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  • (C/C++学习)19.单目标遗传算法的C程序实现

    说明:在学习生活中,经常会遇到各种各样的最优问题,其中最常见的就是求某个多维(多个自变量)函数在各个自变量各取何值时的最大值或最小值;例如求函数 f(x) = (x-5)2+(y-6)2+(z-7)2 的最小值,当然,这个函数很简单,很容易看出来,该函数的最小值为0,分别在三个自变量取5,6,7时取得最小值。但日常学习中的函数都是很复杂的,就算通过大量的计算,也不一定能准确地算出目标值以及在何时取得该目标值,因此,本文介绍一种基于单目标的遗传算法来解决此类问题。





      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <genetic.h>
      3 using namespace std;
      5 int main()
      6 {
      7     Genetic M;
      8     int Iteration = 0;
      9     //种群及重要参数初始化
     10     M.initiallize(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     11     cout<<"
    				  The Genetic Algrithm System
     12     cout<<"
    					The Initial Pop:
     13     cout<<setw(20)<<"x"<<setw(20)<<"y"<<setw(20)<<"z"<<setw(20)<<"Fitness"<<endl<<endl;
     14     //获取种群适应度
     15     M.getfitnessofpop(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     16     //根据适应度排序
     17     M.sortpopbyfitness(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     18     //打印初始种群
     19     M.printpop(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     20     cout<<"
    					The Iteration Begins:
     21     cout<<setw(20)<<"Iteration"<<setw(20)<<"x"<<setw(20)<<"y"<<setw(20)<<"z"<<setw(20)<<"Fitness"<<endl<<endl;
     22     while(Iteration <= M.Iterationtimes)
     23     {
     24         //交叉
     25         M.crossover(M.Initialpop,M.Offspring,Populationsize);
     26         //求取种群适应度
     27         M.getfitnessofpop(M.Offspring,Populationsize);
     28         //根据适应度排序
     29         M.sortpopbyfitness(M.Offspring,Populationsize);
     30         //父子代结合
     31         M.combinationpop(M.Initialpop,M.Offspring,M.Combinationpop,Populationsize);
     32         //变异
     33         M.mutation(M.Combinationpop,Populationsize*2);
     34         //求取结合种群适应度
     35         M.getfitnessofpop(M.Combinationpop,Populationsize*2);
     36         //对结合种群排序
     37         M.sortpopbyfitness(M.Combinationpop,Populationsize*2);
     38         //选择较优个体
     39         M.selectbestpop(M.Combinationpop,M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     40         //结果微调,精确算子
     41         M.getAccurateResult(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     42         //打印迭代过程中出现的最优个体
     43         M.printbestindivil(M.Initialpop,Populationsize,Iteration);
     44         Iteration++;
     45     }
     46     cout<<"
    "<<"The Last Population : 
     47     cout<<setw(20)<<"Iteration"<<setw(20)<<"x"<<setw(20)<<"y"<<setw(20)<<"z"<<setw(20)<<"Fitness"<<endl<<endl;
     48     //打印最后一代的所有个体成员及其目标值
     49     M.printpop(M.Initialpop,Populationsize);
     50     cout<<"
     51     return 0;
     52 }
    View Code



      1 #ifndef GENETIC_H
      2 #define GENETIC_H
      3 #include <time.h>
      4 #include <stdlib.h>
      5 #include <iomanip>
      6 #include <iostream>
      7 #include <math.h>
      8 using namespace std;
      9 #define Populationsize 16
     10 #define pi 3.1415926
     11 #define Accurate 0.001
     12 //精度越高要求迭代次数越大
     14 class Genetic
     15 {
     16 public:
     17     Genetic();
     18     typedef struct Individual
     19     {
     20         double x;
     21         double y;
     22         double z;
     23         double fitness;
     24     }Individuals;
     25     Individuals Initialpop[Populationsize];
     26     Individuals Offspring[Populationsize];
     27     Individuals Combinationpop[Populationsize*2];
     28     Individuals Bestindividual;
     29     double crossoverability;
     30     double mutationproability;
     31     double downlimit;
     32     double uplimit;
     33     double downlimit1;
     34     double uplimit1;
     35     double downlimit2;
     36     double uplimit2;
     37     int Iterationtimes;
     39     void initiallize(Individuals *Initialpop,int Populationsiz);
     40     void printpop(Individuals *Initialpop,int Populationsiz);
     41     double getfitnessofindiv(double x,double y,double z);
     42     void getfitnessofpop(Individuals *Initialpop,int Populationsiz);
     43     void sortpopbyfitness(Individuals *Initialpop,int Populationsiz);
     44     void crossover(Individuals *Initialpop,Individuals *offspring,int Populationsiz);
     45     void combinationpop(Individuals *Initialpop,Individuals *offspring,Individuals* Combinationpop,int populationsize);
     46     void mutation(Individuals *Initialpop,int population);
     47     void selectbestpop(Individuals* Combinationpo,Individuals *Initialpop,int population);
     48     void printbestindivil(Individuals* Initialpop,int populationsize, int Iteration);
     49     void getAccurateResult(Individuals* Initialpop,int population);
     50 };
     52 #endif // GENETIC_H
    View Code

