show variables like 'socket'G
mysql有两种连接方式,常用的一般是tcp mysql -h(ip) -uroot -pxxx #常用的 mysql -S /tmp/mysqld.sock MySQL 采用unix socket连接方式,比用tcp的方式更快,但只适用于mysql和应用同在一台PC上。如果不在同一台pc上,就没有办法连接了。
socket文件类似于管道,但它是在网络上面工作的。您到计算机就是靠它来做网络处理的。您可能听说过“Winsock”,那是 Windows 的套接口。我们在这里不深入谈有关套接口,因为如果您不写程序,您不会用到它,但如果您看到您系统里有个文件类型是s,您知道它是什么就行了。
比如说mysql 运行的时候通常会产生一个socket文件。
[root@yaoyao tmp]# ls -l /tmp/mysql.sock
srwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 08月 7 10:03 mysql.sock
linux、unix这种系统认为io、设备等等都是文件,socket也是io A Unix domain socket or IPC socket (inter-process communication socket) is a data communications endpoint for exchanging data between processes executing on the same host operating system. Like named pipes, Unix domain sockets support transmission of a reliable stream of bytes (SOCK_STREAM, compare to TCP). In addition, they support ordered and reliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_SEQPACKET, compare to SCTP), or unordered and unreliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_DGRAM, compare to UDP). The Unix domain socket facility is a standard component of POSIX operating systems. The API for Unix domain sockets is similar to that of an Internet socket, but rather than using an underlying network protocol, all communication occurs entirely within the operating system kernel. Unix domain sockets use the file system as their address name space. Processes reference Unix domain sockets as file system inodes, so two processes can communicate by opening the same socket. In addition to sending data, processes may send file descriptors across a Unix domain socket connection using the sendmsg() and recvmsg() system calls. This allows the sending processes to grant the receiving process access to a file descriptor for which the receiving process otherwise does not have access.[1] This can be used to implement a rudimentary form of capability-based security.[2] For example, this allows the Clam AntiVirus scanner to run as an unprivilegeddaemon on Linux and BSD, yet still read any file sent to the daemon's Unix domain socket. |
show variables like 'pid_file'G
因为MySQL插件式存储引擎的体系结构的关系,MySQL对于数据的存储是按照表的,所以每个表都会有与之对应的文件(对比SQL Server是按照每个数据库下的所有表或索引都存在mdf文件中)。不论采用何种存储引擎,MySQL都有一个以frm为后缀名的文件,这个文件记录了该表的表结构定义。二进制文件。
show variables like 'datadir';
cd /usr/local/var/mysql/test
cat v_a.frm
TYPE=VIEW query=select 'test'.'a'.'b'AS'b'from'test'.'a' md5=4eda70387716a4d6c96f3042dd68b742 updatable=1 algorithm=0 definer_user=root definer_host=localhost suid=2 with_check_option=0 timestamp=2010-08-04 07:23:36 create-version=1 source=select*from a client_cs_name=utf8 connection_cl_name=utf8_general_ci view_body_utf8=select'test'.'a'.'b'AS'b'from'test'.'a'
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