// ==UserScript==
// @name Clear Luogu
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @description remove all social functions of luogu for better experience.
// @author Mingqi_H
// @homepage https://github.com/MingqiHuang/Clear-Luogu
// @match https://www.luogu.org/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function doIt() { // main
if(location.href.search('discuss') != -1) document.writeln('<h1>404 Not Found</h1>');
if(location.href.search('judgement') != -1) document.writeln('<h1>404 Not Found</h1>');
if(location.href.search('wiki') != -1) document.writeln('<h1>404 Not Found</h1>');
// if you are going to see any discussions, block it.
try { // for index page, remove benben, recent discussions, anouncements, contests and friend links, adjust tasklist
var indexContent = document.getElementsByClassName('lg-index-content am-center ')[0];
indexContent.getElementsByClassName('am-u-lg-3 am-u-md-4 lg-right')[1].className = "am-u-lg-12";
// adjust tasklist
for(var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) indexContent.getElementsByClassName('am-g')[5].remove();
// remove recent discussions and contests.
document.getElementById('lg-slider').parentNode.className = "";
document.getElementsByClassName('am-u-md-4 lg-punch am-text-center')[0].style = " 100% !important";
// remove advertisement, adjust punch result.
document.getElementsByClassName('am-u-lg-9 am-u-md-8 lg-index-benben lg-right')[0].remove();
// remove benben
indexContent.getElementsByClassName('lg-article am-hide-sm')[0].remove();
// remove friend links
} catch(e) {}
try { // for problem page, remove discussions
document.getElementsByName('problemright')[0].getElementsByClassName('am-panel am-panel-default lg-summary')[1].remove();
} catch(e) {}
// global settings, remove foot and contests, discussion icons.
try {
// remove footer.
for(var k = 0; k < 2; ++k) document.getElementsByClassName('lg-header-li lg-md-hide')[0].remove();
// remove advertisement on top bar.
// remove useless navigation icons.
document.getElementsByClassName('am-collapse am-topbar-collapse')[0].getElementsByClassName('am-nav am-nav-pills am-topbar-nav am-topbar-right lg-header-list')[0]
.getElementsByClassName('am-dropdown am-hide-sm-only')[0].getElementsByClassName('am-dropdown-content')[0].remove();
// remove profile dropdown menu.
var par = document.getElementsByClassName('am-collapse am-topbar-collapse')[0].getElementsByClassName('am-nav am-nav-pills am-topbar-nav am-topbar-right lg-header-list')[0]
for(var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) par[3].remove();
} catch(e) {}
// remove useless 'Applications'.
(function () {
'use strict';
stylus -> Link
适用于luogu , 效果如图 :