    c.第三部分为基因操作头文件相应的 cpp 文件

      1 #include "genetic.h"
      3 Genetic::Genetic()
      4 {
      6 }
      7 void Genetic::initiallize(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int Populationsiz)
      8 {
      9     cout<<"Welcome To The Genetic Algrithm System......
     10     cout<<"
    Pls Follow The Steps To Complete Your Compution.....
     11     cout<<"
    Step 1: Pls Make Sure The Function Have Been Modefied.....
     12     cout<<"
    Step 2: Pls Input The Downlimit Of First Variation :";
     13     cin>>downlimit;
     14     cout<<"
    Step 3: Pls Input The Uplimit Of First Variation :";
     15     cin>>uplimit;
     16     cout<<"
    Step 4: Pls Input The Downlimit Of Second Variation :";
     17     cin>>downlimit1;
     18     cout<<"
    Step 5: Pls Input The Uplimit Of Second Variation :";
     19     cin>>uplimit1;
     20     cout<<"
    Step 6: Pls Input The Downlimit Of Third Variation :";
     21     cin>>downlimit2;
     22     cout<<"
    Step 7: Pls Input The Uplimit Of Third Variation :";
     23     cin>>uplimit2;
     24     cout<<"
    Step 8: Pls Input The Max Iteration Times Of The Caculate:";
     25     cin>>Iterationtimes;
     26     srand(time(NULL));
     27     crossoverability = 0.8;
     28     mutationproability = 0.1;
     29     for(int i=0; i<Populationsiz; i++)
     30     {
     31         Initialpop[i].x = downlimit + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit-downlimit);
     32         Initialpop[i].y = downlimit1 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit1-downlimit1);
     33         Initialpop[i].z = downlimit2 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit2-downlimit2);
     34     }
     35 }
     37 void Genetic::printpop(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int Populationsiz)
     38 {
     39     for(int i =0;i<Populationsiz;i++)
     40     {
     41         cout<<setw(20)<<setprecision(5)<<Initialpop[i].x<<setw(20)<<setprecision(5)
     42            <<Initialpop[i].y<<setw(20)<<setprecision(5)<<Initialpop[i].z<<setw(20)
     43           <<fixed<<setprecision(7)<<Initialpop[i].fitness<<endl;
     44     }
     45 }
     47 double Genetic::getfitnessofindiv(double x, double y, double z)
     48 {
     49     double result;
     50     result = -(x+12)*(x+12)-(y+7)*(y+7)-(z+10)*(z+10);
     51     return result;
     52 }
     54 void Genetic::getfitnessofpop(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int Populationsiz)
     55 {
     56     for(int i = 0;i<Populationsiz;i++)
     57     {
     58         Initialpop[i].fitness = getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[i].x,Initialpop[i].y,Initialpop[i].z);
     59     }
     60 }
     62 void Genetic::sortpopbyfitness(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int Populationsiz)
     63 {
     64     for(int i = 0;i<Populationsiz;i++)
     65     {
     66         int idx = i;
     67         for(int j = i+1;j<Populationsiz;j++)
     68         {
     69             if(Initialpop[idx].fitness > Initialpop[j].fitness)
     70                 idx = j;
     71         }
     72         if(idx != i)
     73         {
     74             Individual temp = Initialpop[i];
     75             Initialpop[i] = Initialpop[idx];
     76             Initialpop[idx] = temp;
     77         }
     78     }
     79     Bestindividual = Initialpop[0];
     80 }
     82 void Genetic::crossover(Individuals *Initialpop,Individuals *offspring, int Populationsiz)
     83 {
     84     for(int i = 1;i<=Populationsiz;i++)
     85     {
     86         //保证适值为正
     87         Initialpop[Populationsiz-i].fitness += -Initialpop[0].fitness;
     88     }
     89     srand(time(NULL));
     90     Individuals parent[2];
     91     double temp = 0;
     92     double totalfitness = 0;
     93     double gradient[Populationsiz] = {0};
     94     for(int i = 0;i<Populationsiz;i++)
     95     {
     96         totalfitness += Initialpop[i].fitness;
     97     }
     98     for(int i = 0;i<Populationsiz;i++)
     99     {
    100         temp += Initialpop[i].fitness;
    101         gradient[i] = temp/totalfitness;
    102     }
    103     for(int i = 0;i<Populationsiz/2;i++)
    104     {
    105         for(int j = 0;j<2;j++)
    106         {
