Lawrence - FYI
I give you my heart
Hold on, let me sign it
Your senorita aka your best friend
Hereby, let it be known
Love like never before
Im always at your service
You just have to holler at me
NYC, NYC, woah woah
Tokyo, Tokyo, woah woah
Send it off from the streets to the highest
To the highest, high
MP3, MP3, players
Work it out, work it out, hustler
Oh, my name got him there
Mmm, mmm, mmm
You know why
Im gonna be yours tonight
Were gonna ooohaaah
Were gonna be up all night
Ill see you later
Call me, you know my number
Like Captain Picard
Im chilling and flossing
Its 7 o clock
I issue the warning
Thats right, were stealing the show
Damn right, letting him know
Were sipping chardonnay from 2 PM on our working day
Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woah
Chinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woah
Take me down to the fields where the grass is
Where the glasses lie
MP3, MP3, players
Work it out, work it out, hustler
Oh, my name got him there
Mmm, mmm, mmm
You know why
Im gonna be yours tonight
Were gonna ooohaaah
Were gonna be up all night
Ill see you later
Call me, you know my number
See I don't need a freeloader
No, I don't want a freeloader
If you want a piece of this stuff
Got to give, got to give something
You know why
Im gonna be yours tonight
Were gonna ooohaaah
Were gonna be up all night
Ill see you later
Call me, you know my number
You know why
Im gonna be yours tonight
Were gonna ooohaaah
Were gonna be up all night
Ill see you later
Call me, you know my number
根据英国作家劳伦斯(Laurens Van Der Post)的真人真事小说《种子与播种者》(Seed and the Sower)改编的电影《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》(Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence),又译《俘虏》,讲述1942年在印度尼西亚爪哇岛日军战俘集中营对残暴的军国主义、不可一世的民族主义、懦弱的武士道精神都进行了反思和否定;对正义、自由和博爱的向往和讴歌的故事。
残酷的日军队长原上士在圣诞之夜,因同性恋之谊释放了英军战俘劳伦斯和杰克,并对其说了一声“劳伦斯,圣诞快乐。”(Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence)四年后的圣诞节,战争结束不久劳伦斯在狱中又见到了原上士,两人现在身份互换,不觉感慨万千。当劳伦斯离去之前,原上士再次向劳伦斯说了一声:“圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生!”
《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》这首曲子是坂本龙一为大岛渚的同名电影谱写的,是他电影配乐的处女作,也是他最经典的作品之一。电影原声中同时收录坂本龙一与前JAPAN乐团主唱David Sylvian合作的歌曲版,但被命名为《Forbidden Colours》,如诗般的歌词配以空灵婉转的旋律,不禁使人身心涤荡。
《Merry Christmas,Mr. Lawrence》大抵算得坂本龙一的传世绝唱(这也是一个人一辈子里不可回避的一首歌,如果你没有听过,那你的生命也死掉了四分之一),美丽琴音里流淌着生命永远无法选择的宿命的悲剧感,对人性纯粹的追求与矜持,对异样情欲的纠缠与否认,对真理信念的盲目与回避...所有这些有时沉重得无以承受,有时又是那般虚弱无力,孰对孰不对的选择更是令人应接不暇、心力交瘁。当面对死去的人们只留下或深或浅的记忆,所有生命的美丽化作一句"圣诞快乐",然后满天飞舞起洁白的雪花,飘落这世间每个干净与不干净的角落。