the Management Server Port
    51.3. Configuring Management-specific SSL
    51.4. Customizing the Management Server Address
    51.5. Disabling HTTP Endpoints
    52. Monitoring and Management over JMX
    52.1. Customizing MBean Names
    52.2. Disabling JMX Endpoints
    52.3. Using Jolokia for JMX over HTTP
    52.3.1. Customizing Jolokia
    52.3.2. Disabling Jolokia
    53. Loggers
    53.1. Configure a Logger
    54. Metrics
    54.1. Getting started
    54.2. Supported monitoring systems
    54.2.1. Atlas
    54.2.2. Datadog
    54.2.3. Ganglia
    54.2.4. Graphite
    54.2.5. Influx
    54.2.6. JMX
    54.2.7. New Relic
    54.2.8. Prometheus
    54.2.9. SignalFx
    54.2.10. Simple
    54.2.11. StatsD
    54.2.12. Wavefront
    54.3. Supported Metrics
    54.3.1. Spring MVC Metrics
    54.3.2. Spring WebFlux Metrics
    54.3.3. RestTemplate Metrics
    54.3.4. Cache Metrics
    54.3.5. DataSource Metrics
    54.3.6. RabbitMQ Metrics
    54.4. Registering custom metrics
    54.5. Customizing individual metrics
    54.5.1. Per-meter properties
    54.6. Metrics endpoint
    55. Auditing
    56. HTTP Tracing
    56.1. Custom HTTP tracing
    57. Process Monitoring
    57.1. Extending Configuration
    57.2. Programmatically
    58. Cloud Foundry Support
    58.1. Disabling Extended Cloud Foundry Actuator Support
    58.2. Cloud Foundry Self-signed Certificates
    58.3. Custom context path
    59. What to Read Next
    VI. Deploying Spring Boot Applications
    60. Deploying to the Cloud
    60.1. Cloud Foundry
    60.1.1. Binding to Services
    60.2. Heroku
    60.3. OpenShift
    60.4. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    60.4.1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    Using the Tomcat Platform
    Using the Java SE Platform
    60.4.2. Summary
    60.5. Boxfuse and Amazon Web Services
    60.6. Google Cloud
    61. Installing Spring Boot Applications
    61.1. Supported Operating Systems
    61.2. Unix/Linux Services
    61.2.1. Installation as an init.d Service (System V)
    Securing an init.d Service
    61.2.2. Installation as a systemd Service
    61.2.3. Customizing the Startup Script
    Customizing the Start Script when It Is Written
    Customizing a Script When It Runs
    61.3. Microsoft Windows Services
    62. What to Read Next

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tuhooo/p/9207209.html
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