    107             double randgradient = rand()%1000/1000.0;
    108             for(int k = 0;k<Populationsiz;k++)
    109             {
    110                 if(k == 0)
    111                 {
    112                     if(randgradient < gradient[0])
    113                     {
    114                         parent[j] = Initialpop[k];
    115                     }
    116                 }
    117                 else
    118                 {
    119                     if(randgradient >= gradient[k-1] && randgradient < gradient[k])
    120                     {
    121                         parent[j] = Initialpop[k];
    122                     }
    123                 }
    124             }
    125         }
    126         double Probability = rand()%1000/1000.0;
    127         if(Probability < crossoverability)
    128         {
    129             double b = rand()%100/100.0;
    130             if(b <= 0.5)
    131             {
    132                 double a = pow(2*b,1/21.0);
    133                 offspring[2*i].x = ((1+a)*parent[0].x+(1-a)*parent[1].x)/2.0;
    134                 offspring[2*i+1].x = ((1-a)*parent[0].x+(1+a)*parent[1].x)/2.0;
    135                 offspring[2*i].y = ((1+a)*parent[0].y+(1-a)*parent[1].y)/2.0;
    136                 offspring[2*i+1].y = ((1-a)*parent[0].y+(1+a)*parent[1].y)/2.0;
    137                 offspring[2*i].z = ((1+a)*parent[0].y+(1-a)*parent[1].z)/2.0;
    138                 offspring[2*i+1].z = ((1-a)*parent[0].y+(1+a)*parent[1].z)/2.0;
    140                 if(offspring[2*i].x < downlimit || offspring[2*i].x > uplimit
    141                         || offspring[2*i+1].x < downlimit || offspring[2*i+1].x > uplimit
    142                         || offspring[2*i].y < downlimit1 || offspring[2*i].y > uplimit1
    143                         || offspring[2*i+1].y < downlimit1 || offspring[2*i+1].y > uplimit1
    144                         || offspring[2*i].z < downlimit2 || offspring[2*i].z > uplimit2
    145                         || offspring[2*i+1].z < downlimit2 || offspring[2*i+1].z > uplimit2)
    146                 {
    147                     i--;
    148                 }
    150             }
    151             else
    152             {
    153                 double a = pow(2*(1-b),-1/21.0);
    154                 offspring[2*i].x = ((1+a)*parent[0].x+(1-a)*parent[1].x)/2.0;
    155                 offspring[2*i+1].x = ((1-a)*parent[0].x+(1+a)*parent[1].x)/2.0;
    156                 offspring[2*i].y = ((1+a)*parent[0].y+(1-a)*parent[1].y)/2.0;
    157                 offspring[2*i+1].y = ((1-a)*parent[0].y+(1+a)*parent[1].y)/2.0;
    158                 offspring[2*i].z = ((1+a)*parent[0].y+(1-a)*parent[1].z)/2.0;
    159                 offspring[2*i+1].z = ((1-a)*parent[0].y+(1+a)*parent[1].z)/2.0;
    161                 if(offspring[2*i].x < downlimit || offspring[2*i].x > uplimit
    162                         || offspring[2*i+1].x < downlimit || offspring[2*i+1].x > uplimit
    163                         || offspring[2*i].y < downlimit1 || offspring[2*i].y > uplimit1
    164                         || offspring[2*i+1].y < downlimit1 || offspring[2*i+1].y > uplimit1
    165                         || offspring[2*i].z < downlimit2 || offspring[2*i].z > uplimit2
    166                         || offspring[2*i+1].z < downlimit2 || offspring[2*i+1].z > uplimit2)
    167                 {
    168                     i--;
    169                 }
    170             }
    171         }
    172         else
    173         {
    174             offspring[2*i].x = downlimit + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit-downlimit);
    175             offspring[2*i].y = downlimit1 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit1-downlimit1);
    176             offspring[2*i].z = downlimit2 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit2-downlimit2);
    178             offspring[2*i+1].x = downlimit + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit-downlimit);
    179             offspring[2*i+1].y = downlimit1 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit1-downlimit1);
    180             offspring[2*i+1].z = downlimit2 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit2-downlimit2);
    181         }
    182     }
