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  • Python学习---基础篇


    1 #!/usr/bin/python3
    3 f = open('F://myproject/test.txt', encoding='utf-8',mode='r')
    4 content = f.read()
    5 print(content)
    6 f.close()

    ###使用os模块的walk() 遍历文件目录:

     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     2 import os
     3 import os.path
     5 dir = "f:/project/"                         
     7 for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(dir):    
     8     for dirname in  dirnames:
     9         print("dirpath is:" + dirpath)
    10         print("dirname is:" + dirname)
    12     for filename in filenames:                        
    13         print ("dirpath is:" + dirpath)
    14         print ("filename is:" + filename)
    15         print ("the full name of the file is:" + os.path.join(dirpath,filename))

    遍历目录下的每一个文件夹(包含它自己), 产生3-元组 (dirpath, dirnames, filenames)【文件夹路径, 文件夹名字, 文件名】

    ### 冒泡排序

     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     2 # coding:utf-8
     4 def bubbleSort(nums):
     5     for i in range(len(nums)-1):
     6         for j in range(len(nums)-i-1):
     7             if nums[j] > nums[j+1]:
     8                 nums[j], nums[j+1] = nums[j+1], nums[j]
     9     return nums
    10 nums = [9,2,45,67,32,7,87,28,6]
    11 print(bubbleSort(nums))

     range() 函数可创建一个整数列表,range(1,10)表示从[123456789]

    ### 插入排序

     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     2 # coding:utf-8
     4 def insert_sort(lists):
     5     count = len(lists)
     6     for i in range(1, count):
     7         key = lists[i]
     8         j = i - 1
     9         while j >= 0:
    10             if lists[j] > key:
    11                 lists[j + 1] = lists[j]
    12                 lists[j] = key
    13             j -= 1
    14     return lists

    ### 选择排序

     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     2 # coding:utf-8
     4 def select_sort(lists):
     5     count = len(lists)
     6     for i in range(0, count):
     7         cnt = i
     8         for j in range(i + 1, count):
     9             if lists[cnt] > lists[j]:
    10                 cnt = j
    11         lists[cnt], lists[i] = lists[i], lists[cnt]
    12     return lists

    ### 输出乘法表

    1  print('
    '.join(['	'.join(['%d * %d = %d'%(y,x,x*y) for y in range(1,x+1)])for x in range(1,10)]))

     join() 方法用于将序列中的元素以指定的字符连接生成一个新的字符串。‘ ’.join(parameter) 表示用' '连接元素序列parameter中的各元素

    ### 删除列表重复元素

    1  list = [1,1,2,3,6,8,9,6,6,7,8]
    2  set(list)

    ### 反转字符串

    1 str = "string"
    2 str[::-1]

    ### 切割字符串

     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     2 # coding:utf-8
     4 str="1:a$2:b$3:c$4:d"
     5 str_list=str.split('$')
     6 res={}
     7 for l in str_list:
     8     key,value=l.split(':')
     9     res[key]=value
    10 print(res)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tyche116/p/8709209.html
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