    183 }
    185 void Genetic::combinationpop(Individuals *Initialpop,Individuals *offspring,Individuals *Combinationpop,int populationsize)
    186 {
    187     for(int i = 0;i<populationsize*2;i++)
    188     {
    189         if(i < populationsize)
    190             Combinationpop[i] = Initialpop[i];
    191         else
    192             Combinationpop[i] = offspring[i-populationsize];
    193     }
    194 }
    196 void Genetic::mutation(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int population)
    197 {
    198     srand(time(NULL));
    199     for(int i = 0;i<population;i++)
    200     {
    201         double a = rand()%100/100.0;
    202         if(a <= mutationproability)
    203         {
    204             Initialpop[i].x = downlimit + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit-downlimit);
    205             Initialpop[i].y = downlimit1 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit1-downlimit1);
    206             Initialpop[i].z = downlimit2 + (rand()%50)/50.0*(uplimit2-downlimit2);
    207         }
    208     }
    209 }
    211 void Genetic::selectbestpop(Individuals *Combinationpo,Individuals *Initialpop, int population)
    212 {
    213     for(int i = 0;i<population;i++)
    214         Initialpop[i] = Combinationpo[population+i];
    215 }
    217 void Genetic::printbestindivil(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int populationsize,int Iteration)
    218 {
    219     cout<<"
    220     cout<<setw(20)<<Iteration<<setw(20)<<Initialpop[populationsize-1].x<<setw(20)
    221        <<Initialpop[populationsize-1].y<<setw(20)<<Initialpop[populationsize-1].z
    222       <<setw(20)<<Initialpop[populationsize-1].fitness;
    223 }
    225 void Genetic::getAccurateResult(Genetic::Individuals *Initialpop, int population)
    226 {
    227     for(int j = 0;j<population;j++)
    228     {
    229         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x*(1+Accurate),Initialpop[j].y,Initialpop[j].z)
    230                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].x*(1+Accurate) <= uplimit &&
    231                 Initialpop[j].x*(1+Accurate) >= downlimit)
    232             Initialpop[j].x = Initialpop[j].x*(1+Accurate);
    233         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x*(1-Accurate),Initialpop[j].y,Initialpop[j].z)
    234                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].x*(1-Accurate) >= downlimit &&
    235                 Initialpop[j].x*(1-Accurate) <= uplimit)
    236             Initialpop[j].x = Initialpop[j].x*(1-Accurate);
    237         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x,Initialpop[j].y*(1+Accurate),Initialpop[j].z)
    238                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].y*(1+Accurate) <= uplimit1 &&
    239                 Initialpop[j].y*(1+Accurate) >= downlimit1)
    240             Initialpop[j].y = Initialpop[j].y*(1+Accurate);
    241         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x,Initialpop[j].y*(1-Accurate),Initialpop[j].z)
    242                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].y*(1-Accurate) >= downlimit1 &&
    243                 Initialpop[j].y*(1-Accurate) <= uplimit1)
    244             Initialpop[j].y = Initialpop[j].y*(1-Accurate);
    245         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x,Initialpop[j].y,Initialpop[j].z*(1+Accurate))
    246                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].z*(1+Accurate) <= uplimit2 &&
    247                 Initialpop[j].z*(1+Accurate) >= downlimit2)
    248             Initialpop[j].z = Initialpop[j].z*(1+Accurate);
    249         if(getfitnessofindiv(Initialpop[j].x,Initialpop[j].y,Initialpop[j].z*(1-Accurate))
    250                 > Initialpop[j].fitness && Initialpop[j].z*(1-Accurate) >= downlimit2 &&
    251                 Initialpop[j].z*(1-Accurate) <= uplimit2)
    252             Initialpop[j].z = Initialpop[j].z*(1-Accurate);
    254     }
    256 }
    View Code




    c.Accurate 参数用于当目标函数趋于稳定状态时的优化,即探测此时自变量该精度变化范围内的目标函数变化情况,从而获得更为优越的目标值。应注意的是,当要求精度越高时,该参数要求尽量小,同时迭代次数应该尽可能地高。




    ★   测试函数最大值为 零  

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tuihou/p/10200907.html
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